




Jon Arryn had died of mysterious causes and his wife Lady Arryn had left the Capital in secret. The King leaves for Winterfell to ask his friend Eddard Stark to become his new Hand. Jon goes with the King at the King's request. It would take four weeks to reach the Winterfell. Three weeks after leaving the Capital the messenger arrives in King's Landing. It is during this time that Viserys betrays Aegon and travels to Pentos.

Upon arriving at Winterfell Jon Connington ingratiates himself to Jon Snow, "Tell me Lord Snow… what do you know of your mother…"

"Nothing much… Lord Stark never speaks of her…"

"And what are your plans for the future?"

He hunches his shoulders, "I want to join the Night's Watch…"

"The King is going hunting tomorrow… Would you consider coming as my guest…"

"I… Couldn't my presence may offend the King…"

"Non-sense… Come so that we may talk more…" Later there is a knock on Jon's door. "Lord Stark come in…"

"Am I disturbing you…"

"No my lord…"

"You invited my son Jon on the Hunt…"

"Yes an interesting young man… I think his life would be wasted in the Night's Watch… I would like to make him my Squire…"

"A Knight must be of proper birth…"

"A formality… The King and I are friends… I am sure he will allow it…"

"I know what is best for my son…"

"I am sure you do, but wouldn't his mother if she were here… want a life better than one at the wall…"

Eddard Stark takes a step closer to Jon until they are standing face to face, "You speak out of turn… You know nothing of what his mother would want…"

Jon steps back and bows, "I am sorry my lord I speak out of turn…" The next day Jon goes on the hunt with the King without Jon Snow. But the hunt is called off when word of tragedy is received. Bran Stark had fallen from the tower. Jon Connington finds his fall suspicious especially after talking to Maester Luwin and the servants. He is also shocked by Eddard Stark's decision to leave with the King and not stay with his sick son. ("If it were my son I would stay until he got better…") Jon says thinking to himself.

A week after leaving Winterfell the messenger Aegon sent catches up to Jon Connington. They meet in private in his tent. "What about the boy?" He asks after reading the coded message.

"That is being taken care of…"

"I don't need details, but if you are involved in that you had better hurry… He is on his way to the Night's Watch…"

"He will never make it there…"

The next day they break camp Jon's excitement building as the Prince's plan is about to come to fruition. When Jon hears that Daenarys is to marry Khal Drogo of the Dothraki he wishes to leave, but Maven tells him to stick to the plan. Then there is the incident on the King's Road at the inn. Apparently Prince Joffrey attacked Lady Arya and her friend. The Prince claims that Arya, the butcher's boy, and Arya's wolf Nymeria attacked first. Personally Jon believes Arya Stark and wishes he could help, but his loyalties are to House Targaryen and Prince Aegon.


Robert hated ruling, he was considering retiring and allowing his son Prince Joffrey to take the throne. But the boy wasn't ready, his fault for allowing Joffrey to hang on his mother's skirts. He did feel a little guilty about taking Ned away from his sick son, but what could be done with or without Ned being there. His guilt was outweighed by his relief of having someone he could completely trust as Hand of the King again.

The day of the tourney finally came and Robert is excited to see the Knight's Parade before him on the Tourney Grounds. The food, the hunts, the bards, and minstrels of music, Robert wished he could joust, but his girth would not allow it. The joust ends with a fight that starts with Sir Loras and the Mountain that Rides. The Hound Sandor Clegane brother of Gregor Clegane interferes but one word from the King ends it.

Later the Robert is in one of his moods and decides to pay a visit to one of Petyr Baelish's whore houses. The City Watch clears the streets and then the King's Guard arrives in disguise with the King. Lord Commander Barristan Selmy insists that the King wears a disguise. An array of women stand before the King. Two in particular flirt with him by winking and making kissing motions with their mouths."Show her to the chamber… and then that one… and finally her…"

"As you wish your grace…" Petyr Baelish says. He is always there when the King pays a visit. He claps his hands, "I assure you my King the sheets are clean…"

"Keep the wine coming…" He closes the door. "And what is your name little girl…"

"Lyanna my King…"

Robert frowns, "Is that your real name?" He asks raising his voice.

She drops to her knees, "It is my King I swear… Please don't send me away… It is every woman's dream to make love to a King such as yourself…"

He looks down on her, "While you on your knees suck my cock…"

"As my King commands…"

She squeezes his cock in between her tits first. Then she rubs until he explodes all over her breasts. "Shit wear in the world did you learn to do that?"

"I am of the summer Isles my King… The women of the Isles are the masters of pleasure…"

Robert's eyes roll in his head as she starts sucking on him. She gently bites him to induce pleasurable pain. Then they go to the bed and she climbs on top. "Have I pleased my King?"

"You sure have…"

"May I give my King a surprise before we continue…"

"You have a surprise for me?"

She slips her left hand beneath the pillow, "Oh yes My King…" She leans in to his ear, "Long live House Targaryen…" She slits his throat cutting deep to the bone. Blood gushes everywhere, then the assassin rolls away before he can grab her by the neck. She watches as his eyes go blank and he dies. She takes some blood and writes a message in blood on the wall above the bed. A part of the wall opens up and she enters the room on the other side.

"My King!" Sir Barristan yells knocking on the door. "Is everything alright?" He places his ear to the door and hears nothing. "Sir Meryn go and fetch Baelish…" Baelish appears with keys and opens the door. "By the gods…" Selmy says.

"Search the house for that bitch…" Sir Meryn yells.

"Long live King Viserys Targaryen… Death to the all enemies of House Targaryen…" Petyr reads.


Eddard Stark or Ned as he is sometimes called by friends and family is in the Tower of the Hand. He was trying to be a good Hand to the King, but Eddard is distracted by the news of Jon's kidnapping. Who would take Jon and why? He sighs after reading a report from private merchants of Essos whose ships are attacked by Iron Born Reavers. He considers ordering Stannis to set up a royal escort for the small merchant ships. But first he will send a Raven to Balon Greyjoy.

"I must announce you first!" Jorey Cassel screams.

Eddard Stark stands up when Sir Jaime Lannister bursts in, "My lord Hand…" Jorey Cassel is rubbing his jaw.

"You assault my man Sir Jaime?"

"I am sorry I could not stand on protocol… Lord Selmy sent me for you…" He looks at Jorey, "You are needed right away…"

"No!" Eddard Stark screams standing in the doorway. He slowly walks up to the bloody bed holding the lifeless body of his friend Robert Baratheon.

"He was in here so long…" Sir Barristan says speaking up.

Eddard looks at the window and walks toward it, "The window is undisturbed…"

"I know… from the foot prints of blood I think it was the whore… She called herself Lyanna…"

"Where is Baelish?"

"Under guard in his office…"

When Ned enters he stands up, "Lord Stark… I swear on all the gods I had nothing to do with this…"

"How long has… Lyanna been in your employ…"

"About one week… Just before the King returned from the North…"

Eddard looks at Janos Slynt, "Tare the city apart… Find this woman… I want her alive along with her allies if she has them…"

Just then Meryn Trant comes up, "My Lord you better come see this…"

Eddard Stark follows him along with Selmy and Slynt, "We found a secret door in between the rooms…"

"I will question Baelish myself… An honor guard for the King's body…"

"What of the Queen she must be informed…"

"She will be… But first call the small council together…" Eddard questions Baelish first and finds him innocent. Then Varys, Renly, Slent, Maester Pycel, and Barristan gather together. "Lord Varys as Master of Whispers you must have heard something about Targaryen activities?"

"Only that Prince Aegon was betrayed by his own brother… Viserys Targaryen and his sister Daenarys Targaryen have fled to Pentos. They are under the protection of Magister Mopatis… He has arranged a marriage contract between Khal Drogo and Viserys Targaryen… In exchange for his sister Khal Drogo will give him his army…"

"I know about the wedding… Robert told me… He also says he sent assassins after the Targaryens…"

"He did… They have not made their move yet…"

"Call it off…"

"My Lord Hand…"

"The Dothraki will never cross the Narrow sea… Viserys Targaryen is a fool to think otherwise…"

"Shouldn't we avenge the King's death?" Janos Slynt asks.

"We will when you and Lord Selmy find the assassin or assassins…"

Varys clears his throat, "I feel I must say my Lord Hand… Lord Connington has left the Capital… He left by ship two days ago…"

"Son of… He is a spy for the Targaryens…"

"I believe so my lord…"

The door is forced open and in walks Queen Cersei, with Sir Jaime, and Prince Joffrey. Everyone stands, "Why wasn't I or my son Prince Joffrey summoned…"

"King Joffrey… I am the King now…" Joffrey says interrupting.

"Prince!" Eddard says before anyone else can speak, "You have not been crowned yet…"

"How dare you I…"

"My love…" She grabs his shoulder, "Lord Stark is right… The Coronation is a formality but you will still be King… I was wondering why I the Queen and my son haven't been informed of my husband's murder…"

Eddard sighs, "Forgive me your grace I took it upon myself to keep this information from you… Robert was my friend and his death…"

"Is it true the Targaryens were behind this?"

"It would seem so your grace…"

"Perhaps they had something to do with Jon Arryn's death as well…" Baelish says speaking up.

"I am Queen and I have rights… From now on I want to be included in all small council meetings… Our number one concern now is the safety of Robert's heirs…"

"Of course your grace… The palace is on lock down… and we are questioning all servants in the palace…"

"Lord Stark wishes to call off the assassins your husband sent before he died…" Baelish says.

"You claim my husband was a friend and yet you wish to call off assassins who may succeed in avenging his death…"

"His death will be avenged when we capture the assassin…"

"The Targaryens gave the order…" Jaime Lannister says speaking up, "We have the resources to focus on both…"

Eddard sighs, "Very well then… We need to plan the King's Last rights and sound the bells…"

"My son's coronation should also take place as soon as possible… To stabilize the realm…"



Lord Yohn Royce is the Lord of Runestone and his family is a banner of House Arryn. He is the courtyard overseeing the sword training of his nephew Dylan Waynwood. His son Robar Royce has gone hunting. "My Lord… A Raven has arrived for you…" Maester Gamyn says yelling from the porch.

To his Lordship of Runestone Yohn Royce

My Lord I have it on good authority that Lady Lysa Arryn on numerous occasions broke her wedding vows and bed Petyr Baelish. Robin Arryn is a bastard and his mother conspired with Petyr Baelish to poison your lord… Do not trust the Cobrays as they are in league with Baelish to take Lordship of the Vale

You should also know that Queen Cersei betrayed her vows and lay with her own brother producing bastards… Baratheons are black of hair and blue of eyes… All the Queen's bastards are gold of hair and green of eyes… A Lannister trade mark…

Over the next few days Yohn Royce summons the Lords of Houses Waynwood, Egen, Hunter, and Lynderly. He shares the information with them and tells him that he partly believes it. The Lady of House Hunter wants more evidence. So they send a servant to the Eyrie to spy on Lady Arryn. The servants send a Raven with the evidence. While marching on the Eyrie the Vale Lords learn that King was assassinated.

Yohn Royce and the other Vale Lords march on the Eyrie. They gain entrance through the bloody gate claiming to come to show support for the Lady Regent and her son. They kill all the House guards and soldiers of the Eyrie and place Lysa Arryn is a Sky-Cell. Then Lyn Cobray is summoned to the Eyrie, he is executed by throwing him through the moon door. Then Yohn Royce declares himself Lord of the Vale and Warden of the East. Robin Arryn is sent to the Night's Watch.


Two weeks have passed since Robert was laid to rest and then the following week Prince Joffrey is crowned King. The city is still in celebration, but now Lord Stark must consider his future. The two number one things on his mind are whether or not to allow his daughter's engagement to Prince Joffrey to stand. The other is the fact that both the King and Queen Regent have expressed their desires to name Tywin Lannister Hand of the King. To top all things off he receives word of an uprising in the Vale. Soon after that Petyr Baelish is arrested for his role in Jon Arryn's death. Eddard Stark is getting ready for bed when he finds a letter under his pillow.

To the Most Noble Eddard Stark

I Prince Aegon Targaryen am aware that your sister Lyanna Stark married my brother Rhaegar Targaryen and produced a child that you claim is your bastard… Jon Snow is not a bastard neither was he born of rape… He was born of love… The love Rhaegar Targaryen bore Lyanna Stark and she him… Your sister ran away with my brother willingly…

Furthermore it has come to my attention that Prince Joffrey, Princess Myrcella, and Prince Tommen are all bastards… consider that they are all gold of hair and green of eyes… All Baratheons are Black of Hair and blue of eyes… We are bound by the blood of House Targaryen and House Stark in Jon Snow… My nephew… Know that I or any of my kin bear ill will to House Stark I hope we can be allies in the future… But whatever happens House Targaryen will rise to power again and take the Iron Throne…

Sincerely, Prince Aegon Targaryen

Eddard Stark sits down on his bed feeling as if he had been stabbed in the heart. His mind goes back to the day his sister died. She had not the attitude of a woman who had been raped. In fact she seemed happy and the only fear she felt was of dying and for her new born son. Then he thinks about the Queen and her children.

"My Lord have you been up all night?"

Eddard looks at Jorey Cassel and yawns, "Yes I have…" He gets up and throws the letter in the fire place. "I need some rest… Jorey I want you to pack my things up… My daughters will be going back to Winterfell…"

"Yes my Lord…"

"Keep them confined to the tower and hire some sell-swords… Allow Arya her dancing master… I need some sleep I am not to be disturbed for any reason…"

"Yes my Lord…" he pauses, "What if the King asks to speak with Lady Sansa…"

He sighs, "Tell him that she is not feeling well…" He sleeps until an hour after noon.

"My Lord forgive me… But your wife is here in the Capital…"

Eddard gets up and dresses then he meets his wife in the solar, "Ned you look awful…"

He grunts and yawns, "Thanks… Cat what are you doing in the Capital?"

"I heard about the King… what happened?"

"He was killed by an assassin sent by the Targaryens…" He grabs her arms, "Cat its not safe you need to go home…"

"Its not safe for you either… Ned… Bran was pushed from the tower… and I think the Queen did it…"

He slowly stands up, "Of course…"

"Of course what?"

He goes to his knees and takes her hands, "I have something to tell you and I ask you to forgive me…"

"What?" He leans in and whispers into her ear.

When Eddard is done he looks at Catelyn. "I was trying to protect Jon…" When he stands up she snatches her hands from his.

"First… he is your bastard… and now…"

"Keep your voice down… The walls have ears…"

"All this time I could have been a mother to him…"

"Right now I need you to take the girls and go home…"

She wipes the tears from her eyes, "And what will you do?"

"I don't know yet…"

"I know… You are coming home… If you love me Eddard Stark you will leave with me right now… Robert is dead… the Queen… Technically Stannis is King… but you say the Targaryens had Robert assassinated… There will be a war…"

He nods, "Yeah we tear ourselves apart and then the Targaryens swoop in and conquer us all… We will leave tonight…" That night Eddard, Catelyn, Sansa, Arya, Jorey, and Rodrik Cassel along with the hundred men Eddard bought with him leave the Capital.


Queen Regent Cersei meets with the small council and King Joffrey in the meeting room near the throne room. "Where is Lord Stark?" Joffrey asks.

"He has left the Capital your grace…"

"I am to marry his daughter Sansa… Why would they leave?"

"A promise was made and House Stark has an obligation to the crown… Especially with the threat of the Targaryens across the sea."

"Send out some men and bring her back…" Joffrey commands.

"And Renly Baratheon?"

"He has left the Capital as well my Queen…"

"We will have to make new appointments… Concerning the Targaryens… How much of threat are they Lord Varys?"

"That would depend on the Dothraki your grace… The Dothraki are great warriors, but they will never cross the Narrow Sea… They do not trust anything their horses cannot run upon. I do not foresee them crossing the sea…"

"Now what do we do about this uprising in the Vale?" After the meeting Joffrey dismisses Sir Barristan Selmy in a disrespectful manner because of his father. He appoints Jaime Lannister Lord Commander of the King's Guard.



"My Lord a Raven just arrived from the Capital…" Maester Cressen.

He reads in private, "Send out the Ravens…" A letter concerning the King's parentage had been sent to all the great houses of Westeros. Three Houses from the Stormlands pledge themselves to Stannis' claim. The rest flock to Renly's banner and name him King. Then Stannis himself sends out letters in regards to Joffrey as well and demands their loyalty and support.


Eddard travels with Yoren and the new recruits for the Night's Watch. They are five days march from the Capital when they are set upon by Lannister and men of the city watch. During the fighting Arya kills two men. And when Sansa is grabbed by a soldier she is saved by Syrion Ferrel a Sword Master of Braavos who is teaching Arya Stark.

"ARYA!" Eddard Stark screams after killing a man. He watches as she saves three prisoners from a fire. All seems lost when men from the Riverlands arrive and drive off the Lannister men.

"Lord Stark… Lady Whent sent us… She received your message…"

"My thanks to you and Lady Whent…" He says holding his wife and daughter.