
The wolf of Borderlands

In the winter-stricken city of Borderlands , nestled in the eerie silence of the '90s era, Zayn Wolfe, a resilient 20-year-old with a chiseled physique, endured the harsh reality of orphan hood. Living in the squalor of the slums, he navigated a life of poverty, resorting to stealing and participating in gritty gang fights to survive. Zayn's existence took an unexpected turn when his adept fighting skills caught the eye of a powerful gang leader. Recognizing Zayn's potential, the gang leader presented him with an ominous opportunity—a job that promised escape from the slums. The task: to assassinate the baron of Scarestown, a figure synonymous with oppression and wealth. As he went on a journey to kill the baron , he began to face against something he never believed before . Questioning his own sanity , the wolf began his journey of death ! Will he kill the baron and get free from poverty ? or will he fall and choose to be a street thug again ? See for yourself!

Drunkenstories · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 5

The abnormal village; Encountering a strange monkey !

[Arc - journey to Scarestown]



To stay or investigate?

Zayn Wolfe thought for a moment before coming to a decision.

He would investigate the voice!!!

Zayn Wolfe was very curious about why would the old man say something like not to leave the house at midnight and what would happen if he goes outside at midnight?

He was very curious to know who's calling his name , when he never introduced his name to them . Even though he knew he was going to face something dangerous of he went outside, he didn't care . His whole life was filled with killing and death so there was nothing he feared !

Not even death !

The chilling wind swept through the silent village as Zayn Wolfe, clutching the blunt blade, decided to follow the mysterious whispers that beckoned him into the cold night. As he stepped outside, the frigid air stung his skin, and an unsettling quietness enveloped the surroundings.

The village was filled with absolute silence, and carefully listening to the voice , he found out that it was coming from right side . He looked around for a moment before heading towards that direction.

As he was walking , he felt like someone was observing him in the dark which brought him unsettling feeling . He stopped and looked around but he didn't see anyone or anything strange at all.

"Was I imagining it ?"

He frowned and decided to focus on the strange voice for now. He knew that his instincts would never fail him so he was sure that someone was watching him but he couldn't pinpoint the location of the culprit .


Moving toward the origin of the whispering sound , Zayn felt a fleeting shadow pass by his back , his senses on high alert. He turned around only to see it was a owl that bypassed him. It sat on a nearby tree and turned it's head 360 degree towards him . Facing the grey owl and it's brownish yellow eyes , Zayn could see it's human like emotions.


The owl made a hoarse sounds while glaring at him , its head twisted beyond recognition.

"Was it injured or it's head itself is like that ?"

Bewildered he ignored the strange owl and continued forward.


Following the whispering voice , he walked slowly across the silent filled village. The desolate village appeared to be devoid of life, the houses there was absence of lights and as he began to explore, he noticed an illuminated house.

This was the only house which still had lights on . Just as he passed that house , he heard a weird sound of munching .

Chew ! Munch ! Chew ! Tear!

Yes a sound of chewing onto something .

At first he felt very strange hearing this sound , it didn't feel like a human sound but more like something else , like a beast . He stopped before the house and in full of curiosity he went towards the window and Peered through the it , trying to be sneaky as he could.

But to his shock he was met with a horrifying scene—a middle-aged couple feasting upon a piece of organs and flesh, a bloody gruesome spectacle. A lifeless body lay before them, its stomach and heart brutally ruptured.The blood-stained spectacle sent chills down Zayn's spine as he heard the couple's eerie chewing sounds which echoed in the cold night.

One held a piece of human heart and another one a piece of fat flesh , holding it tightly in their arms , they began to chew it with their teeths. There was blood flowing the ground and he could see , their mouths covered in blood...

What the hell is going on here ?

Zayn Wolfe eyes was wide open , he muttered in shock

"What in the name of god ....!

His voice was very low but in these environment it was like a loud beating drum sound .

Abruptly, the middle aged couples ceased their macabre activities, slowly turning their bloodied gaze towards Zayn.

Shocked, he stumbled back, the fear gripping his heart as he questioned the reality of what he witnessed.

He felt fear for the first time ! The fear when he witnessed their bloody eyes .

He never saw something like this in his whole life .

After few seconds, he took a deep breath and he braved another glance in the window, but only to find an empty house—no body, no couple. It all seemed like a ghastly illusion, leaving Zayn unnerved .

"Was I just imagining things now ?"

Zayn began to feel headache and he began to question his own eyes . First the Abnormal phenomenon of the mirror and the Nightmare dream , Now these illusion? Or it is just my hallucinations?

This village is very abnormal!!!

As he began to think, he once again heard the whispering voice , calling his name.


The unsettling whispers persisted, after some time he decided to follow the voice and see what it was , he felt like the strange events happening to him has something has to do with the voice.

He began to follow the voice and after some walking , he was lead to a giant towering, ancient tree. After that he didn't hear any voice at all , confused he began to look at the tree .

The tree had thick branches unlike he has seen anything before , it's height was way taller that he could see it's peak. There was red peach like fruits hanging at the edge of the beaches.There wasn't much leaves but each leaves had larger spans .

"What kind of tree is this ?"

It was his first time seeing a tree like this so he began to look carefully. Circling the tree, he traced the source of the mysterious sound and at the back of the tree , he saw a brownish monkey perched on a branch.

Yes ! A monkey .

Gnawing on a red fruit, the monkey had its back facing Zayn Wolfe.

But when he was walking , he accidentally stepped on a branch and it produced a small sound .

The monkey which was eating the fruit paused it's action and slowly turned, revealing its abnormal features—a wide gaping mouth, three sharp eyes, and long sharp fangs.

The money he thought in the imagination isn't like this at all !

Zayn Wolfe whole body froze when he met with the weird monkey like creature eyes .

I thought it was a monkey...but what the hell is this ugly s#it ?

Zayn swore that he never saw a beast like this .

In the monkey creature hand there was a half eaten red fruit and when Zayn Wolfe focused on the bright red fruit , his whole point on the world collapsed.

The red fruit had a human like face ,It had eyes which was filled in pain. Frozen in shock, Zayn's eyes met the pleading gaze of the human face within the fruit.

"What kind of dark sorcery is this ?"

Seeing the human faced fruit and its eyes which reflects pain , Zayn began to question the existence of the reality.

As he looked at the monkey , he felt the monkey's eyes were fixed on him. He could feel it was a little angry and he don't have any idea why would it be angry with him . Next moment , the monkey did something unexpected .

In horror, he watched as it crushed the agonized (Fruit) face in its hands. A painful yell pierced the silent night.


The abnormal monkey, its three eyes now glaring in crimson light, leaped down, slowly advancing towards Zayn with malevolent intentions.

Watching the monkey like creature heading towards him , Zayn finally understand it's intentions.

The creature wanted to kill him because Zayn disturbed it , when it was eating the fruit .

At first seeing the monkey like creature which was half of his height , slowly coming towards him to kill him , felt like a joke to him .

"You court death ! "

He grunted but next moment he was shocked to see the creature undergo a transformation.

The creature which was walking on four legs began to stood up and he finally saw it's real body structure.

The creature was now standing against him , it's two thick feet on the ground and two long hands which was touching the ground , its size was three times more taller than him .

"S#it !"

It seems that the creature was quite smart , it choose to cover its body structure by walking in four legs , which made it look like a normal monkey . And when it saw it's prey close , it began to show his true form .

It was very cunning!

As he watched the creature heading toward him with malicious intent. Zayn was Caught between terror and resolve, he was about to face the enigmatic creature in the cold wind.

As the suspense thickened, the village lay silent under the moonlit sky, concealing secrets that begged to be unraveled.

The village was very Abnormal !!!!

"Should I confront the monstrous monkey or attempt a desperate escape?"

He looked at the advancing monkey and questioned himself.

As the cold wind rushed past him , Zayn Wolfe grappled with conflicting thoughts in the mysterious embrace of the night.

To be continued....