
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantasy
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178 Chs

0148 A long and a short to choose the longest

  Lynch had just returned home in the morning when the maid told him that Mr. Ferrell had called him and asked him to call the other party back as soon as possible.

  The era without mobile communication is this point is very inconvenient, a person if not in a specific place to stay, the whole world can not find him!

  Lynch quickly called Ferrell back, and he explained the purpose of his call to Lynch.

  The Mayor had submitted Lynch's application forms to join the Federation Progressive Party, these did not need to be done by Lynch himself, the Federation Progressive Party Development Office would take care of these forms for him.

  Meanwhile on Wednesday, the day after tomorrow, the Federation Progressive Party state office would send someone over to Sabine to meet with Lynch, and members like him who were recommended by the mayor of a city and who joined the Progressive Party would be treated in a more senior manner.

  This development commissioner would talk to Lynch about his impressions of the Progressive Party, about whether Lynch himself had some suggestions for the Progressive Party, and whether there was anything he needed help with from the Progressive Party.

  Ferrell told Lynch that he could say anything, but he could never ask for help, and that wasn't a good thing.

  A lot of people who are new to the Progressive Party don't realize this, and talk about some of the dilemmas they've faced in their business or at work, some of which the Progressive Party was able to solve, and after they casually solved them, they'd start asking for something in return.

  Not the nasty, endless kind of demanding, they just tell you, we gave you help, so shouldn't you give someone else - some other Progressive Party friend - what you can?

  It's actually an easy way to completely integrate one person with the whole, but sometimes it can be problematic, and not everyone likes to "give" in that way.

  In addition, there will be a charity auction on Saturday night to raise funds to solve part of the city's unemployment assistance subsidies, Lynch was also invited to participate, and next week on Monday, Lynch will set aside time, the city hall will hold a question and answer session, and discuss with everyone how to revitalize the development of the city.

  For all of these activities Lynch did not refuse, carefully recorded the time, the higher the value of a person in society, the more unable to ensure complete independence.

  Many people feel that being rich should be a very free thing, and in some ways it is, but sometimes it can be very unfree, because the development of all aspects of society needs these people to come up with their own ideas or make their own contributions.

  The kind of person who has a lot of money and can still do nothing but play all day long does not exist in this world or another.

  All kinds of meetings, all kinds of activities, none of which can be absent, sometimes the ladies and gentlemen of the upper class can be very tired, and this kind of mental and physical fatigue can be much more tiring than the simple physical fatigue of manual laborers.

  At this moment Lynch suddenly remembered what Catherine said that day, the so-called high society may be spent in chatting and eating.

  The next day, that is, Tuesday afternoon, Lynch took a car to the place he had agreed with Roonet to visit his factory.

  The guy had met up with him at a previous reception, seeking to see if there were any opportunities for cooperation, and that was the purpose of Lynch's visit here.

  He believed that as the situation in the Federation got worse, a lot of things would relax their requirements, which naturally included bills related to employment.

  People were starving to death, who was still caring about the bill or not, being able to earn money, buy food, and fill their stomachs was the most important thing!

  As soon as the car stopped, Roonet brought his secretary with him and hurriedly greeted Lynch, refusing to let Lynch's driver open the car door for him, and personally opened the car door for Lynch.

  If his current situation wasn't precarious, how could a factory owner possibly make such a move?

  "Trouble you to personally come to pick me up ...", Lynch got out of the car and straightened his attire, extending his hand to shake Roonet's hand, comparing with his calmness and introspection as well as his strong self-confidence, Roonet was just like an inconspicuous supporting character in some story.

  He hooked his waist slightly, not like bending over, but definitely not straight, he didn't want to show his "flattery", but he wasn't tough enough, a man who wavered from side to side.

  "I should, I'm already very happy that you're here, so is a tour of my factory next?" , he said while guiding Lynch towards the inside of the factory.

  The factory had about forty acres of land, there were three workshops and one warehouse, this kind of factory was very common in the industrial area, probably in order to let Lynch see a "lively" scene, today the workers in the workshop actually all came, and they were all wearing clean work clothes, and were working hard with their heads buried in their hands.

  Roonet probably regarded Lynch as a young man with little social experience, thinking that the other party had never entered the factory area, and naturally would not understand how stupid what he did.

  In fact, no matter if they were sewing workers or workers doing heavy manual labor, their work clothes could not possibly become clean, especially the workers on the assembly line, where the high intensity of work and even higher pressure made them not care if they got their clothes dirty.

  But here, everyone was wearing clean clothes, and they handled the work at hand slowly and methodically, as if they were treating it as a work of art rather than a commodity.

  The main thing Lynch came to see wasn't really these people and their level of skill, what he came to see was the condition of these sewing machines.

  The ones currently used in the Federation garment factories were all these industrial sewing machines used in Roonet's factory that were half manpower and half steam as a power source, which had a gear handle and four pedals, and were done by using manpower to step on the pedals when dealing with some of the more detailed areas.

  Only for those long lines of sewing, steam power is used, which makes the workshop very hot, with the sound of "Chi, Chi, Chi" pressure relief, there will be a constant flow of heat from the steam pipe.

  In fact, in addition to these steam-powered sewing machines, there were also some electric sewing machines, but the sales and utilization of those sewing machines were not high.

  The hidden cost of expensive electricity is still too high compared to cheap steam, and probably a day's worth of electricity consumption can buy enough fuel for a week's worth of use, so steam-powered sewing machines are the mainstream.

  As for the fact that it would make the workbench and workspace hot and dry, that wasn't even a consideration for factory owners, who never cared if the workers were comfortable while working.

  "The machines are very new ...," Lynch observed, the machines looked well maintained and there wasn't too much obvious wear and tear.

  Roonet was unsure, but nodded his head in a catered manner, "These are new machines that were updated two years ago, they're indistinguishable from new, so to speak."

  Business wasn't this difficult two years ago, he had invested a large sum of money in updating and modernizing, and as a result, he soon encountered problems such as reduced production, and his losses were very serious.

  What he said wasn't an exaggeration, these machines were used less and less after they were bought back, and at the beginning they were able to keep working one day on and one day off, to the point where now they've basically stopped working altogether.

  If not to avoid being filed for bankruptcy, he might have filed for a complete shutdown.

  After turning around in a few workshops, Lynch came to Roonet's office, his office was very grand, and it was evident that he had indeed lived a good life some years ago.

  All kinds of exquisite atmospheric and luxurious furniture made this place not like a factory owner's office, but like a president's office, but this also emphasized Roonet's difficulties at this time, as well as some small comical.

  Lynch sat down on a separate couch, Roonet's secretary brought him coffee, which he didn't drink, hell, he didn't know when these coffee beans were from, and with the way this factory was run, they probably needed to budget well to even buy coffee beans.

  Roonet looked at Lynch with a face full of anticipation, he was eager for Lynch to give him a positive answer, even if it was just some insignificant small orders, it would allow him to hold out for a while longer.

  Many factory owners like Roonet were actually facing the same awkward situation, once they announced a complete shutdown and couldn't resume work in a short period of time, they were violating the land use agreement they signed with the city hall.

  They will not only lose their factory land, but also all the real estate on the land, and at that time, even if they can still hold out for a while, they will directly declare bankruptcy under such a blow.

  So even if these factory owners really couldn't come up with any more money, even if they borrowed money and went for loans, they still had to start work every once in a while, so that they could at least muddle through these problems.

  He looked at Lynch eagerly, and Lynch naturally gave him some hope, "Do you have any recent issues of magazines related to fashion here, newspapers are fine."

  Roonet immediately looked at his secretary, while the secretary quickly said that there was, and quickly found a fashion magazine from last month, which was full of some good-looking clothes, and some accessories, all of which were some of the most cutting-edge things in the trend world.

  Lynch casually flipped through it, and then threw the magazine on the table, "These clothes, and these bags, and accessories, can you do it here?"

  Roonet was a bit surprised, he wasn't sure what Lynch meant by this, but he still nodded, "It's not difficult, for the jewelry my blanket factory has the ability, for the clothes and whatnot the garment factory can accomplish it, they're not technically difficult, it's mainly the innovation and concept of the design."

  Lynch nodded noncommittally, "Use almost the same material, choose some of the most fashionable and popular clothing styles at the moment, first one hundred pieces of each type, one thousand pieces of each type of jewelry and accessory bags, I'll give you a dollar profit for each piece, can you do it?"

  Roonet is very difficult to pick up the magazine, looking at the introduction of some fashion and brand-name jewelry on it, these are some big brand products, these are design patents, "I do not have the authorization to produce these goods will be held responsible, and will even be prosecuted ... "

  Lynch just laughed, "Being sued you won't go bankrupt immediately, but without this order, you won't last more than a few days."

  "Do you choose to let your business continue to face lawsuits that may not happen, or do you choose to go bankrupt in order to hold on to some ideas?"

  "I respect those who have convictions, but I don't sympathize with them, what would you choose?"

  "Mr. Roonet?!"