
Thief of bones

Updates every other Sunday at 12:00 a.m. (00:00 a.m.) Est time. Evangeline is a mystery to those that met her. With no knowledge of her past and uncertainty in her near future, she knows there is one thing she must do… protect the princess. Assigned to protect princess Anastasia of the Collasla Kingdom, the two set forth on a long journey when the princess is thrust into an arranged marriage with Prince Philip of the Ambrose Kingdom. The ultimate goal is to bring peace to the two, feuding families. However, Evangeline is suspicious about the princess’s soon to be husband. Follow the tale of Evangeline as she is on the hunt to regain her memories and protect the princess from the ominous prince.

Arirosiex · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
3 Chs

One: Studies and Spars

Grammar checked + Beta read. Enjoy!


"Anastasia, my lady, are you almost finished there?" Evangeline's voice bounced around the walls of the princess's spacious bedroom. Each wall seemed to be so far away from one another, some may even say her room was the size of a modest cottage.

"Almost, Eva!" a high-pitched voice responded from inside the powder room. In return, Evangeline can only let out an entertained sigh; Princess Anastasia was, most times, a brilliant person, but when it came to the simplest of tasks, well, she wasn't the brightest candle in a dark room.

Princess Anastasia had been in the powder room for seventeen minutes and thirty-two seconds, according to Evangeline's count. All to just put on her dress. Now, granted, putting on dresses as extravagant as Anastasia's was less than simple. However, seventeen minutes seemed a smidge excessive.

"Eva!" the princess nearly flew out of the powder room with a look of defeat smitten among her typically youthful face. Where there were typically no face lines to be seen, there were. They were hidden in the crevices of her cheeks and forehead. Anastasia turned around, and Evangeline looked at her back, which appeared to be too uncovered since the corset had yet to be tied. "Can you tighten this up for me, please?"

"Of course, Princess," Evangeline responded as a smile rose on her lips. There was a certain light that reached her moss-covered eyes, each iris glistening like a forest within an ecosystem so diverse that the entire community simply flourished.

Evangeline cautiously fiddled with the dress's corset. Her fingers danced with the strings when she stopped a mere moment later. The corset tightened with the dress fully on.

"And, finished," Evangeline announced as she tied the string's ends into a little bow. Without a second to spare, Anastasia turned around, letting out an excited squeal in the process, her baby blue eyes seemingly sparkling with renowned enthusiasm.]

"Thank you! Now, how about we go take a walk?"

"No, no, no, princess. You have your studies to attend to. You also have tea with your father at two rings of the clock tower," interrupted Evangeline.

The smile from Anastasia's faltered before she let out a defeated breath, crossing her arms in the process with her lips slightly pouted before turning her head to look as intimidating as possible. "I wish to not study and to especially not see my father. How about we go to town instead and get some delicious desserts, or perhaps, skip around to the royal garden and... "

Evangeline interrupted again, "Princess, it is my duty to ensure that you get to your destinations safely. While I understand your dread of going to studies and then tea, I must follow the orders I am given. With that said, shall we go?"

"You're no fun," Anastasia groaned as her eyes that once shone with excitement dulled with dread.

Evangeline let out a small chuckle, and she was quick to turn around, opening Anastasia's door in the process. She allowed Anastasia to pass through the entryway before closing the door behind herself.

The two go through the corridors of the castle. The sun shone through the large glass windows. Some of them were colored, casting the illusion of having a rainbow indoors, bringing even more life to the extravagant, accessorized castle.

Queen Leisel had a knack for decorating, making sure that each room gave off vibrance and energy; from magically enlightened chandeliers hanging from the ceiling to vines that neatly covered the walls. There was never a dull space in the castle.

Alas, the two arrived outside the grand library. Evangeline stepped forward as Anastasia waited for her to open the two heavy, creaky, ornate grand doors. The library, lined with so many bookcases that seemed to grow beyond the heavens, had a glass roof that allowed the bright morning sunlight to enter, casting a calming glow onto the entire study.

"Princess and Evangeline," a voice sounded out; the two turn their attention towards a figure that stridden forward. With long brown hair cast into a ponytail and big, honey brown eyes, Valantis Enternis was a man of wisdom and strength.

A retired warrior that participated in countless battles, he started his studies after his fighting days. A few years ago, Valantis became one of the most acknowledged scholars within the entire kingdom of Colosiccus.

"Valantis, please tell Evangeline that we can skip our studies for today and go out to the market," pleaded Anastasia. Valantis looked at Anastasia for the briefest of seconds before turning to Evangeline who brings her hand up to her face and pinches the bridge of her nose. Evangeline understood that studying was less than thrilling for Anastasia.

However, this was one of the few things that Anastasia had no say in. As it was dictated by King Ragnar, her father. Evangeline and Valantis would never consider disobeying King Ragnar's orders for something as delicate as a young girl's wishes.

King Ragnar allowed Evangeline in Colossicus when she was found half-dead months ago at the gates of his kingdom when he could have easily left her outside for dead. But he ordered the guards to bring her inside. He allowed her to work for his one and only child, to protect Anastasia with her life, and she felt a deep loyalty to him ever since, even though her nation of birth was a mystery to the both of them.

"Apologies, Princess. I do agree with Evangeline here. Your studies are incredibly precious, and we must ensure that you take full advantage of this for the time you have."

"Ugh, you both are so bloody boring!"

"No, your highness," Evangeline flipped a few strands of hair out of her eyes before placing her hands on her hips and giving a slight stare, "We are ensuring that you become an educated young woman per your father's command and the sake of the kingdom."

"What about you? Shouldn't you also be 'an educated young woman'?" pouted a frustrated Anastasia, using air quotes to mock Evangeline.

Evangeline let out a small smile while pulling the recently sharpened sword out of her scabbard that clung to her hip, shining brightly in the morning's sunlight that was passing through the library's glass ceiling. "You see, I am educating myself in another specialty."

"Why can't I do that? Isn't a princess knowing how to defend herself, perhaps a good idea?" Anastasia let out an exasperated sigh and threw her hands into the air in over-exaggeration.

"While I would agree," Evangeline put her sword away. Snapping her fingers in the direction of Anastasia, giving a wink at her, "that's what I am here for."

"Fine!" Anastasia groaned as she glared at both Evangeline and Valantis.

"I trust you'll take care of her?" Evangeline asked in the direction of Valantis, who nodded his head solemnly. "Of course. Farewell, Evangeline, enjoy your sparring."

Evangeline gave a small smile before waving goodbye. She proceeded to turn around towards the grand double door entrance to the library. Walking out, she headed over to the direction of the training gardens, to do what she does best, fighting.


"Is that all you got?" Evangeline laughed as she swung her sword downward, a loud clang echoing through the training ground atmosphere. The person she sparred with, Chandler Clarke, was well renowned for his excellence in footwork. While he was not the biggest fighter, nor necessarily the strongest, he made up for it with technique and tactics.

However, as he sparred with Evangeline, it was a tough battle between the duo. Evangeline's fighting style matched his; she was not the biggest, nor the strongest, but she was excellent with technique and tactics.

"Not at all, Evangeline," Chandler smirked before maneuvering his feet to the side, nearly flying behind Evangeline, forcing her off balance and tumbling into the dirt.

"You bastard!" she shouted, standing up. Once again, she prepared to strike.

The two swords continued to clash with the battle at a stalemate. Others soon gathered around the two, forming quite the crowd with many skilled warriors intrigued. One of the more unique spectators was the commander of the Collosicus troops, Chief Fletcher Godfrey, who observed intently.

Evangeline flashed a smile before casting her sword to the side and flipping the tip underneath Chandler's left hand, forcing his grip on the sword to slip. The sword fell helplessly to the ground, and Evangeline pointed her sword at Chandler's throat. He visibly gulped before putting his hands up in surrender.

Evangeline grinned proudly, the feeling of victory swelling in her stomach. It was only intensified as the gathered crowd gave loud applause, including Fletcher.

"Well played, Evangeline, well played. I didn't expect you to go for my hand," Chandler complimented, lowering his hands in surrender. He stepped forward with an outstretched hand after Evangeline withdrew her sword, putting it back in her scabbard.

She accepted her opponent's hand, giving it a hardy shake, but she noticed that Chandler grimaced in the process. She watched his eyes look down towards his hand, and both were quick to notice blood dripping from it. Pride and joy turned to guilt as she looked at the sword cut. It wasn't much, just a scratch, but it appeared to have broken the tissue a bit deeper than she predicted. It looked to be needing a few stitches.

"My bad, Chandler. I didn't expect the cut to go that deep."

"Pft, Evangeline, it's part of the battle. It's just a scratch; I'll go get it cleaned up in a bit and have it looked at later," replied Chandler, waving his non-injured hand dismissively.

Fletcher walked up to the two of them, wearing what might be considered a proud expression. Perhaps a rare smile was hidden amongst his lips.

He was a stout man, nearing six foot two with a muscular, tough build, acquired from years of practice and in countless battles. His arms and legs were often bare when not in battle armor, simply to showcase numerous proud battle scars as proof of his service.

"An excellently fought battle, both of you. Without a doubt, two intelligent fighters are bound within you both."

"Thank you, commander." Evangeline and Chandler both gave a slight bow in his direction then they both looked at each other, acknowledging the compliment with a slight nod before turning their attention back to Fletcher. He glanced from Evangeline to the wound on Chandler's hand, inspecting it thoroughly with his eyes.

"You're dismissed, Chandler. Go get that wound cleaned up. Evangeline, may I speak with you in private?"

"Yes, Chief," Evangeline replied, as a pang of nervousness ran down her spine suddenly. She felt goosebumps settle on her neck and lining her arms. It was never a positive thing when Fletcher wanted to speak with someone privately. Yet, Evangeline couldn't think of a single thing she did wrong... something that would stir Fletcher in the wrong direction.

The two strolled over to a more secluded part of the training fields. Fletcher sat down on a bench next to a small running waterfall. The waves gently fell into the pond, causing constant ripples throughout the murky water's surface.

Fletcher motioned for Evangeline to sit with him; she does so hastily. Her eyes found themselves looking into Fletcher's eyes. She was mentally tracing the long, jagged scar snaking across his forehead, past his left blind eye, to just below his upper left cheek.

The story behind it was that Fletcher was challenged in a one-on-one by the old commander of Collosicus' militia. When they dueled, it was said to be a vicious, grueling battle. It was a stalemate until the old commander raised his sword and slashed Fletcher's face from forehead to cheek.

It was gory and gruesome.

Blood was said to be everywhere. However, that didn't stop Fletcher as he eventually came out victorious, despite being nearly blind in one eye. So, he wore that scar proudly.

"Evangeline, I have a request."

"Yes, Chief? Name it."

Fletcher dismissively waved a hand in the air while taking in a long shaky breath. "You don't have to refer to me as Chief. We are on the same level of authority, don't you think?"

"Well, I am unsure of that, Chief," Evangeline let out a little, nervous laugh. Her eyes flickered from Fletcher to the ground and then back to Fletcher, consistently reminding herself to keep eye contact.

"Huh, guess I won't play that game. No chance I could win it, anyway. I would like you to have some one-on-one lessons with me during your free time." Evangeline's heartbeat instantly skipped a beat after hearing those words.

Fletcher, a man devoted to his job, was as skilled a fighter as they get! She felt honored to even be considered worthy of training with Fletcher.

"I am honored, Chief. I just fear I won't be able to find time with the princess, requiring my attention most of the day."

"Well, that is quite understandable, but I have an idea," Fletcher paused for a moment. Evangeline felt her sharpened ears perk up slightly as she tilted her head in confusion. "How about, when the princess sleeps at night, we spar? When the moon strikes amid the sky, let's say midnight, when the clock tower clings once. Only then we will meet."

Evangeline put her hand to her chin and thinks for a moment about whether this opportunity will ever arrive again. It seemed unlikely to gain the blessing to learn with a well-renowned warrior, a man of strength and smarts.

"Well, Chief, I consider that a relatively reasonable option. I accept." Evangeline stuck out her hand and Fletcher took it with a small smile on his face. What an extremely rare occurrence for smiling twice today.

He then took her hand, and there was a firm handshake, confirming their agreement.

However, moments after making their contact, a loud, shrill voice penetrated the air as Anastasia was seen skipping across the courtyard in the direction of Evangeline and Fletcher.

"Ah, there you two are! Do you know how long I have been searching for you, Eva?"

Behind Anastasia came a gasping Valantis as he huffed and puffed, bending over and placing his hands on his knees trying to take a breath.

"My lady! Please don't run off like that again. I am not as agile as I used to be!"

Anastasia put her hands on her hips, glancing from Evangeline to Valantis. She puffed her chest up and tritely retorted, "I'm sorry you're old."

Evangeline had to stifle a laugh, just barely containing it. Putting a hand over her mouth, she looked down slightly, trying to regain her composure. However, she felt Anastasia's eyes smitten with her, and a small smirk made its way onto Anastasia's face.

"As I was saying, before being so rudely interrupted, it is time we go to the market!" Anastasia glibly stated, expecting her command to be obeyed.

"But, Princess," Evangeline started, but Anastasia hushed her quickly, waggling her finger in the process.

"No buts, ifs, or ands! We go shopping!" clearly using the 'royal' we.

Evangeline crossed her arms and let out an exaggerated sigh whilst shaking her head. Her dark brown hair got slightly on her face, just to even more intensive her expression.

"Princess, I told you earlier that you are to be in attendance of your father during tea at two rings of the clock? We hardly have enough time to get there between after lunch and tidying up. And you know how King Ragnar despises people being tardy."

In response, Anastasia let out a loud groan whilst bringing her hand to her face and rubbing the bridge of her nose. She then threw her arms downward in agitation, showcasing her frustration.

"Fine, you win! But you need to promise me to go shopping sometime this week. We need to get you some new dresses, as you know the annual ball is soon!" A sparkle of nervousness floated down Evangeline's spine as she tried not to gag. Her mind completely slipped when it came to the ball; it was something that occurs every year to mark off the official start of the autumn harvest, said to be magical, like out of a fairytale. This one would be her very first to attend.

When she awakened those six months ago, after arriving at the Collosicus's gates, it turned out she had no memory of the events that concurred with how she arrived at the doorstep. She had no memories of her past life, period.

King Ragnar and Evangeline pondered what had happened, but, in reality, there was one thing about Evangeline that made his eyes twinkle with excitement; she was an incredible warrior. Never giving up and being smart with her moves, there was nothing she couldn't do. That's how she became the princess' bodyguard with time.

Yet, everyone still wondered how she ended up at the gates that one day. She still was stuck on how it happened. No matter how hard she attempted to regain her memories, it was a futile attempt.

In the end, there was only so much she could do.

Alas, Evangeline found herself emotionally frail regarding the upcoming state ball. With no idea of what to expect, she was unsure what would happen. She had heard rumors about something unusual occurring, but no further information slipped out. Not even Anastasia knew anything more about the planning.

As Evangeline listened to the conversation between Anastasia and Valantis, arguing about running off, or something along those lines, Evangeline could not help but ponder about the ball, about the training sessions, about… herself. All a mystery for her to untangle.

"Alright, Evangeline. I shall see you tonight at one ring of the clock tower."

"Yes, Chief." Evangeline smiled, and Fletcher took his leave, bidding his farewells to Anastasia and Valantis.

"Now," Evangeline started as she stood up and stretched her legs ever so slightly, "Let's go get you ready for tea."

Hello! I hope everyone is doing well. This story is a fun fantasy full of twists, turns, and terrors! I have enjoyed writing thus far, and I am excited to see where it takes me! Please feel free to comment, vote, review, and maybe even review if you're feeling kind!

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