
The Zai Sisters

Three teenage orphan girls discover that they are not only half sisters but are descents of a fallen demon. As such, they each learn that they have all inherited demonic abilities from their late father and are soon hunted by the dean who wants to use them a human sacrifices to become an immortal sorcerer .

Boss_Kelly · Fantaisie
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24 Chs


Taking in the revelation, the three girls could

not help but turn to each other.

"We're daughters of a demon?" June asked.

"I believe I just said that," Hughley said.

"I grew up as an only child." April G said.

"My mom said that my father died when I was a baby."

"My mom said the same thing," Madison added.

"A common lie each of your mothers said to

stop you from looking into his identity. As well as his intentions." Hughley



"Your father is no ordinary demon. He is

known as Deus demon."

"Deus demon?" said April G.

"Deus demons are a rare species of demons who

have magic strong enough to challenge a god. Because of this, they can empower

other creatures with abilities beyond human comprehension."

"Are you saying that our dad gave our moms

power?" June asked.

"Indeed. But it came at a price."

"What price?"

"Us," Madison answered.

"Correct," Hughley said. "Long ago, Zai was

betrayed by a group of his followers. They used the same type of magic he

granted him to banish him from the human world."

"Then how did he and our moms…. make us?"

"The spell kept Zai away from this world

except on days of a rare lunar event known as the crimson moon. During this

time, he can access the human world but only at a fraction of his power. He

used this small window to take human form to seduce a woman in need of power."

"What type of magic?" Madison asked.

"Blood magic."

"Blood what?" June asked.

"It's an ancient form of magic that can

corrupt a person's free will. Along with other qualities such as the ones each

of you uniquid have."

"Corrupt free will," Madison said. "Did he

use that on our moms?"

"No, my dear. The curse that banished Zai

forbid him from recruiting follows by force. Even while he was able to walk

amongst humans. So, by convincing your mothers to be bred, your father shared

his power with them."

"Then why are they dead?" June asked.

"He felt having your human mothers captive to raise you would cap your true potential. So, before he was forced back to exile, Zai cast a spell to have your mothers suffer horrible deaths around your eighth birthdays.

Think hearts fluttering with sadness, Hughley

waved his tail and released the girls from their restraints.

Each of the girls fell to the ground as they

processed the devastating news.

"That damn bastard." April G sobbed as she

gripped her kneecaps.

"I'm so sorry to be the one to tell you this

my dears," Hughley said.

"You're lying," June said in disbelief.

"I wish I was but..."

"My mom died in a car accident. She…."

Madison grabbed June's shoulder.

"I don't want to believe it either," Madison


Before now, I thought my mom died from an


Madison looked to April G and placed her

other hands on her shoulder.

"Lung cancer." April G said.

"I'm so sorry."

Madison comforted her sisters while Hughley

dropped to the floor.

Madison said. "Before now, I thought my mom

died from an overdose."

Madison looked to April G placed her other

hand on her shoulder.

"Lung cancer." April G said.

"I'm so sorry."

Madison comforted her sisters while Hughley

dropped to the floor.

"This is a lot to take in but I'm afraid we


Hughley's words were cut off as the girls

heard a knock at the door.

"Quick, get up," Madison said as the three

girls pot themselves together.

Madison dusted off her uniform before opening

the door.

"Nurse Lou," Madison said.

"Think goodness you girls are okay." Said the

nurse." The dean told me you three were in the auditorium when those bats

popped out of nowhere. I checked both Ms. Jones and Ms. Violet's dorm bot could

not find you.

"We came here since my dorm was close,"

Madison said.

"Yeah. What she said." June added.

"Ditto." April G agreed.

"Well, it's about time you all returned to

the gym. All that faculty and students are there for a roll call." Nurse Lou


"We would love to, but…." Madison said.

"No buts. You three are coming with…"

As the nurse continued her sentences, Hughley

pounced at her and scratched her face.

"Dude, what are you doing?" June said.

In the ensuing carnages, Nurse Lou sprouted

sharp talons and threw Hughley in the room.

"Hughley," Madison said before catching him.

"Wait. Did she just pop out claws?" April G


Nurse Lou transferred into a grey-skinned

monster with snakes as hair and her lower half was that of a snack.

"She's a gorgon," Hughley said. "Run."

The savage nurse lunged at the girls as

Madison trusted her palm toward her.

As her wrist glow orange, Madison repelled

Nurse Lou to the wall.

"I can't hold this forever Go."

Madison and the others ran away as Nurse Lou

struggled to escape.

"I could sense that she wasn't human

anymore," Hughley said as Madison carried him.

"How exactly did you know that?" June asked.

"I can smell blood magic. That's how I found

each of you."

"How long do you think the nurse will be

stuck back there?" April G asked.

While the girls ran away Nurse Lou barreled

into the ground and reappeared Infront of them, cutting off their exit.

"Goes that answered your question." Said


Nurse Lou arched her back and projected green

beans of energy from her eyes.

"Don't let them hit you," Hughley said.

June leaped in and conjured a stone wall to

absorb the hit from the energy beams.

"Gorgons can turn anything they look at into

stone. Especially living creatures."

"Good to know." April G said. By the way,

since when can you do that, June?"

"Since now I guess."

Nurse Lou plunged toward the store wall and

punched through it, shattering June's defense.

"So much for that."

Nurse Lou released several more beams as

April G waved her arms to freeze time around here and her sisters.

"We should go." April G said.

The girls took a lift around the hallway as

April G's nose began to bleed.

"April G. Are you okay?" Madison asked.

"Not really." She answered as she covered her


"Your powers are still new and cause a lot of

strain," Hughley said.

"I can't…"

April G fell to the ground just as she passed

her sisters and broke her control over time as a result.

"April G." Jerome said as he stumbled across

her from the other side of the hallway.

"Jerome?" What are you doing here? April G

asked as she stood up while covering her nose.

"I was on my way to the nurses since my

stomach wasn't feeling so good," Jerome said.

"You shouldn't be here. You got to leave.


"Look. I got to tell you something fine."

"Please not now. April G said.

"I know Roxy keeps harassing you because of

me. So, I want to make this right."

Jerome reaches for something in his pocket

just as Nurse Lou rises out of the ground and surrounds him and April G.

"What the hell is that?" Jerome asked.

Nurse Lou releases her eye beams at the two


"April G, lookout," Jerome said as he guarded

her against the Nurse's gaze.

The energy beams hit Jerome, slowly turning

him into stone until he was petrified completely.

"No." April G yelled.

Nurse Lou reeled back her tail and stemmed it

against Jerome's body, sheltering it into pieces.

Riddled with fear and sadness, April G collapsed

on the floor, unable to run away from the horrifying monster.

"Stay away from her," Madison said as she

used the debris from the ground to telepathically pummel Nurse Lou.

As she distracted the sentient like faculty,

June helped April G to her feet.

"She killed Jerome." April G said.

"I'm sorry, my dear," Hughley said. "But we

can't stay here, or we'll be next."

Madison threw as much debris as she could,

but Nurse Lou knocked her away with her tail.

"Madison." April G shouted.

The nurse fired more energy beams at Madison

but April G teleported to her side before escaping the gorgon's attack.

Madison and April G appeared behind Nurse Lou

as Hughley and June watched from the other side.

"We got to stop her but how?" April G asked.

"We'll have to affect her with her gaze,"

Hughley said.

"I know where to get a mirror big enough, but

I'll need some time."

June cracked a smile as she prepared to

respond to April G's statement.

"Yes. I know it sounds like a pun. Now focus."

Nurse Lou reeled back her arm to strike

Madison April G.

But June released a beam of ice, slowly

freezing the monster.

"We'll keep her busy. Now go." June said.

April G teleported away as June continued to

freeze the nurse.

But Nurse Lou broke free from June's attack

and swatted her away.

"Ouch," June said as she was slammed against

the wall.

"Madison," Hughley said.

"I'm on it."

Madison extended her arms and used her

telekinesis to cause the ceiling to cave in on Nurse Lou.

Madison and Hughley ran to June's side as the

nurse was buried.

"June. Are you okay?" Madison asked.

"Do I have to answer that?"

Nurse Lou emerged from the debris and

prepared another energy beam to petrify the girls.

"I'm a little out of it," June said. You got

any energy left, Chan?"

"I'm a little exhausted myself," June said.

Just as the nurse channeled more energy,

April G appeared Infront of her sisters with an eight-foot mirror.

"Get behind me." April G said.

The three girls held the mirror as Nurse Lou

fired her energy beam.

The blast the mirror and was reflected at the

monster, turning her into stone and shattering the mirror.

The impact knocked the three girls to the

ground as an eight-foot statue of Nurse Lou was left in the middle of the


"Girls. Girls are you alright?" Hughley said

as he nudged each of them one by one.

"Did we win? June asked.

April G stood up and walked to Jerome's

shattered body.

She reached for his severed stone hand and

found her mother's pearl necklace.

"No, June." She said with tears in her eyes.

"We didn't win we didn't win at all."

The two girls confected April G as she

mourned the demise of Jerome.

"I'm sorry, April G." Madison said. "I can't

imagine how you might feel."

"He gave his life to protect me." Said April

G. "He didn't even have any powers."

"Jerome didn't deserve this," June said.

"Indeed. But I'm afraid we must leave."

Hughley said. Now that there is folklore coming after you under human

disguises, this orphanage is no longer safe."

April G kneeled to the remains of Jerome,

unhinged by Hughley's words.

"Come on. We have to leave." June said as she

pulled her away.

"I should have enough magic for all four of

us to escape. Hold on." Hughley said as he teleported them away.

Hughley and the girls appeared in a janitor's


"This is supposed to be a safe place?" June


"No. I'm afraid something is restricting my

magic so that I can't escape this orphanage.

"So that means that we are stuck here too? "Madison asked.

"I'm afraid so, Madison. "