
The Wish System Volume(1)

Just as he felt like he was about to die, a mysterious voice popped into Keith's head. He heard a beep in his mind, and then a voice said, Wish system successfully bonded. Uploading welcome gift for new host. The voice continued, Congratulations, host obtains three wishes. Keith was utterly bewildered, and his mind went blank. The only thought left in his head was that he didn't want to die. He heard the voice again. Ding! You have made your first wish. Host receives a skill, recovery from injury. Description, host will recover from any and every kind of injury within five seconds. As the voice faded, Keith felt a warm current flow through his entire body.

Daoistslothh · Fantasy
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126 Chs

Chapter:126 Top scholar in home

After the exam results came out, my live stream went nuts. I'm too scared to start

another one. When are you going to come online and stream with me? Keith had been

staying at Westville recently.

It had been a long time since he'd last spent the night at his apartment, but he'd made a

promise to his beautiful streamer roommate. After thinking for a while, he smiled and

said, there's been a lot going on recently. Let's do it in a few days.

Daria pouted, but said happily, let's do it. Are you going to buy a new house? You have

to take me with you when you move out. Although he had met Daria by chance, after

spending some time with her, Keith already thought of her as a friend.

She could sing, was an excellent gamer, and was also very beautiful. She was a rare

talent. Of course he would keep her by his side.

Keith smiled. Sure. You can stay with me as long as you want.

I'll have to trouble you for a ride later though. Daria laughed. Hurry up and get your

driver's license.

How can you let a young woman be your driver? Keith laughed and waved his hand. The

car only takes four people. You guys go ahead.

I'll take the helicopter. Half an hour later, a beautiful red BMW i8 drove into the old

neighborhood. Sitting in the car were three stunning young women that attracted even

more attention.

Damn. Look at that ride. Whose family is that rich? Eh? Isn't that the Sandberg's

daughter? Has their genius son come back? The news spread like wildfire.

The fact that the neighborhood was home to a national exam champion had caused a

local sensation and it immediately attracted the attention of countless people. The BMW

was swarmed by people as it moved down the street. Inside the car, Megan was beaming

with joy.

She was as spirited as a princess. In the past, she'd been picked on by her peers,

especially the other girls. Because she was prettier than them, they ostracized and

ridiculed her.

But now, she'd come back to celebrate with her head held high, her gaze swept across

the crowd. The girls who usually looked down on her lowered their heads the moment

they saw her. Megan giggled and said, Hey, Claire.

Long time no see. Why are you looking down? Come to my house later? You too, Daisy.

The people whose names were called lowered their heads one by one.

As the car drove away, the girl called Claire snorted and said, What's there to be so

proud about? She's just riding on her brother's coattails. He's the one who got first place

in the entire country. I know, right? She even borrowed someone's BMW to show off.

If I get first place next year, I'll borrow ten Ferraris to drive around in. It'll drive her crazy.

Keith clearly had a bright future ahead of him.

If these girls could find a husband like him one day, they would never have to worry

about money again. Thinking of this, they became even more fervent and hurriedly

followed the BMW. More and more passers-by gathered, and the car was unable to move

any further.

Even Megan couldn't handle it anymore. Fortunately, Sam and Angie Sanderberg arrived

just in time. Megan hurriedly waved her hand and shouted, Dad, Mom, quick, get in the


Keith wants to take us to buy a house. Buy a house! The whole street was in an uproar.

To the people in this old neighborhood, buying a house was their lifelong goal.

I've always said that Keith was a promising kid. Look, isn't he rich now? Well, not only

that, he's the top student in the country. After graduating from college, all the big

companies will fight for him.

Wasn't our daughter's friends with Keith in high school? Shouldn't we get close to him

again? Are you stupid? That was years ago. Sam, you're so lucky. Where are you going

to buy a house? Don't forget about us when you're in your McMansion.

Sam grinned from ear to ear. His relatives and friends flattered him one by one, making

him feel as if he was floating on air. All right, he said.

Tomorrow we'll set up a street party. Let's have some fun together. The crowd cheered,

but some of them had very ugly expressions on their faces.

In addition to the young women who mocked Megan, there was also her cousin, Jaden. In

the eyes of all their relatives and friends, Jaden was the golden child. He'd taken the

college entrance exam too.

He'd scored 590 points, which was considered a good result, but compared to Keith's

750, it was nothing. Jaden had been dragged here by his mother. At this point, pride was

no longer important.

His mom, Sandra, knew they had to repair their relationship with Keith immediately.

Otherwise, with Keith's network and ability, their family could forget about living a good

life in the future. The surrounding crowd was in high spirits and wanted to get close to

the Sanderburg family.

Even the relatives who had rushed over were proud of themselves. They started to think

of themselves as Keith's mentors. But there was one problem.

The BMW was trapped. Daria looked helplessly at the surrounding crowd. She turned to

Megan and said, Meg, your brother asked us to come and pick up your parents.

How are we going to get out of here? Megan giggled and said, Don't worry, Daria. Once

Keith gets here, all their problems will be solved. Daria burst out laughing.

Megan had so much blind trust in her brother. But Daria knew that she wasn't boasting.

Keith really was that kind of guy.

She nodded and said, I guess you're right. Can I go inside to use your bathroom before

he gets here? Megan nodded. And before long, her words were confirmed.

The whirr of a helicopter sounded from the sky and a fierce wind picked up. The crowd

looked up and saw Keith coming into land. Some of these people had never seen a real

helicopter before.

They were shocked. And the entire street quietened down. The helicopter landed on the

lawn, the hatch opened, and a handsome young man dressed in casual clothes jumped


Megan waved her hand and said, Bro, over here. Keith smiled and walked over. Unlike

Megan and the others, Keith had an indescribable temperament that made the onlookers

hardly even dare to breathe when they saw him.

The crowd naturally opened up a path. Keith smiled and nodded at the neighbors around

him. Everyone he looked at felt flattered.

This was the aura, the temperament of a superior person, a person with a leader's

charm. He walked closer and said with a smile, Dad, Mom, I'm back. Looking at their son,

who seemed to have grown into a whole new person, his parents grew misty-eyed.

Megan and Fran ran over, and Keith ruffled their hair as he looked around and said in

surprise, Huh, the whole family's here. He was very polite and called out to them one by

one. He didn't show any arrogance at all.

The relatives who used to look down on his family were both excited and ashamed. Keith

saw their expressions and looked at his Aunt Sandra and her family. Sandra was smart

and quickly pulled them away.

She dragged Jayden over and said, Jay, say hello to your cousin. Jayden looked at Keith in

a daze. He thought about the last time they'd seen each other and how pathetic he'd

thought Keith was back then.

But faced with Keith now, he found that his own temperament, looks, talent, and wealth

were all overshadowed. Almost instinctively, he lowered his head and said in a low voice,

Hey, Keith. Hi.

Keith smiled and nodded. At his level, he no longer cared about petty conflicts of the

past. Besides, they were all relatives after all.

He asked with a smile, How'd your exams go? Jayden smiled bitterly and said, 590

points. Can't compare with you. Oh, Keith said, That's not bad either.

Seeing his cousin's dejected expression, Keith smiled and patted his shoulder. Work

hard. As long as you work hard, you'll make something of your life.

You're a good kid. Keep your chin up. Keep moving forward.

There was no mockery in his words, just a young man encouraging his younger cousin. It

was as if he had forgotten all the things that had happened in the past. Jayden felt that

he'd been a jerk to Keith before.

His eyes grew slightly moist and his body trembled slightly. After looking at Keith for a

long time, he finally nodded his head and said, Thanks, Keith. I understand.

Although the Sanderbergs didn't like to air their dirty laundry in public, the rest of the

neighborhood knew that the two families didn't get along. Moreover, at this moment,

Keith's bearing completely subdued Jayden and everyone else at the scene. You fulfilled

Jayden's wish of not making a fool of himself.

Wish value plus one. You've shattered Jayden's wish of crushing you one day. Attribute

point plus one.

You fulfilled the wish of the spectators. Wish value plus one. The system notifications

sounded in his mind, but there was a warm round of applause from the crowd.

Keith, you got such a good attitude. Yeah, Keith is really grown up. Good job.

I want Keith to pat me on the shoulder and encourage me. Yes, if Keith touched my hair,

I wouldn't wash it for a week. The crowd was chattering away excitedly, but suddenly a

discordant voice broke through the clamor.

The top scholar's got some nerve. He's even bought a helicopter and a fancy car. He

hasn't even started working yet, and it's already so big.

If he earns a bit of money in the future, it might explode altogether. Everyone looked in

the direction of the ear-piercing voice. It belonged to one of the young women who had

picked on Megan.

Her name was Ashley. In this run-down neighborhood, Ashley's family was considered

wealthy. She was pretty and got good results at school.

She was considered a princess among her peers, but now her limelight had been

overshadowed by Keith and his sister. She wasn't happy about it and had spoken out in

anger, but she didn't expect everyone to look at her. Her bravado immediately faltered.

Megan put her hands on her waist and snorted lightly. What nonsense are you talking

about? My brother bought that car for me. The helicopter was given to him by Hall of

Industries, and that was when he still hadn't taken the college entrance exam.

The crowd was stunned. They had believed that the Sanderbergs would buy a house.

After all, Sam and Angie had saved more than half their lifetime's earnings, and with

Keith's new status, they could easily borrow the rest.

However, when they heard that Keith had bought the BMW for his sister, the crowd was

in disbelief. As for the helicopter, it was more like it was borrowed from Hall of Industries.

It was simply a dream come true.

Seeing the look of disbelief on everyone's faces, Ashley grew bolder and snorted lightly.

Megan, you can drag. The BMW obviously belongs to that girl who was driving.

She only went inside to use the bathroom, and you're already pretending it's yours. If it's

your car, why aren't you driving it? I... Megan drew herself up and said, I don't have my

license yet, but it really is mine. My brother is the vice CEO of Hall of Industries.

A BMW is nothing to him. Another young woman sneered and said, maybe your brother

will become a big shot at Hall of Industries one day, but right now, you're just bragging.

Do you think we're idiots? After saying that, she looked at Keith and said, Keith, if you

don't look out for your sister, your head's gonna float off into the clouds.

Megan was angry. She pouted and grabbed Keith's arm. Keith smiled and stroked her


He looked at the young woman and said, my sister's cute, but she doesn't lie. The car is

hers. The helicopter was given to me by old Mr. Strauss.

The crowd gasped, but Ashley snorted. Keith, everyone knows that you've made a name

for yourself, but the neighbors know everything about you. Why are you bragging? Are

you seriously trying to tell me that your family has millions of dollars and you're gonna

buy a big mansion? Keith said calmly, well, I did make some money recently, and I really

do want to go see some houses.

Everyone widened their eyes. This kid really knew how to boast. Ashley and the other

young women were so impressed.