
The you I never knew

"The one smile, I wish I never seen it " "Who are you?"! "A question that I always wanted to ask?" The moment I saw you not because you were the only person not paying attention to the crowd but I saw your eyes sharp gaze at every thing around you not missing even a single person only for few seconds and that gesture you had toward my grandfather that was not noticed by all sitting beside you made me curious. Zenith didn't turn back not even once, as she walked forward towards the path she choose after a long consideration of each and every aspect of her life. She would always look back and run to him no matter how much he hurt her,but for some reason this time she didn't feel like doing so. Can you smile back to the person you hate the most? "That was the same for Zen too. She just could not look at herself being thrown at the end and being replaced again. "Love stories....that aren't something meant for me"! Zen said as she walked away. A doctor by profession, designer by passion and an military officers by fate which was her real identity no one knew of it not even her own family. She lived her life as if nothing mattered until the day she meet him her grandfather had pulled her out of the bed to take her out to meet his friends, it was the weekend she hardly had got any sleep the last night due to the upcoming fasion show. ofcourse how will her grandfather know that. She was a Scorpio by birth and that itself was enough to make people beware of her cause she really did everything to the extreme it's either this or that there is nothing in between. "Can you give me the direction out of this chaos?" was the only question she had asked him as he was standing at the corner of the room near the door while others were busy catching up. He pointed out to the left side of the hallway which was the way out to the garden without thinking much, until he noticed her walking away with her back facing him . A suden urge to stop her rushed in his brain but he did not move as he could not as if his feet was stuck on the floor with super glue he could not move no matter how much he tried.

Elaine1911235201 · Urbain
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7 Chs

My Dad is the best

Zen took a taxi home she rarely drove a car around as it was a hassle.

As the taxi drove in front of the Xing mansion,

Zenith looked out of the window she still couldn't get used to seeing this grand mansion as her home even after so many years she still felt a little nostalgic as she saw the mansion standing tall infront of her.

she stepped out of the taxi and took a deep breath before taking the next step towards the mansion gate.

The gaurds saw her and gave her a stern look and asked for her identity, she rarely stepped into the mansion that is why the new gaurd that was just appointment could not recognise her as he never saw her in the mansion just as she was about to speak an old gaurd around in his 40s saw her standing near the gate and walked towards her almost running and said "Young miss, It has been long since you last visited home. Welcome home young miss"! Zen heard him and gave him a sweet smile which the old gaurd returned with a huge smile on his face.

"Thank you Uncle, how are you doing?!" Zen asked .

"Oh, great I hope everything is good on your side as well young miss, Master will be excited to see you home."

Zen gave a smile and walked towards the house.

As Zen walked away the old guard turned to look at the new guard and gave him a stern look for not doing his work properly.

"Can't you even recognise people are you dumb?!"

"I never saw her going into the mansion so I thought....." The new guard replied.

"Weren't you given the family entry list what were you doing with that?!"

"I didn't read them, sorry?!"

"This shouldn't happen again, got it?!"

"yes it'll never happen again, I'll read the book right now?!" the guard said with an apologetic face.

Not being home for long was not the only reason why no one knew of Zenith's existence.

Zen basically grew up in a boarding school rather than living in this so called grand mansion she lived her life in the rooms of boarding school in her younger days and completed her hight school there, which led to her basically being away from home all her life even after she was adopted by this old couple she still lived the life without a parent which led her grow into a girl who was so independent that she rarely asked for any help from anyone let alone her parents.

Just as Zen reached the door she pulled herself together and put a smile on her face and said"Mom, Dad I am home."

just before she could say anything a cushion came flying her way almost hitting her head which she escaped with just few centimetres difference.

"You know how to be back home"?! came a roaring voice from the side of the sofa.

"Mom..."Zen said as if pleading to escape just this one time.

"What,now don't show me those cute faces I won't fall for it this time, Do you even remember ,that you have your mom waiting for you at home?"!

"Mom, just this once it won't happen next time" she put her hands up as if swearing it won't happen again.

"Next time ... there is even a next time here, when you came home for the first time, I finally thought that I got a daughter but here the next moment I learnt that you were being sent away to boarding school and then you only came home in your summer break, that alone was enough to break my heart. Then my stupid husband finally brought you back home after your high school I thought I could finally have my daughter beside me but then again you choose to study medicine and my foolish husband even agreed to that, both my husband and daughter had joined hands to let me die alone in this lifetime for sure" the Madam of the the Xing family said all this in one breath nagging at Zen all she could as Zen kept nodding her head as yes mom you are right.

Elder Xing walked down the stairs looking at his daughter being lectured by his wife and his daughter nodding her head like a fool smiling, Zen sneaked a look at her father and both gave each other a sneaky smile which didn't go unnoticed by Madam Xing .

"What.. why are you smiling now.."

"Mom....I love you, just this once, I wanted to be home this morning but then I was in the hospital the whole night working, in the morning I badly needed rest so I went an slept, look mom I still have dark circles under my eyes, do you want your daughter to lack her beauty sleep mom?.." Zen asked with a pitiful look on her face, melting a mother's already soft heart.

"what ...you were at the hospital the whole night...." Madam Xing asked concerned.

"yes mom".. Zen nodded her head as if she was wronged by her mother.

"Then why are you standing there go upstairs and rest in your room come here let me see?!"

"Mom I'm fine"

"Let her take rest or have a glass of water at least she just arrived and you started nagging" Elder Xing's said as he saw Zen and went to stand beside her.

"I knew my dad is the best" said Zen in a low voice so only elder Xing could hear.