
The Winter Story

Our ML Cho Akiyama one day tried to end his life but was stopped by a drunk woman, And thus a string of fate was born between them, now what will happen?

Senilekun · Urbain
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2 Chs


'Nobody can save you unless you want to save yourself'

"What were you doing here again?" asked the police officers who were standing right in front of me.

"Huh?" I uttered in a dumbfounded surprise, I was too deep in my own world and didn't notice them, I didn't even know for how long they were there.

I think they call it shock..that's what I was going through.

'Well people still interfere. You see, humans are nosy.'

In the middle of a snowy field overgrown with dried reeds solely accompanied by the blue and white light of the police vehicles wrapped in a blanket, I sat in an ambulance being questioned by the police as to what had happened earlier.

Well, at the time of explaining my side of the story I would have chosen a different plotline if I had known I was about to get my 15 min of fame for it at the time.

You see I was walking by when I saw a passerby fall off the bridge, that's when I jumped in that was my story.

Obviously, I had refrained from telling some of the crucial bits of information, like I was standing on the ledge and omitted myself from the Male Lead in this story to an innocent passerby who had jumped in after seeing someone fall, Cause If they knew what I was doing there, I would have ended up in a mental health unit against my wishes.

And it didn't look like there were any security cameras there, and if there were well that wouldn't have been that bad either it would have only meant for me a warm place to sleep and meals 2 times a day, I didn't have to worry about staying hungry or a place then.

Kinda hoped for that, Ain't gonna lie at the time.

Looking back it was funny, I really did not think about what I would have done if she remembered and told everything to the police. I am an idiot. Maybe it had just been a momentary thing because later on, I had become super anxious about it.

'Some things are best kept a secret at times'

The most important thing to me at that moment as if she was alright, the person whose name I didn't even know at the time, a person whom I had just met a few moments ago.

Is that what being a human was about? Or was I feeling guilty for what I had done or being selfish? I don't know anymore. It may have been because I had saved her, so I wanted to know if she was doing okay.

But, Alas she was breathing, to say the least.

She was alright, just a broken arm mumbling things totally incomprehensible by a human, crying, completely wasted, so I did say she was pretty fine for someone who had taken a fall like that into the icy cold water and thus was moved to a hospital for treatment and as for me, I was forced to accompany her in the ambulance.

Well, it was not half bad, it was warm inside, to say the least. Wearing drenched clothes, who can complain in this situation, Right? And I was just freezing to my death a few hours ago.

When we arrived at the hospital we were quickly taken to the ER, Where I was given a check-up and before I knew it I had fallen asleep. When I woke up the next morning, I was in a ward. I looked around but couldn't find her anywhere. Upon asking what happened to the woman who was brought in with me, the woman who had fallen into a river, a nurse told me she was in a different ward after getting surgery on her arm. I thought that was the end at the time, I did have to never meet her again.

'Sometimes the ones who try to save someone, End up being saved instead.'