
Moving In

I sat at the back seat of the taxi staring into the sites of the country side and before i knew it i fell asleep on the back seat to the taxi. Waking up to to taxi driver telling me we will reach our destination in five minutes i unplugged my earphones and wrapped them into a neat knot before placing them carefully into my backpack. The taxi drove into a town with large markets and branded shops with names of designer brands such as Mac, Fenty, Bobbi Brown and Saint Laurent, ones you would never see in the area i once lived in. The car turned left and after a few minutes it drove into a street with Huge houses with large gates and cameras on either side of the gates. Most..no all of the houses had a large garden decorated extravagantly with beautiful exterior.

"We've reached the address Miss and the fare is £86 in total"

"Are you sure we're at the right place?"

"Well i did follow the address you gave me"

I counted to money and handed it to him then the driver thanked me and drove away.

I walked towards house number 27. Was this the right address? What should i do? The gate had a button to the right and to the left it had a lock where you had to enter the right pin code. It took me several minutes to muster up the courage to press the button. I heard someone shouting and then someone spoke

"Hello, who is it?"

The voice was a sweet, pleasant and welcoming voice of a woman.

"Are you Janet? My aunt gave me this address. I'm..."

Before i finished talking the gate opened and out came a gorgeous lady who looked elegant and young but very easy going. She ran towards me and hugged me.

"You must be Harley. I remember you when you were so small. Come in. Come in!"

She welcomed me with open arms and i was nervous but happy at the same time. I stared at the interior: Large pale walls and to the right hung a large painting of many different shades and colours. The living room was huge and modern with a sweet fragrance like fresh mint tea and vanilla which helped calm my nerves.

"You must be tired. I've made dinner and my husband will be back soon. My daughter is on a school trip an will be back tomorrow and my son should come home around now. Feel free to take a shower and get yourself refreshed." She smiled at me and i felt ever so grateful! I smiled back and thanked her but she told me to treat this place like home and feel comfortable.

I got my bags and headed upstairs.

"Do you want help with them bags"

"I'm good Auntie, thanks"

(* Auntie is a way of referring to an adult out of respect but Aunt Lorraine is her actual aunt*)

As I walked towards the staircase i saw a huge familiy photo of a happy man who was slightly round but looked very friendly, next to him was a gorgeous pleasant woman and on her lap sat a young girl around 13 years old who looked very similar to auntie, to the right of her was a gorgeous boy. The boy looked straight out of a magazine. His features were perfect and he had a sharp jaw line. He looked slightly well built and tall. My face flushed a little because Auntie noticed I was staring at his face for a good 5 minutes

"That's my son" she laughed

"I think he's around your age. Your mother was a little pregnant with you after I was pregnant with him. You used to play with him a lot but i don't know if you can remember. After all it has been so long!"

I started walking back up the stairs after i had regained my senses and headed towards the room which Auntie had told me. I got my towel and my clothes and headed towards the bathroom.