
The wolf of Borderlands

In the winter-stricken city of Borderlands , nestled in the eerie silence of the '90s era, Zayn Wolfe, a resilient 20-year-old with a chiseled physique, endured the harsh reality of orphan hood. Living in the squalor of the slums, he navigated a life of poverty, resorting to stealing and participating in gritty gang fights to survive. Zayn's existence took an unexpected turn when his adept fighting skills caught the eye of a powerful gang leader. Recognizing Zayn's potential, the gang leader presented him with an ominous opportunity—a job that promised escape from the slums. The task: to assassinate the baron of Scarestown, a figure synonymous with oppression and wealth. As he went on a journey to kill the baron , he began to face against something he never believed before . Questioning his own sanity , the wolf began his journey of death ! Will he kill the baron and get free from poverty ? or will he fall and choose to be a street thug again ? See for yourself!

Drunkenstories · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

Chapter 6

Fighting against the creature; Victory or death ?

[Arc - Journey to Scarestown]


When the creature closed on him, then only Zayn Wolfe knew how tall the creature was . At long distance it looked like a normal monkey but when it approached closer ,

It's size was twice.... no ....thrice as him.

"What the f#ck is this thing?"

Facing the enigmatic creature, Zayn Wolfe chose to confront the unknown creature, ready to take a risk against the menacing monkey.

Unsure of the creature speed but confident in his own strength, he brandished his blunt blade, pointing it at the towering creature.

He didn't knew the creature strength or speed hence he decided to try provoking it so that it can attack him first and then he can easily decided his next course actions.

Provoked by Zayn's defiant stance, the monstrous monkey, taller and faster, lunged towards him. The creature's sharp claws aimed for Zayn's head , threatening to tear apart his head . At first , it was very far but

In a flash of speed, it was already close to him .

"It's very fast... !"

Seeing it's speed , Zayn Wolfe eyes shrank in shock but his actions wasn't least bit slower than the creature.

".....But I'm faster "

Reacting swiftly, Zayn evaded the attack, retaliating with a slashing motion that left a shallow mark on the monkey's body, it's dark green blood staining the ground.

"Why didn't it dodge?..."

He pondered for its bizzare attack pattern but after seeing the creature getting wounded , Zayn confidence soared and he began to attack quickly.

At first he thought the battle will be difficult since he was facing something he never faced before . But as he exchanged moves with the creature, he finally realised that the creature only advantage is it's speed , other than that it has nothing noteworthy.

The creature roared and pounced on him , Zayn dodged aside and was about to use his 'special move' , the one he always trained every day.

But who knew the creature after missing it's attack would not stop but instead swipe it's long hands at him .

Alarmed , he dodged the attack which was dangerously close . Not wasting a second , Zayn directly smashed his blade into the creature head.

That's right !

He smashed at the creature head which made it stun for a moment. A great opportunity for him , he grabbed the blade with both hands and began to deal as much as damage he could .

He didn't knew how much times he swung his weapon at the creature but his hands were already getting numb from constant swinging.

The creature recovered from the sudden stun and immediately threw a fist at him , Zayn Wolfe has already anticipated it's move , so he already took some distance apart .

Zayn looked at the creature and saw it's whole body was full of wounds but there wasn't even a one fatalities.

"It's skins is really thick !"

Exclaimed Zayn in surprise.

Seeing the wounds in its body , the creature was enraged and its eyes burning with anger, retaliated by swinging both hands at Zayn with full force .

Seizing an opportunity, Zayn raised his blade horizontally, successfully inflicting a serious cut on the monkey's hands. Dark blood sprayed onto Zayn's face as the creature roared in pain, causing the surrounding trees to tremble.

The creature made a deadly mistake by swinging both of it's hands at him . It could have stopped it's attack when it saw zayn using the blade horizontally against its aatcak but it's choose to disdain over his action and decided to press on.

No matter how monstrous the creature may be ,In the end it's just a beast with no brains.

Zayn Wolfe blunt blade may not be sharp at the tip but it's edge is way sharper than normal knifes .

So when the creature swung it's both thick hands , it ended up crashing at the sharp edge, resulting in its broken hands .

But Zayn wasn't lucky either , because of its force beyond he could handle, Zayn palms had a hallow cut too .

"Time to die....."

Despite his own injuries—his left palm broken and bleeding—Zayn Wolfe pressed on. He knew he shouldn't care about his injuries or else he would be doomed if the monkey retaliated against him.

Having no time to care about his mistakes, he pushed forward with his fill force . Having roughly understand its power level, Zayn has a perfect opportunities now since the creature can't use its hands now.

But he also made a grave mistake by rushing recklessly.

The crippled creature which unable to use its broken hands, sought a different tactic. Using its legs as support , it twisted its tall body and a long tail smashed at the rushing Zayn .

"Not good ..."

But it was too late to do anything !

Zayn Wolfe who was focused on all of his attack had no time to dodge , so he was struck by the huge force . With an unexpected tail attack, Zayn was sent flying ten meters, groaning from the impact.


Coughing out blood from his mouth , Zayn rose from the ground . He looked at the creature and saw that it was still standing at the same position. It was unable to rush at him due to its crippled hands or else it would be disastrous if it made a move when he was on the ground.

The creature was glaring at him in hatred , it's eyes were deep red . Raising it's head, the creature loudly screamed.


Zayn immediately covered his ears immediately , he felt a stabbing pain in his ears . His blade was almost fell out of his grip , his whole body was feeling like he was stuck in ice .

Rendering him immobile , making him feel numb all over his body.

"Dammit..... I can't move ..."

Gritting his teeth , he tried to move but he felt like a thousand pound weight has been placed above him.

What kind of mystical powers is this ?

Zayn began to panic when he saw the creature was heading towards to him . He began to use every ounce of his power to use a single muscle.

"Move it ! Dammit !"

When the creature was close enough it pounced on him , showing it's deep fangs , aiming to his neck .


With one struggle, he yelled loudly and his muscles finally moved . Seeing the creature stinky breath on almost reaching him , he kicked at the creature face with everything he got.


A direct hit !

The creature was caught off guard and it was kicked backwards. Seizing the opportunity, Zayn dashed towards the creature with determination but most importantly he was very cautious at this time .

He deliberately slowed down a little in case if the creature may used its tail again at him .

The monkey was alarmed seeing that it only injured these human lightly and he can still fight but unlike it , who can't use its hands anymore . So it's only plan is to abandon the fight and escape .

It's natural instinct!

Within a moment it thought about retreating, its body was already begin to rush towards the ancient tree. Knowing its hands were incapacitated, the creature couldn't escape fast enough.

It's only advantage in speed has become it's own weakness now . I once heard a men say - the advantage you have towards me will be your weakness tomorrow!

So seeing it's desperate attempt to escape, Zayn Wolfe didn't show mercy but instead rushed with full force. He never showed mercy for those who showed ill intentions towards him .

"Closer ...closer ....Now !"

Closing the gap, Zayn was just a meter behind the creature and it was very easy for him now .

He plunged his blade into the monkey's back, the weapon piercing through to its chest. Dark green blood coated the blade as the creature fell to the ground in deep pain , it turned around and bared it's deep long mouth at him .

"Time to die ! Ugly creature ."

He swung the blade at the creature head , cutting it's head off from the body. The creature body fell to the ground lifeless, spraying blood across the ground.

Exhausted, Zayn fell to the ground, catching his breath. Thinking everything was finally over .


However, the story took an unexpected turn. The massive tree that loomed overhead began to glow, and the fruits hanging from its branches began to shake ceaselessly and soon they all disappeared into tiny light green wisps.

Now the once ancient tree was empty and its sense of malevolence are gone.

As the ethereal transformation unfolded, the once ominous place seemed to return to normalcy. With a sense of bewilderment, Zayn Wolfe stood amidst the aftermath, questioning the nature of this mysterious place.

"What is this place?"

Zayn Wolfe pondered in deep thought the suspense lingering in the air, leaving more questions than answers.

This village was getting abnormal as more time he passed in here . After the encounter with the creature now , Zayn Wolfe belived that he didn't have any hallucinations when he experienced the past phenomenon but they were all real !

To be continued....