
Their Redemption

Yuriel Ezra died that night and it was their fault… they bullied him when they should have helped, they caused him pain when they should have noticed the lie, They were murderers and now they needed to atone for their sins.

sweetakane · LGBT+
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: The true.

The police investigation lasted for another week, the bullying the boy went through was discovered, and the group of friends in charge of it detained and questioned. But it wasn't the only thing it discovered, beside the bullying it was discovered that the boy was abused at home and that the injures received at home were the actual cause of death. The only thing the bullying did was give the boy a faster release.

So the the group of high schoolers were let go with a slap on the wrist and a warning to never do it again. The victims father was found and arrested, and a charge for the murder of his wife was added making sure the man spend the rest of his life in prison. But the home abuse of the boy wasn't the only thing Abel and his friends were made aware of.

"You lied!" Abel yelled slamming his fist against the wall, " we did everything to protect you!, to avenge you! And it was all a lie!!"

"I didn't think it would end like this!, I thought you guys were smart enough to stop before it went to far! All I wanted was for you to pay attention to me!!" Maya yelled back, sobbing hysterically.

Luna looked at her disappointed, tears rolling down her cheeks, "we thought what we were doing was the right thing, and it turns out we were the villains all alone",

"Don't talk like this is a novel, if you guys have stopped after the first time, none of this would have happened", Maya said looking at them like she was looking at monsters.

"If you hasn't lied in the first place Yuriel would have peacefully graduated and left that place that caused him pain", Abel spat back.

"Don't say his his name as if you were his friend! You have no right too!!"

Maya glared back.

"You have even less right to be defending him than us, his blood will forever be in our hands!" Luna glared back, before turning on her heels and leaving the place, Abel, Klaus and Lucien following after her.

And so what was once a tightly knit group of friends distanced from each other because of guilt. They couldn't stand seeing each other because it would bring back memories that they wished to forget.

And just like that Ten years passed…

Abel sat at his office going through the paperwork for his last mission report, He sighed rubbing his tired eyelids and mussing up his already messy hair, it has been ten years since that time and he still has nightmares about it. He barely slept and when he finally fell asleep he was plagued by nightmares in which the bloody emancipated body of the boy came back for revenge, asking him why, why didn't he stop? Why didn't he notice? Why did he let it happen? Why did he kill him?

Because no matter what the police said, he would forever carry the weight of that boy's death in his shoulders. He killed him, not his father, not the countless days without proper nourishment, not the lack of will to live, but him. With his cruel words and beatings, with his lack of awareness and stupidity, with his naivety and his pride.

It was his fault and it would always be.

The door to his office slammed open snapping him off his thoughts, and a beautiful woman entered with his nervous secretary behind her,

"I'm sorry sir!! But the lady wasn't willing to wait for your permission and didn't listen to me! I'm sorry!"

"It's okay Sara, you can go back", Abel answered heaving another sigh as he looked at the woman in front of him, " what do you want Maya?"

Maya responded by dropping a folder at his table, " you know what I want, two years ago rumors started going around our old school saying that the old building were we used to study was haunted, at the start it was only that until a group of curious friends entered the building at night to investigate and never came back," Maya looked at him directly in the eyes, " This group of friends looked and acted very similar to how we used to be back then,"

"So what are you implying? That they were killed by him because they were similar to us?" Abel scoffed at her.

Maya opened the folder to a certain page, "this is the last picture they posted before their disappearance", in the picture they could the entrance to their old classroom, the worn faded letters read A-3 , the picture was taken diagonallyas if the person was hiding at the right side of the door so that they could see the majority of the room including were He used to sit, there beside his chair, and staring out the was a boy, his shoulder length hair was black, the skin they could see was pale and he was wearing their old school uniform. Abel knew at a glance that it was Him, he could never forget that lonely slim back.

"And what do you want to do? Even if it was really his soul, don't you think we have done enough? We have made him suffer enough, especially you", Abel said coldly.

Maya glared at him resentfully, "we should help him, he is alone and trapped in the place were he died, we should help him move on, it's the least we can do!"

Abel looked at her coldly, his scrutinizing glare full of disdain, " that or you just want to go and pester his soul for forgiveness, after all if hasn't used him as a scapegoat he would have never ended like that",

"If you hasn't been so indifferent and spiteful, I wouldn't have needed a scapegoat either," She spat back, " but that's on the past, I have come to terms with my misdeeds and am still repenting. And yes I want to seek forgiveness by helping him pass on but I don't want to see him stay in that place forever and be tortured by his past, nor do I want to see him become a malicious ghost and be corrupted either", Maya took a deep breath and looked at him with eyes filled with determination, "I'm going to go with or without you, the others have already agreed. It's your choice"
