this existed back in the day
"Hey, aren't you supposed to be helping me or something right now?" I complained to Blood, and only then did I notice he was asleep.
I guess he decided to take a nap to recover mana faster so that he could use lightning against the boss. Well, I'm not too bothered by the boss though. Each fight seemed to be a little easier than the last one, and the reason is very obvious - I'm not meant to be scaling in power or levels as fast as I am.
What is, however, supposed to happen is an increase in difficulty, but I sorta cheated the system. With my agility, strength, and stamina being so high I can outlast the boss for a few hours without any trouble.
Sure, I told Blood that I'd struggle but that was a lie.. Anyways, his attacks are oddly simple. I guess the boss will become stronger when we do some more damage to him because his attack pattern is just way too simple for a floor 7 boss.
"Well, I'm planning to one-shot kill the dude with lightning, so that's not something for me to worry about." In fact, I'd say it makes my life easier. We won't actually kill the boss in a single hit, but we'll kill him so fast he can't even activate his strong stage in time.
"I feel like I'm cheating or something.. Ah, whatever, it's cool with me." I was enjoying the fight more than anything.
Basically, this boss is just a gigantic earth golem, and all of his attacks are just ground slams, though he does take swings at me with his feet every so often.
"*yawn* Hey." I was thinking about what to do once I get out of the maze, and my thoughts were interrupted by Blood, who ended up sleeping for half an hour, just as he promised.
This is a little weird, but I can tell the time quite precisely now as if my biological clock has just gotten an upgrade. If I were to take a guess, it was because I have a lot more points put into intelligence.
"Sup. You're up just in time. Exactly half an hour." I greeted Blood, who was still a little sleepy.
"Looks like you stayed alive just fine without me. Didn't even break a sweat, and here I thought I had to wake up before you ran out of stamina.." Yep, Blood is still a little moody, though it's understandable.
"Yeah, well. Do your thing now; cast all of the lightning bolts at the boss, and make sure you don't miss out on any. I've gotten quite bored of this fight already, so it'd be pretty nice to end everything in a few instances." As long as he doesn't miss too many lightning blots, [red lightning] should be able to take the boss out very quickly.
I hope there's gonna be a treasure chest after this fight because the last room didn't have one.
I lead the boss into the right side of the room, as close to the wall as possible, after which I dashed to the left side. At the same time, Blood cast [red lightning] and, in an instance, the boss behind us was obliterated.
"Holy crap dude, I think you went a bit overboard.. Just look at this mess." I pointed at the piles of rubble, some of which I had to dodge because the explosion of the boss flung them at us.
"Don't you think an explosion behind us looks badass? Like, you know, walking away from the destruction without looking back and all?" No, no. He's got a point.
"Fair enough. This was pretty cool. Anyways, look at all the Exp we gained!" I checked saw the message, and was, quite frankly, overwhelmed.
I was too distracted looking at those numbers and enjoying the feeling of a power-up, and I forgot my initial plan for this fight.
Last time, when we defeated the root boss, a part of the corpse turned into a sphere and flew into the next floor, becoming the core of this room's boss, and now it did the same again. I assume it will be the core of the next room's boss as well, and I wanted to destroy it before it even gets a chance to turn into a boss again.
Well, getting distracted is something we all do, so I'm not gonna blame myself for it.
What's more important right now is the absolutely ridiculous amount of experience this -relatively - easy boss gave us.
{experience gained + 100,000,000}
{experience gain multiplier due to level difference: X1}
(Experience X0.3 due to killing stage two.)
(Stages complete 2/3)
{total experience gained + 30,000,000
[Level Up!]
[Level Up!]
[Level Up!]
{total: [Level Up!] X3333}
This is just stupid. Haha. I grinned and opened up my status.
[Name: River]
[Level: 7590]
[Race: 48% human, 52% ?????]
Health: 75900/75900
Mana: 75900/75900
Energy: 35562/75900
[free skill points: 3333]
Potion master D- (can evolve)
Portal scroll S+ (can evolve)
Chilling touch S+ (can evolve)
[Titles (passive abilities)]
Devastating Attack S+ (can evolve)
Abnormal status resistance S+ (can evolve)
Anti-hero MAX
Passive regen B
Strength of the weak S+ (can evolve)
Analytic thinking S+ (can evolve)
"I can't even.. What?" I was stunned. This is just unfair if anything. I've become one extra step closer to being able to destroy the world in a single swing of a sword, though I think I'll have to change my target.
This is a very important matter for me, but I'll think about it when I actually beat the last boss and become the strongest.
[free skill points: 0]
My hands shook a little from the excitement, but I've gotten good at controlling myself, so all of the feelings were replaced with joy.
"Let's take a break and talk about some stuff." I was tired of fighting, and there was a whole lot of stuff I needed to discuss with my trusty goat head. Also, I have to form some plans for the future.
"You're damn right. We couldn't take a long break in a while, so now seems like the perfect opportunity. You never know how much of a danger the next boss could oppose. Better be safe than sorry." Huh?
How does Blood know a phrase we use on earth?
There's some stuff I wanna talk about, but I'll do that at the end of the volume, so stay tuned for that.
Also, I hope you enjoyed.