
This Paradise Is Fake

In a land, far away from what we can comprehend, far from common senses, beliefs, different cultures and rituals take places, events unfold side-by-side. Discovering and burying myth, knowledge and all there is to learn. Darkness roams and fortune fly in the air. Some people really got to do everything to survive, some are too good to even care. Come join me, let us read this journal of fantasy together until time itself ends.

Rezisuren · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Day 3: Bad Tuesday

-------------------------------------Dante POV---------------------------------------

What a fucking troubling night, i'm not sure what kind of ritual Laso is doing in the house but i need to buy him some time for him to complete it. Shit why is this happening to us, it's been 5 years. GOD FUCKING DANG IT, i just lost my fucking girlfriend in less than 5 minutes listening to Laso talking to the asshole on the phone... come on Dante, calm down and let's analyze a bit. First of all, there is a chance Vy didn't actually fuck that guy, who would fuck after being blind by a dude with a computer for a head? But moreover Vy bloodline has been loyal to my family for generation, what reason there is to just betray me like that. Could it be that she actually realize what i have done to the world? I do admit to slaughtering people without giving 2 flying fucks but didn't she already accepted that fact long ago? Everything keep getting more confusing the more i think about it. Secondly of all, even if the rumors about the new heros were true, why would they aim for me and Laso first? Both of us has already lost our power and assumed dead long ago by the heros who took us down. Are they just doing this to assert dominance? Or are they trying to send a warning the other gods can't ignore? Ugh, i didn't even drink my night coffee for this bullshit. I need a cig, oh wait i don't smoke. Huh? What the fuck is Laso saying, damn i didn't expect him to actually be serious about a god ritual, i thought he was making a portal ritual. Huh? My eyes spot something.

" Blood task: Spectation"

Alright now i can see through the eyeball vision... hm, 3 people huh? Interesting. Great timing, i need some dummies to let this anger out right now but i should probably slow them down a bit.

" Blood task: Blood Seal"

I just killed all 10 eyeballs but at least now their blood will become landmines, now i wait for the result... BAM! Hah! I knew one of those idiots would try and examine the blood that fell from the sky. Bunch of fools.

"Blood task: Eye of the night!"

Now let me see how dead you useless walking hero-wannabe are

"Blood task: Spectation"

Hmm, as i expected. One of them got their arm blow off right on the spot, ahh look at his teamate falling on the ground and start to cry. Useless kids, probably his first time actually seeing gore in real life, from what i seen i don't think they are gonna be much of a problem to me and Laso. But still is better for me to kill them on the spot.

"Blood art: Blood Seal"

Right at that spot my dear eyeballs, now unless they are some ninja with ultra speed then i'm not sure how they are gonna dodge literal blood rain that can explode on impact. The heros clearly underestimated us, can't believe they sent some children in training to kill 2 retired GODS. Oh this does make me have a good laugh, well time to check on them again.

"Blood art: Eye of the night"

Yikes, i didn't notice how much blood i'm using for those eyeballs, i should be careful.

"Blood art: Spectation"

Hmmm.. eh? Where are the-


-----------------------------------------3rd person view---------------------------------------------------

Dante quickly retreat his eyeballs to his arm, looking up he see 2 people stand in front of him. Their eyes fill with determination to rip the man in front of them limbs to limbs for killing their friend. But Dante is in no mood to play with them. Just as they about to make their next attack, Dante outspeed them, pulling out the knife that is inside his stomach like it was paper. The blood spill out revealing his organs, it greatly frighten his enemies but then he laughs it off revealing a murderous looks.

" Royal Blood Art: DAEMONIUM ORB!"

The 2 warriors look at each other while the maniac let out a demonic aura, suddenly one of them was behead right infront of the other. Confused and scared, he look at Dante, but instead of seeing the psychopath he was sent to kill he see a black orb with many eyes surround it, it slowly open its mouth and make a black orb. The warrior fast reflex barely save him from the beam the black orb shot at him. He then throw multiple knives at it in a desperate attempt of escape but it devour the knives with ease. Horrified, he look around for a roof to climb on but before he realized it, another beam was shot and it greatly injuried him. His blood keep falling out non-stop, his vision slowly blurs as he look at his own organs falling out telling him his death is certain unless something magical happen but this world is no fairy tale. He looks up in fear, he see Dante coming out of the orb and walk toward him. He think to himself he should be dead by now, why isn't he dead yet, it's so painful, please someone kill him, PLEASE! But his dying prayers was only answer by Dante voice.

"Oh you're not dying anytime soon buddy, i'm just making you suffer you useless shit... ahh would you look at, your organs are blood are coming out and they aren't stopping anytime soon. I know it's been a rough day for the both of us, you know i'm still pretty shock about my lover betrayal you know? It happened too fast, but i guess your situation is way worse. It's funny isn't it? I don't know what you been told but look at everything now, your 2 friends is dead and you are getting torture by the vampire Tyrant himself, what a shame isn't it? But let me tell you something.YOUR.FRIEND.IS.STILL.ALIVE. Ahaha! Yes! Of course they are alive, don't make such a shock face why would you be the only one that is getting torture by me? But i wanna make a deal with you, i will spare you and your friends miserable life and in exchange. You'll tell me everything. If you still wanna go home and eat dinner with your sweet mom who loves you more than herself then sign this contract with your blood."

Suddenly, a scroll appear implying the contract Dante just told him. The warrior struggle to reach out his hand but Dante help him and sign it, after he sign his name to it. Surprisingly, everything went back to normal. He was lying on the ground with his 2 friends on his side. They were tied up and Dante is just standing in front of them laughing his ass off, he then explain to them.

"Look here kids, i really don't know why the heros decided it was a good ideas to send untrained kids to kill some gods-"

Dante suddenly got cut off by one of the warrior


"Blood task: Blood bar"

A bar made out of blood cover up the warrior mouth muting him for Dante to continue his speech

"Adults??? Hah! By the look and action, either you are REALLY undevelope adult or just some fools that wanna play hero, i mean just look at you! Your face i meant. But anyways, who sent you? Better spit out everything before i change my mind and let you all suffer again."

The 3 warriors flinch, then one of them start crying and confess

"W-w-we are sent by Master Micheal! P-please don't hurt us. We were sent here to exterminate 2 weaken gods to declear war to the 5 evil gods of the world.. Please don't hurt me mister..."

As the person speak, their voice sounds like a girl, but worse. Dante is seeing some liquid slowly coming out of the person pants. Guess he really terrified the warrior.

"Hmm, Micheal? Tell us his location and all you know about him. By the way, do you see any maid that work with him? Specifically, a maid that work in a maid cafe."

The warrior in the middle shout at his two friends


Dante giggle then look at him dead in the eyes

"Yeah, about that."

His head suddenly explode, his brain and blood are all over the floor, normally if Dante spill something like this Laso would be furious but today is an exception since they are leaving for good anyways. While Dante was thinking and laughing so himself the 2 hostages were already crying and begging for mercy.

"Alright, your turn. The girl with no manners."

She quickly tell Dante all he want to know

"Master Micheal is one of the 7 great new heros that were chosen by the gods..! a-an-and... i.. i."

She stutter while trying to talk but eventually get herself together before Dante blow her head

"I don't know much about him, but all i know is that his ability related to mind-soul control. Earlier today he did led a maid into the meeting room and introduced her as his new wife, he said her name was Vy. But before me and my team went to attack you, i saw her crying while Master Micheal talk on the phone."

Dante ask another question in an annoyed tone

"Did they do anything?"

The girl answer with all honesty

"No, as far as i know. Do you know her?"

Dante let out a sign, then blowing the other warrior head out while keeping the girl alive. He then give her a 2 contracts and ask her.

"I'll let you go, but i need you to do a mission for me. Find me the maid, tell her to put her blood on the red contract. For the blue contract, i want you to sign it with your blood and go do your mission. If you disobey, your head will explode immediately. Understood?"

She then sign it and Dante let her go, Laso then run outside not aware that Dante has already take care of the enemies, he shout and cast a spell


Dante got caught off guard but it was too late


Dante got blind by Laso spell while Laso realize his mistake

"Oh shit my bad, oh.. i didn't saw the mess here. Well good job Dante, you impressed me. Maybe i'll let you worship me one day but i got what we need."

Dante confused but a little mad

"You fuckhead, you left me out here to deal with them all by myself, but what do you have anyways?"

Laso then let out a smirk then show his surprise

"My god power... well temporary but oh well."

Laso then look at Dante with a big smile and cast a spell that would help them to their next destination

" Judgement Task: Instant Travel! "