
First Encounter

The shower was really refreshing and the soap which Auntie had provided me with smelt so nice like honeysuckle and almond. I changed into my clothes and i headed downstairs. Half way down the stairs i heard a opening of the door and heard a deep manly voice say

"I'm home."

I heard another voice say

"Janet did Amanda's daughter come yet?"

Auntie looked at me half way down the stairs

"Darling look she's here! Harley come, lets have lunch, I've got everything ready and i've made your favourite dishes which your aunt Lorraine has told me about. Come sit!"

I saw a handsome face glance at me the n i awkwardly walked downstairs towards the dining table and saw the tall handsome figure go up the stairs.

Auntie Janet and Uncle were sitting down beside the table and started talking which made everything less awkward since they were fun and easy going people.

"So Harley how do you find your room?"

"It's nice Auntie! I really like it"

She smiled cheerfully at me

Then I heard footsteps coming down from the stairs. He walked towards the table and Auntie guestured him to sit opposite me. I could smell a strong smell of lemongrass, mint and wood which almost felt addictive to smell.

"Axel and you will be going to the same school after the coming summer holidays so you can ask him anything about your new school"

After dinner with Auntie and Uncle who maintained the conversation by asking me about my life before and Uncle making jokes which were quite funny because they were so bad and them asking Axel how school was, we finished dinner and headed to our rooms.

That night i fell half asleep but i couldn't sleep well because everything that had happened seemed so unreal and confusing so i woke up the middle of the night and didn't turn the light on not to wake up anybody as it was like 2:30. I washed my face in the bathroom and turned of the bathroom light. It was dark and my eyesight wasn't the best so i attempted to figure where my room was. I opened the door and headed towards the bed but i soon realised it wasn't mine. So i attempted to quietly creep back but something pulled my hand and pushed me down onto the bed. I couldn't see well but i could make out by the scent it most likely was Axel.

"What are you doing here" He spoke in a rhetorical manner

"I just got lost and I thought this was my room i'm sorry il just leave" I said

Then just as I tried to leave he pushed me even harder down. I could feel my heart beating now and my whole body was sweating. He smelt really pleasant and i liked it. His hands were on my waist as he gripped me firmly then he whispered "Your room is the one on the right to mine" Then he let go of me and I walked back into my room. My mind went blank at that moment. This type of scenerio only happens in dramas i would watch, It felt good but I felt relieved at the same time that I could escape back into my room.