
Chapter 10

(Sarah's POV)


I woke up due to my alarm going off. I plan on not going to school today at all. I went to my baby sisters' room to check on them. They were both sound asleep, I covered them both back up smiling as I tuck their messy hair behind their ear.

Then I went to my brother's room, I shook him awake.

"What do you want?" He growls tiredly.

"I'm gonna go for a run, I won't be back until later on." I whisper back.

He nods his head and rolls back over and falls back to sleep. I rolled my eyes and whispered "Big baby."

When I got downstairs, I gasped at the mess that dad made. Beer bottles thrown everywhere in the kitchen and the living room. I shook my head in disapproval and threw some of the bottles away.

I went to dad's office to see if he was there, but he wasn't. I turned around and left his office, I felt a cool breeze on my right shoulder. I faced where the breeze was coming from and followed it, I saw that the front door was wide open.