Most nights I don't know what's wrong with me
Sometimes I don't feel like I know myself
I glue to so many things just to fill the whole
But by the end of it
I'm empty
I lay in the dark
My eyes watering
But i don't dare let a teardrop
Crying makes me weak
I don't want to be weak
I don't want to be found
don't ask what wrong
I don't know
I'll never know
My thoughts eat at me
I'm so fragile
I miss nights were I was a kid
Laying under my blanket
Pretending to sleep
Waiting for the footsteps in the hall to die
So I can come alive
But most nights I lay there
In the dark
Tears fill my eyes
And those child's footsteps
Died in those halls
I failed her
I failed
I don't know what's wrong with me