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Itachi Koa our female lead is a typical highschool teen who's main goal is to support her family in anyway she can . To everyone except her best friends and family she is deemed as cold and detached from the world . Truly she is cold and indifferent, She lives her life thoughtlessly with 1% emotions and feelings basically heartless most of the time, , she is also one of those they call rare beauty and blessed with talents . The highschool Itachi is admitted into is for the Rich and wealthy to which Itachi's most of the time finds blank and uneventful with the help of her best friends Kyosuke Kuzokame and Tamako Uzui who are both heirs to wealthy families Itachi is able to navigate her way through highschool. Masato Shaoya who is one of the school's heartthrob ,the students council's president and is the top student in the entire school found himself in second place when Itachi Is admitted . At first Masato disliked Itachi for making him second butinstantly falls in love with her when they finally meet in person, so he sets out on a journey to be closer to Itachi and probably take their relationship to the next level . Itachi being cold and aloof ignores all advances being made towards her as she believes love is a waste of precious time and is not for her , this a huge disadvantage to anyone who seeks to be romantically involved with Itachi . After much persistence Masato is able to befriend Itachi but finds it hard to confess his feelings to her . °°°°°°°°° Underneath this normal life Itachi Koa hides a secret , a different life which only her father and no one else is aware of. However when Masato begins to study her, he notices how strange she is on a different level.... His curiosity and doubts gets stronger the day she played the violin. He realized Itachi is more than the bleak image she paints . ```````` Read to know what happens between Our Unresponsive Itachi and Prince charming Masato . Of course they other couples so you don't always have to root for the MCs ... Random sneak peek °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Jobless Nightmares ' Will you scream for me?, would you let me savor the taste of your despair ?, would let me drown in the sea of your sorrows?, would you let me poison your blackened hearts? , would you let me bathe in the pool of your blood?, would you let me dance in the rain of your tears? , would you let me frolic in the garden of your nightmares?, would you fullfil my Lurid fantasies?, would you let me sing the lyrics if your curses ?, would you be my puppet?, would you let me taint the snow with your ashes? , would you tell me stories of the afterlife?, would you let me walk you down the aisle of torment?, would you let me tuck you in to Eternal slumber?, would you let me burn the bridges of your dreams? , would you let me whisper the futility of reality to you?, would you let me strip your mask of hypocrisy ?, would you let me show you the horror of the day and the bitterness of nighttime?, would you let me meditate in the ruins of your existence?, would you wander for eternity in the Labyrinth of confusion?, would you let me feed on your darkest secret? , would you follow the trail of false hope?, would you move to my beat of devastation?, would get lost in the abyss of darkness ? ' Itachi didn't stop a gust of wind blew inside the green house, it broke her hair tie and let her hair flutter , it looked like she might run with the wind to see where it goes. Itachi's music was sad telling the worth of those dreadful moments ..... it gave the listeners goosebumps Itachi's vantablack hair danced with the breeze as she stood firm , now people had gathered around the green house looking at this otherworldly being of ethereal beauty . Itachi played a stirring prelude, with no emotions to back it up ..... but then the music seemed to say since my heart is a still lake would lend me the your emotions.... so that I may feel alive

Yura_Sai · Sports, voyage et activités
Pas assez d’évaluations
10 Chs

Mother's Mother


Itachi woke up early as usual, she brushed her teeth , she did her chores , prepared breakfast, got Konane ready for school then took her bath and got ready for school

" Dad, we're leaving!!" Konane shouted from the front door


"Dad?!" Konane shouted again,

Itachi ruffles Konane's hair and picked him up with her cold hands ,

"Don't fret , he must be sleeping, let's not disturb him "

"okay " Konane nodded cutely and leaned closer in Itachi's embrace.

Itachi and Konane left the house to school.

" Bye bye Big sister!!" Konane waved from a distance before running off with his friends.


On the bullet train Itachi had her eyes closed ....then it snapped opened,

Itachi just realized she forgot Konane's lunch and workbook at home.

Itachi checked her watch , there was still little time for her to make it back and forth, she had to hurry

She boarded the train going back and rushed home , Itachi breathe in relief as she found the book and picked Konane's lunch, just as hand reached the door handle she furrowed her perfectly arched brows and turned scanning the place ,

The breakfast she made , was still covered and intact, the windows were still open, there wasn't any sign of someone coming downstairs.

It's been more than an hour her father should have left for work by now,

Itachi pursed her lips and listened carefully, she could hear her Father's breathing, it wasn't slow and even, it was forced and haggard,

Itachi dropped everything and went upstairs to his room,

Knock knock knock*


no one answered

Knock knock knock*

still the same

Itachi slowly opened the door , his room was dark and hot ,

Itachi walked inside and straight to open the curtains and window to let in some air ,

Itachi turned to her Father who was still sleeping all rolled up in his sweat soaked blanket like a cinnamon roll,

his face was red like a steamed lobster, his face was scrunched up with discomfort, his Mahogany brown hair was stuck to his face dew to him sweat profusely,

With a glance Itachi could tell he was having a fever ,

Itachi picked her phone and texted someone, sighing she proceeded to check his temperature,

He had a high fever .

She separated the blanket from his body

"Dad , Dad wake up " Itachi tapped his face , she needed him to change out of his wet pajamas .

Miyamura just murmured incoherent words and turned his face away

" Dad wake up " Itachi tried again and again but was ignored,

' Forgive me, Father '

Itachi gave Miyamura a hard flick on the forehead enough to jolt him to reality

Miyamura sat up and held his forehead in pain, he wanted to shout at the cause that disturb his sleep but swallowed it seeing his daughter's dimmed gaze

Cough * cough *

" Koa why are you still here , shouldn't you be in school" Miyamura asked in a hoarse voice, he could barely keep his eyes open .

Ding dong*

the door bell rang

"I took a day off,

Go take a quick shower and lay in Koha's room " Itachi commanded and left his room,

Miyamura sighed tiredly as he groggily dragged his body to the bathroom, clutching his throbbing forehead

–Down stairs –

Handed Konane's things to a man in a black suit and sunglasses, then she went to the kitchen to quickly whip up something easy to eat and digest and prepared a medicine with herbs for Miyamura, She puts everything on a tray and went upstairs,

Itachi watched as Miyamura slowly eat everything till the plate was empty,

"Here " She gave him a glass of water

which he finished in a gulp .

Now it's time for the difficult part

" Drink it "

" No "

"Drink it"

" I don't want to"

" Drink it"

" hmmpf!" Miyamura stubbornly folded his arms and avoided drinking the dark green liquid

"it will help your fever " Itachi said feeling frustrated at the grown man who acted like a baby , regardless of his burning fever he refused to budge.

" No " Miyamura tilted his head away , if he had the strength, he would have walked out, possibly jump out the window to escape taking this bitter medicine that makes him gag .

Itachi shook her head and did something she would never do on a normal day,

" Papa ?, please drink your medicine "

Itachi said in a meek voice with a genuine small adorable smile that could resolve war

Miyamura clutched his chest and looked shocked, his forest green eyes quivered.

' this is cheating!! '

"Papa, I want you to remain fit and healthy... so please drink it " Itachi coaxed with the same smile, her eyes formed upside down crescents

Miyamura heart was melting from this fatal blow , how could he ignore his one and only princess..... what kind of witchery is this ?!?, Papa?! , Papa?!

my fragile heart can't take more of this,

"Okay, okay I'll drink it" Miyamura took the cup from her hands looking dejected

" great " Itachi still had the same expression

Miyamura stared harshly at the dark green liquid, as if it betrayed his ancestors, true to his word he hastily drank it, his guts twisted as he swallowed the very much bitter medicine

"bleh !"

Miyamura squeezed his face

" it wasn't that bad , was it ?" Itachi took the cup and kept it on the tray

Miyamura rolled his eyes,lay down on the bed and covered himself with the blanket with a scoff .

Itachi turned on the air humidifier ,

She held the tray in her hands and left

" If you need anything just call me " .

Itachi changed out of her uniform and cleaned her father's room , then ran some errands Miyamura was supposed to do , when she was done went upstairs to check on him .

His temperature was normal, he wasn't sweating, his breathing was relaxed , his complexion was a little pale but still better than being flushed red , a little more rest and he would be completely okay... the medicine worked effectively

Itachi quietly left the room as to not disturb his sleep.

Itachi went to her room to rest and took a trip to dream Land the instant her face kissed her pillow.

Itachi yawned as she stretched her stiff limbs under the sheets, she sat up and as usual stared at nothing in particular for a minute.

She looked out the window, to see it was noon,

' I should go make lunch , I wonder if Dad is awake ' Itachi yawned as she left her room not bothering to cross check her appearance.

Itachi was about to knock on Koha's room door when she heard angered curses coming from the living room , she could also hear forced "sorry".

Itachi walked with a heavy heart to the living room,

" You insolent brat !"

"just look at the poor condition of this place ?!"

" What is it did that daughter of mine see in you ?!"

" Good for nothing, trash!"

"Mother , calm down"

" Don't you 'calm down' me , this peasant stole your sister from us !!! "

A woman in her fifties huffed angrily with her chest rising as she sat on the couch like she owned the house and a woman in her late twenties accompanied her , patting her back , like a devoted daughter, both Women were dressed to oppress , with their lavish clothing.

" Brother , please don't take Mom's word's to heart " The young woman batted her eye lashes at Miyamura who stood rigid with a bored glass expression that might crack any minute.

This was the scene Itachi met , her vantablack eyes held serenity but her thoughts regarding these strange intruders were deadly,

Itachi who was lost in her Lurid fantasies didn't know what transpired but Keis stood up and raised her hand to strike Miyamura's face ,

Keis was perplexed 'Eh what is this pain ?! ', ,she saw a slender smooth fair hand holding up her palm between her index and thumb fingers, the grip was menacingly strong , Keis was sure soon enough these fingers might bore a hole through her palm hence she struggled to release her palm but bo avail ,

Lilo was stunned to see a figure literally flash by a stoped her mother , she rushed over in panic when blood slowly trailed down her mother's arm , dropping down staining the floor.

Keis tried her best to pry open the fingers but it only seemed digg more into her skin , she silently endured the pain crawling up her arm , her eyes became teary,

"Koa , let go " Miyamura said without remorse for his daughter actions.

Itachi took her sweet time taking out her fingers that were now dyed red , relishing the pained look on Keis face , she seamlessly stood by her father's side .

Lilo ordered their driver outside to immediately bring a first aid box to threat her mother's hand ,

after her wound had been neatly taken care of, Lilo and Keis examined the beautiful teenage girl with messy unusual black her dressed in an oversized t-shirt and cargo shorts standing defensively by Miyamura,

Both Keis and Lilo found Itachi's vantablack eyes to be eerily tranquil that it frightened them.

'Who is she ? ' ,

They completely forgot about everything and gawked at Itachi like she was an alien ,it was when their eyes met her bloodied fingers that they remembered the issue at hand.

Keis cleared her throat and asked with venom laced in her voice

" Who is this?"

Lilo was eager to know,

'could she be perhaps his mistress??... no no no she's too young.... ' Lilo's thoughts went in different directions

Miyamura gritted his teeth

" Mrs bjg , miss jfv, this is Itachi Koa , Koa this is your grandmother and your aunt " Miyamura solemnly introduced them

Itachi didn't even spare them a nod of acknowledgement, now she looked at their faces she could see the uncanny resemblance to her mother

Lilo and Keis eyes widened, Itachi is their relative ?? , impossible!

how come they had never heard of or seen her , they knew Miyamura had two children, Konane and Kohana .

She didn't even resemble her parents, her father had Mahogany brown hair and piercing green eyes , her mother had hazel nut brown hair with warm golden brown eyes , so where did this black haired, black eyed girl come from.

Their reaction was expected, although Itachi looked like the female version of her father people usually just pay attention to her hair and eye color ignoring the rest of her facial features,

her elder brother looked like their mother's duplicate with their father's eyes and Konane was a balance of both genes so people often questions Itachi's roots .

While the two women were still in denial about Itachi's identity, Miyamura said to Itachi

" Koa please go upstairs, things might get a little rough.... I don't want you to get involved"

Itachi looked at her father who had a heart of summer and spring, he was the softest person she knew, he was like the morning dew on the green grass...

in their family he was the sunshine no matter what situation, he hardly held grudges against people....so for him to act this way Itachi was hesitant to leave him with this plastic duo and plus he was running a fever,his body hadn't recovered yet ,if he stressed himself it might get worst .

" Don't worry I got this....also don't listen to anything happening here ,okay?" Miyamura smiled warmly urging Itachi to leave as if hiding something from her ,

finally she gave in and left not without shooting her so called relatives a death glare as if saying 'act out of line and your hands won't be the only thing bleeding '

Miyamura heaved a frustrated sigh

'just great of persons to be at home, it had to be Koa '

He better wrap things up quickly, because who knows what that seemingly lifeless daughter of his might do .

Itachi locked her room ,washed her hands, she picked up her phone and dialed a number, within three rings the person picked up,

"Hello " A lazy voice that would give girls wild fantasies spoke


" Koa ??, what's wrong?" Kohana asked worriedly


"Yes ?" Kohana detected from her voice that something was wrong...

to others it might sound the same but not to him .

wait shouldn't she be in school?

As if Itachi could hear his thoughts she dully said

" Dad was sick, I took a day off from school"

" Oh ... so why did you call "

" Mother's mother came here with her other daughter... they're troubling Dad " Itachi said impassively unsure of what to do, it was clear those intruders had no peaceful intentions .

Kohana who was playing a game with his friends suddenly ditched them mid battle, causing them to be defeated.... but none of his friends dared to lash out as they could feel the dangerous air around him .