I want to love myself
Tell me I'm worthy of your time
But I can't trick my mind
I can't help but wish I was dead
Oh god
Someone help me
Anyone, please
I'm begging at this point
Make it stop
Oh god
I must be crazy
I am crazy
I want too
I really want too
I want to love myself
But I can't
I know who I am
I know
I wish I was dead
I wasn't supposed to live past 10
Why six more years
I'm tired
Let's take a break
One that will last forever
I can't do it
Are we gonna make it 7?
Stop trying
You aren't happy
You aren't healthy
There is an urge to cut up your wrist
The urge to slit your throat
You once were scared to put the knife to your throat
Now you do it for fun
You're broken
You can't be fix
Pills won't do it
Give up
Give up
Give up
For the love of god
We aren't really
I'm not ready
Oh god
Oh god
I'm not
Can't we take a break?