


Dany is in her room getting ready, "Dany… Look… Look what Lord Mopatis has given you…" He says holding a dress.

"Its beautiful…"

` "Soon my sister I will return to Westeros with an army and lay waste to our enemies… This is the first day of my rule…"

Daenarys rolls her eyes as he leaves. Her mind is on Aegon and what is taking him so long to get back to her. She climbs into the hot steaming pool of water. "No my lady the water is too hot…"

She looks at the slave girl, "A Dragon is not hurt by fire…" Later Dany stands besides Viserys and Magister Mopatis as Khal Drogo rides up with his blood riders. He is tall and strong, but Khal Drogo is not Aegon. Mopatis addresses Khal Drogo in Dothraki. She understands what is being said as Aegon taught her to speak Dothraki.

A few days later a Dothraki wedding feast is held. Dany shocks Khal Drogo by saying her vows in his language. As they feast gifts are given to the new couple. Two fights break out and a man is killed. A man comes up and bows, "I Sir Jorah Mormont of Bear Island… A gift for the new Khaleesi…"

"Bear Island… are you of Westeros sir Knight?"

"I am Khaleesi…"

Dany thanks him and looks at Viserys who is whispering with Mopatis. He gets up and bows to Khal Drogo. "May I present your bride with a gift my lord…" Khal Drogo nods. He snaps his fingers and two slaves bring a large chest forward and opens it. "Dragon eggs Khaleesi… they have petrified but are glorious to look at…"

"Where did you get them…"

"They were found in the Shadow lands my lady…"

Daenarys' heart skips a beat when Khal Drogo takes her hand and stands up. He leads her to a horse, "This is my gift to you… A stallion fit for a Khaleesi of Khal Drogo…"

"I am… I am happy my lord…"

Viserys walks up to Dany and nods to Khal Drogo, "Make him happy… Magister Ilyrio tells me that an assassin killed Robert Baratheon in my name…"

"I shall try…"

Drogo places her on the horse and they leave with the guests cheering. Dany stands looking out over the sea. Then Khal Drogo leads her into the tent, she had never been with a man before and Khal Drogo is not very gentle but she endures. As he has his way with her Dany stares at the fire and the Dragon eggs before them. She sees Aegon is alive and well, she sees wars waged in the West. Then she sees a great fire and three Dragons born from the fire.

A week later the Dothraki leave Pentos to the relief of the citizens of Pentos. A few days later Dany stops her horse as she is unaccustomed to riding for long periods of time; the longest being when she road from Braavos to Meereen in a wagon. Dany thinks about her experiences with Khal Drogo, he is not cruel, but forceful, strong, and confident. ("Since he is going to me my husband I need to connect with him… How would Aegon handle this…")

"How dare you order my army to stop!" Viserys screams interrupting Dany's thoughts. He grabs her, "I put up with Aegon's treachery I will not tolerate it from you…" He places his dagger to her throat.

That is when Kevarro a bloodrider with Khal Drogo uses his whip and wraps it around Viserys' neck. He yanks him to the ground, " Do you wish me to kill the infidel Khaleesi…"

She looks at Viserys , "No he is my brother release him…"

"He should not put his hands on Khal Drogo's wife…"

Sir Jorah arrives just as Viserys is released, "Sir Jorah kill that dog!" He hesitates, "He attacked your King and I order you to kill him!"

"Come Khaleesi you should not wonder off…"

Dany starts teaching Khal Drogo the common tongue and after some advice from a slave she starts to participate in their intimate moments. They fall in love as she calls Drogo her Sun and Stars and he calls Dany Moon of my Life. The Dothraki people start to love her, and in the temple of the Khaleen Dany is prophesied to have the stallion who will mount the world. Viserys starts to grow jealous of his sister and that fact that Khal Drogo has yet to keep his promise and cross the Narrow sea to take the Iron Throne.

A great celebration is held and in walks Viserys drunk and making demands. He threatens to cut Dany's unborn child from her stomach and take back his sister if Khal Drogo does not keep his word. She begs him to stop, but Viserys ignores her. Khal Drogo gives him a crown of gold, by melting a gold chain and pouring it over Viserys' head.

"A Dragon is not harmed by fire…" She whispers as Viserys dies screaming. Dany is heartbroken, but Aegon always said he would be his own undoing. She does not mourn his death as Viserys did threaten her unborn child. King Joffrey Baratheon orders the assassins to find Daenarys and all Targaryens and kill them. Dany is in the market when a man offers her some wine. Jorah Mormont had been warned of the assassin and stops the man.

"Is you well moon of my life…" He asks.

" I am fine my sun and stars… Sir Jorah saved me…"

He looks at Sir Jorah, "Jorah the Andel I am in your debt… You may have any horse you desire… The Lions in the West shall pay for this outrage… I will do as no Khal has done before… I will take the Wooden horses and sail across the poisoned water… Our enemies will drown in a sea of blood… I will give my bride the Iron Chair of her fathers'…"

Dany smiles as he makes his proclamation. Three days later Khal Drogo marches out of Vaes Dothrak with his entire army.