
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantaisie
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178 Chs

0149 Decent

  Lynch always speaks with the wind and rain, he never gives people a very fierce feeling, but rather like a neighbor who is a child, sunshine, affectionate, and there is so much familiarity.

  But at this time Roonet felt a different kind of feeling, Lynch is like a mountain ... No, like a sea cliff, a sea cliff in the storm.

  He stood right in the middle of the boundless sea, and the crazy stormy winds rolled the waves and ruthlessly slapped at him.

  But in the end, these waves were just waves, and after a burst of foam, the edges were gone, unable to harm him in the slightest.

  Roonet was this wave, he was angry, he hated, he was sad, he was sad, but all of his emotions eventually turned into the same helplessness as the foam that the wave raised when he faced Lynch's sunny and smiling expression.

  "No problem, Mr. Lynch ...", he lowered his head, but also breathed a sigh of relief for himself, tens of thousands or even more of net profit could keep his factory going for another period of time, two months or so, or three months, which was a good thing for him.

  As for the possibility of breaking the law ..., he felt that maybe he should do it in a different way, immediately after he raised his head with a look of sincerity on his face to Lynch, "Mr. Lynch, I agree with your idea, so when do we sign the commission agreement?"

  This Roonet fellow seemed humble and respectful, this was only caused by his appearance and the fact that he had no way back, in reality, in this era, any businessman who was able to start a successful business from nothing was not such a simple character.

  A commission agreement, looks as if this guy wants a guarantee, after signing this commission agreement will be able to put down his heart, not afraid of Lynch's backtracking.

  But Lynch wasn't really as young as he appeared on the surface, in terms of social experience and experience, he far exceeded Roonet.

  The corner of his mouth slightly ticked, "Mr. Roonet, I always believe that between true friends, there is absolutely no need for these contracts, agreements and the like to regulate each other's obligations, that's a safeguard between strangers, but it's a blasphemy against the emotions of friends, what do you think?"

  Roonet stroked his hair, some pleading in his tone, "Mr. Lynch, I'm actually in a difficult situation right now, if I could have such an agreement or contract, my workers would be emotionally stabilized, and the bank wouldn't force me to pay back the money as soon as possible."

  "It may not matter to you, but it matters to me."

  He looked pathetic, but inside he wasn't.

  If Lynch and Roonet had signed a commissioned production agreement, commissioning Roonet and his factory to produce a batch of clothing and accessories for himself, in the future, once these designers wanted to pursue their responsibilities, Roonet could take the commissioned production agreement or the production contract and tell the designers that they were only responsible for non-responsible production behavior, and that the one who was actually infringing on his rights was Lynch.

  But without this commissioning agreement or production contract, then in the future others from the legal level to pursue up, Lynch only bear the sales of the lightest responsibility, he can even be blinded as the reason, not only do not bear any legal responsibility, but instead can be turned around to cheat or hide the real information to sue Roonet.

  It looked like a simple little piece of paper, but it was a direct legal plan for liability for copyright infringement, Roonet thought that Lynch was so young that he couldn't possibly know everything, but Lynch really just knew everything.

  The two of them looked at each other, their eyes met in the air, Lynch's smile did not diminish, "It seems that Mr. Roonet is not too interested in this cooperation ...", he let out a light breath, his hand pressed on the armrest of the sofa and stood up, "It's a great I'm sorry to hear that, but if there's a chance ..."

  "I agree!" , Roonet interrupted Lynch directly and stood up as well, "I agree, Mr. Lynch." , there was only a depressed emotion present on his face, like the kind of withering of the fallen leaves that filled the ground in the fall.

  If he had put it a few years ago, he could have slammed his desk and told Lynch to get the hell out of his office without hesitation, but now, he had to take a legal risk for this money that far outweighed his gains.

  But he didn't have a good solution to the money side of things, and once City Hall and the workers' union decided that he couldn't start production while continuing to run the machines, City Hall would take back the factory site, and then he'd really have nothing left.

  All this is to live, only live, there is hope.

  Mr. Roonet, the "successful man", knew and understood the trouble he was in, so he didn't emotionally choose to split up, but rationally lowered his head in exchange for a chance to continue the factory.

  Lynch nodded his head with satisfaction while walking towards the outside, "Very well, Mr. Roonet, you can send me your bank account number, I'll give you a thirty percent advance payment in the near future, and when I see the first batch of products, I'll pay the final payment one by one, is there any problem?"

  He stood by the door and turned his head to look at Roonet who was following him, Roonet shook his head, "No problem, Mr. Lynch."

  Only then did Lynch turn around, hold out his hand, and watched as Roonet took three or four steps to his front and humbly extended his hand to shake his own as he smiled, "Pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Roonet."

  Whether Roonet was pleasant or not only he knew, he forced a smile and nodded his head, "Good cooperation, Mr. Lynch."

  Standing outside the door to watch Lynch's car leave, Roonet sighed heavily and punched the wall, followed by a miserable scream.

  The secretary was terrified and rushed to call for an ambulance, but Roonet stopped him, shaking his head with a pale face, "No, I'm fine, have the foreman organize the workers ..."

  The secretary didn't know what he was going to do and could only rush off to do it, while at this time Roonet was in his office pouring some water over his head and found a small bag of bread crumbs left over from the previous few days, which he wiped on his lips, and when the secretary came in, he was startled!

  At this point Roonet looked like he was at the end of his life and looked like he was going to die at any moment, the secretary didn't know why hitting the wall with her hand would be so bad, she was starting to worry about her job.

  Roonet, on the other hand, wiped off the crumbs that were already a little wet on his lips and walked out quickly, he walked out into the open and looked at the workers with curious looks on their faces, and in sad tones he described himself as a pathetic man who was on his knees looking for mercy from others in order to get orders for everyone.

  He told everyone that this job was not easy to come by, and that he hoped everyone would try to process on their own if they could, that he couldn't afford to pay overtime anymore, but that he and all the workers needed to fulfill the orders as quickly as possible ...

  In fact, Roonet didn't need to worry too much, in this recessionary situation, these big companies wouldn't just launch a lawsuit against a small, nearly bankrupt factory, because lawsuits cost money.

  From the moment the lawyers start collecting evidence, the money will flow out like water. Generally speaking, there are only two kinds of lawsuits by big companies, the first one is for the purpose of annexing other enterprises, so they need some legal assistance.

  The second is for industry hegemony, to evict others from their turf.

  When confronted with a small businessman like Roonet and his infringements, the big companies are actually reluctant to get their hands dirty, and they've spent a lot of money launching this lawsuit, which won't get them any worthwhile results.

  They won't get any damages because Roonet's factory could go out of business at any time and their lawyers will look into that.

  They won't get any public opinion or influence, people historically don't believe that big corporations are righteous and are symbols of evil in many movie scripts and art stories, people will instead loathe their lawsuit.

  They won't get anything, and spend a lot of money, and make some problems with their image, and with the current economic downturn, they will try not to do anything if they can.

  The main target of this batch of goods is the middle class, Lynch intends to bring the middle class into the Mobile auction, he said before when he talked to other investors about Star Trading Corporation, to refine and separate the customer base.

  That is to say, the "second-hand goods trading auction" into "second-hand goods trading" and "second-hand goods auction" two relatively independent business, so as to divide the audience groups.

  In the end, ordinary people will flow into the second-hand goods mall or trading market in each region, the "official", that is, Star Trading Corporation is responsible for the management and sale of a part of the ordinary second-hand goods from all over the world, and some ordinary people can pay the management fee to carry out personal trade in it.

  After all, ordinary people can't have long-term consumption impulse under the current economic trend, they won't be impulsive again after satisfying their consumption desire once or twice, and they don't necessarily have extra money, so they're more suitable for the cheaper general merchandise trading area.

  On the contrary, the change in situation will make the middle class start to follow in the footsteps of these ordinary families, and they will also start to think about downsizing, or they have already started to downsize, but at the same time, their situation is a bit more complicated than that of ordinary families.

  In fact, there is a very special situation in all the neighborhoods where the middle class is clustered, and that is comparison and attention.

  Whose family who is in what business or works in what place, what car they have changed this year, what watch they have bought, what place they have traveled ... to, all of this will be noticed by the whole community and circulated.

  Everyone spends their time in comparison, they need to maintain their decency, and the method of maintaining it is a bit difficult for people to cope with, that is consumption.

  It was these people that Lynch was trying to satisfy, they could get their hands on clothing in the styles that were becoming popular at extremely cheap prices, and as long as they kept it to themselves, no one else would suspect it, because they were equipped to consume these fashionable products.