
The Wish System Volume(1)

Just as he felt like he was about to die, a mysterious voice popped into Keith's head. He heard a beep in his mind, and then a voice said, Wish system successfully bonded. Uploading welcome gift for new host. The voice continued, Congratulations, host obtains three wishes. Keith was utterly bewildered, and his mind went blank. The only thought left in his head was that he didn't want to die. He heard the voice again. Ding! You have made your first wish. Host receives a skill, recovery from injury. Description, host will recover from any and every kind of injury within five seconds. As the voice faded, Keith felt a warm current flow through his entire body.

Daoistslothh · Fantaisie
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126 Chs

Chapter:-125 Leona

See you this weekend. After hanging up the phone, Keith smiled and looked up at a

beautiful woman in office attire standing in front of him. She frowned and said, Which

department are you from? Why did you come to lunch so early? Keith looked at her in


He laughed and said, Oh, I'm a newcomer, and I belong to the Project Development

Center. At that moment, one of the cafeteria staff passed by and said, Young man, this is

Ms. Strauss' secretary. Her name is Ms. Leona Schon.

She just came back from a business trip. Oh, Ms. Strauss' secretary. Keith stood up and

said, Ms. Schon, I'm sorry.

I did come to lunch early. You won't punish me, right? Leona, the beautiful secretary,

was obviously not in the mood to joke around. She looked around, holding a set of

documents, and asked, Have you seen Mr. Sanderberg? Mr. Sanderberg? Keith was

surprised and said, Which Mr. Sanderberg? Leona replied, He's the newest CEO of the


Do you know what he looks like? Keith touched his nose. He laughed. You might not

believe it, but the Mr. Sanderberg you're talking about is me.

You? Leona looked at Keith curiously. The young man in front of her was very handsome,

but he was wearing a T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. No matter how she looked at him, he

didn't look like the vice CEO of a company.

She rolled her eyes and said, I don't have time to joke with you. I'll speak to your

manager later. It seemed that this beautiful secretary really believed that Keith was a

junior employee.

Keith smiled and shook his head. However, seeing that she seemed to be a little anxious,

he laughed and said, There's nothing you can do, even if you don't believe me. Why are

you looking for Mr. Sanderberg anyway? Maybe I can help you? Leona was speechless as

she looked at this young man.

Plenty of men tried to get close to her or act cool in front of her, but this kid was

seriously pretending to be a leader of the company. Did he think she was a fool? She

said irritably, I just came back from a business trip. I need the CEO's signature to sign off

on my leave.

Miss Strasse is not here right now, so she wants to get Mr. Sanderberg to sign it. Can you

help me with that? Keith smiled and said, Why don't you let me try it? Maybe it will work.

You, the secretary laughed and shook her head, Are all young men nowadays so

annoying? She ignored Keith and muttered to herself, Strange, Miss Strasse said he

might have come to the cafeteria to eat.

Maybe he went out for lunch instead. Just as she was wondering to herself, a group of

female employees walked by, chattering. When they noticed Leona, they smiled and

said, Hello, Miss Shawn.

Hello, Leona nodded and asked, Have you seen Mr. Sanderberg around? Mr. Sanderberg?

The women were a little confused at first, but then they spotted the young man behind

Leona. Isn't Mr. Sanderberg behind you? They thought to themselves. What kind of riddle

is this? The group froze on the spot.

At that moment, even more people began filtering into the cafeteria. When they saw

Keith and Leona, they said in unison, Hi, Mr. Sanderberg. Welcome back, Miss Shawn.

Huh? Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on her, Leona's heart skipped a beat.

She slowly turned her head and saw Keith grinning. He waved his hand and said, Hello,


No need to be so polite. Go eat. Thank you, Mr. Sanderberg.

The staff answered and made their way over to the lunch counter. Leona opened her

mouth slightly and then looked at Keith in disbelief. She said with a red face, Mr.

Sanderberg, I... Keith laughed and said, It's fine.

It's not your fault for not knowing. You've fulfilled Leona's wish to find Mr. Sanderberg.

Wish value, plus one.

The beautiful secretary smiled back. She said with embarrassment, Mr. Sanderberg, I'm

really sorry. I didn't know you were so young.

Keith smiled faintly. Give that to me. Didn't you say you needed it signed? Yes.

Leona handed the document over with a red face. Keith flipped it open and glanced at it

casually. He signed his name and handed it back to her, then said, Now let's go get some


Okay. Leona's face broke into a smile. Leona's rank in the company was equal to a

department manager and Keith's was even higher.

Needless to say, who would dare to let them queue? The crowd opened up a path, and

Keith didn't hesitate. He happily cut the queue and went to get some food. The server

carefully dished up a plate of food, each for Keith and Leona.

There were close to 5,000 employees at Olive HQ, but it was the first time such a senior leader had come to the cafeteria for lunch. You've fulfilled the wish of the kitchen staff to

have a senior leader taste their food. Wish value plus one.

Keith and Leona made their way to one of the long tables. The other employees at the

table secretly glanced over and blushed, clearly. They had become the new Vice CEO's


It couldn't be helped. 16 charm value might not have much effect on people like Olivia.

But to regular folk, the lethality was not to be trifled with.

Occasionally, Keith would laugh and say a few words to them. You've fulfilled your

employees' wish to eat at the same table as you. Wish value plus one.

Current progress, 16 of 10. After a few bites, Keith suddenly asked, Miss Shawn, what

residential properties does Olive Industries own? Leona replied, If you're talking about

high-end residences, there are a few in Westville. Pemberley Drive and the Mulberry

Estate out by the lakes are also ours.

There are a few others in my ordinary residential areas, too. I'll send you a detailed list

later. It's clear at a glance.

Keith nodded in satisfaction and wondered if he should have a secretary of his own. He'd

asked about the properties because he was truly rich now. Other than the $2 billion

worth of shares, he had millions of dollars available in his checking account.

It was time to buy a house and move his parents out of their dilapidated old cottage. And

if he wanted to buy a mansion, he'd have to hire some staff and bodyguards so that his

parents could relax and enjoy life. He knew there was nothing for sale in Westville at the


As for the other two places Leona had mentioned, he'd have to go and take a look at

them before he could make a decision. Seeing that Keith seemed to be thinking about

something, Leona asked tentatively, Mr. St. Herbert, do you need me to arrange for the

property managers to see you? Keith was surprised when he heard that, and he laughed

and said, no need. I was just asking casually.

By the way, other than you, are there any other secretaries in the CEO's office? Leona

smiled and whispered, there was a total of eight secretaries before. Other than me, they

were all Calvin's personal staff. Since his accident, Ms. Strauss has fired them all.

Keith laughed and said, seven? No wonder Calvin never got any work done. The

employees at the table all giggled and blushed. Keith chuckled and glanced over.

The other employees' faces became even redder. They hurriedly lowered their heads,

but their eyes were still on Keith. He found it funny, but he looked away and asked Leona, if you're the only secretary left, hasn't your workload gone through the roof? How

about this? Inform HR to hire two more secretaries to assist you.

They should be hired on skill alone. It doesn't matter if they're male or female. Leona's

heart sank when she first heard Keith say that he wanted to hire more secretaries.

She initially thought that he wanted the same kind of assistance that Calvin had. But

after hearing the second half of his sentence, a smile appeared on her face. She nodded

and said, thank you, Mr. Sandberg.

I'll talk to Ms. Samson about it later. Yeah, that's more like it. Keith smiled and said, don't

you look good when you smile.

Don't be like our CEO, who keeps a straight face all day long. You've been worked to

death. Leona blushed, but Keith had already gone to get more food.

After teasing the beautiful secretary for a bit, Keith felt a wave of happiness. Half an

hour later, Keith walked out of the cafeteria, followed by the gazes of the entire room. He

decided he'd done enough for the day and headed straight home.

In the apartment at White Pine Gardens, his sister pounced on him as soon as he

entered. She threw her arms around him and buried her face in his chest. Bro, you're so


Hurry up and teach me how to get the top score in the entrance exams. Keith laughed

and said, we're both from the same parents. As long as you study hard, you can do it.

Megan giggled and said, all our family and friends are at mom and dad's place. They've

always looked down on us. Let's go home and rub it in their faces, okay? Rub it in their

faces, Keith thought.

This girl's getting cheekier by the day, but I like it. Out loud, he chuckled and said, I was

planning to go visit this afternoon. He turned to Daria and Fran and said, if you guys

have nothing to do, you want to come along too? Fran's eyes were filled with stars.

No matter what Keith said, she wouldn't object. Daria also looked at Keith with

admiration. She'd taken the college entrance exam before and knew how it felt.

Keith had scored 750 points with enough time left to take a nap. If that wasn't worthy of

worship, what was? Suddenly, Daria thought of something and said, Keith, the PT club is

called. They hope to meet with us tomorrow.

Are you free? Keith nodded and said, sure. Let's go together tomorrow. Okay.

Daria smiled happily. She suddenly took two steps forward and grabbed Keith's arm. She

giggled and said, a great scholar.