
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantaisie
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178 Chs

0130 Responsibility all over their shoulders, mission clutched in their hands

  "You have two choices!"

  "The first one, I will finance all your expenses during your schooling and provide you with enough help, this is my investment in your academics, you need to have a good grade to prove that these investments are not wasted."

  "The second one, same conditions as above, whether you can graduate or not, you have to work for me for ten years, you know, I am a capitalist, exploitation is my motto."

  "But ...", Lynch coughed lightly, "Look, I'm a young man ..."

  Soon Catherine interrupted Lynch's joke-filled innuendo, her expression was a bit complicated, "Let's do the second item, after I graduate, I'll work for you for ten years."

  She knew that Lynch said this so that she wouldn't have too many burdens, after all, they had already broken up, so it was logical that Lynch didn't need to take care of any of her fees and expenses at all, not to mention arranging jobs for her family.

  They were just friends now, but friends wouldn't be able to do that, so Lynch made some excuse excuse so that she could at least lie to herself about being at peace with accepting all this help without some sort of hurtful emotion to her self-esteem and personality arising from it.

  Both were very smart people, otherwise they wouldn't have ever fantasized about going to college, and while the dumb kids would have gone to work at a fast food restaurant or a gas station before they finished high school, they still had this hope for the future.

  Lynch pointed at the girl, "I'm looking forward to your performance ...", he said as he took out an envelope and handed it over, "There's some money in there, enough for you to live on for a while, as well as your passbook, I'll be depositing some money into it each month , you don't have to imagine too much!"

  He glanced at his mouth, "So should I get a hug at the end?"

  The girl looked straight into his smirking gaze and eventually opened her arms and hugged him hard as well, for about half a minute neither of them spoke, but they soon parted again.

  She took the envelope out of Lynch's hand and added a smile to her face, "Just wait, I'll make your jaw drop to the ground!"

  Seeing the girl leave in her car, Lynch scratched his head and went back into the living room, everything was the same as it was two days ago, not much had changed.

  On the other side, Catherine sat in the car and couldn't help but open the envelope Lynch handed her, which contained the bankbook she had left for Lynch, which she hadn't expected Lynch to keep.

  According to the bank's standard, when there was no balance in an account, they would proactively warn their customers that if they didn't deposit a certain amount of money within a week's time, they would go ahead and cancel the passbook.

  This is still done to facilitate co-ordination and management on the part of the bank, and in the absence of information technology, a great deal of passbook management work is actually done manually by hand.

  Vacant, no balance, no value account balance more, the bank wastes more labor, so all the accounts that have no value, can not escape the fate of being canceled.

  She was a little emotional, then continued to pull out, there was still a pile of money inside, she counted them, they were all in 20 dollar denominations, there were 50 in total, totaling 1,000 yuan.

  This was already a huge amount of money for her, she had never held so much money at her disposal in her life.

  Just when she thought there was nothing left in the envelope and was about to throw it away, she suddenly realized that the envelope was still a little heavy, she turned it upside down and a ring fell into her hand.

  A gold ring, she moved towards the car window so that the light from outside the car could fall more abundantly on her hand, and then she saw the line on the inside of the ring.

  "This asshole ...", the girl's eyes quickly pooled with tears, which she quickly wiped away again, and immediately afterward, she put the ring on her hand, "It's a little big!"

  As if explaining something, or talking to herself.

  The scenery outside the car window kept going backwards, and soon the car was parked on the street outside Catherine's house, and there were still a few street boys roaming the street, who instantly disappeared when they saw the car stop.

  Everyone knows that in this society you can have no fear of the law, but you have to bow down to money.

  After thanking the driver for the ride back and saying goodbye, Catherine carried her bag back to the house.

  Her parents gathered around and talked about all the things that had happened in the past two days while she was away from the house, and all in all, the tense and serious atmosphere that had been there disappeared in an instant and was replaced by her father's simple smile and a renewed glow on her mother's face.

  At this Catherine was helpless, but not annoyed, this was her family, an ordinary man and her ordinary family.

  Thursday, a staff of nothing too unexpected, the entire city of Sabine was gripped by rising unemployment, the faces of passersby on the road had largely been devoid of smiles and filled with sadness.

  It was also on such a day that a group of people were going to start dividing the cake (HENG HUI Group).

  Lynch had deliberately changed into a set of formal attire, which made him feel like his entire being was about to be set on fire, and it was a good thing that the exercising cars were able to bring in some of the more dry and hot winds.

  Not many cars on the road, at this time of the year, cars do not have air-conditioning, which makes every car running under the sun like an oven, sometimes it is not easy to be a "big shot", at least ordinary people can take off their clothes in this situation, but Lynch not only can't take off his clothes, but he must also ensure that his shirt collar is buttoned up. He also had to make sure that the buttons on the collar of his shirt were buttoned up.

  Fortunately, this journey was relatively smooth, and he arrived outside the Sabine City City Court within the stipulated time, HENG HUI Group's properties in Sabine City were seized by the Federation Taxation Bureau, and the Federation Taxation Bureau commissioned the Sabine City Court to auction off these properties, so those who participated in this auction needed to attend it here.

  Lynch had just gotten out of the car and followed the information Ferrell had given him to the outside of Courtroom Nine when a gust of cool, chilly air slowly drifted out from inside the cavernous door.

  As soon as he reached the door, two men in police uniforms reached out and blocked his way, both staring at him intently, "I'm sorry, sir, this is not held openly to the public ..."

  Some court hearings or and auctions or whatever are allowed for the public to spectate and participate, but there are also some that are not allowed to spectate and participate, you can refer to your local newspaper for specifics, there will be specific information on it - the ones that have the information are open to the public, and they are allowed to participate.

  As for the ones that weren't publicized, there was no need to be bothered, as most people wouldn't know that they had happened.

  Lynch showed the card Ferrell had given him, and one of the policemen glanced at it before looking at Lynch again, signaling his companion to step aside and handing the card back to Lynch, "You can go in now!"

  Lynch neither expressed his dissatisfaction with these two men's obstruction, nor did he show any other emotions, this was just their job, they were just doing their duty.

  When he entered courtroom number nine, there were already thirty or so people sitting here, these people were sitting in groups of three or five separately, they all showed some curious gazes towards Lynch, but no one came to ask and chat with him.

  He chose a relatively back seat and sat down, he was alone, he knew Ferrell's intentions very well, and he didn't intend to intervene to create some hiccups for an auction that might have had its outcome many days ago.

  As the minutes ticked by, after the last two groups had arrived on the scene, the police closed the gates and the seized assets auction began.

  "Lot 1, a 17-story office building at 41 Sailin Road, Center City, with a total of ... usable square footage containing ... amenities, with an overall market valuation of $2,250,000 and a starting bid of $600. 000 dollars ..."

  "Plate 4, this gentleman raises his hand, $600, 000, any raises?"

  "600, 000 first time ..."

  "600,000 dollars for the second time ..."

  "600,000 for the third time!"

  The court staff in charge of the auction didn't have the slightest attitude of wanting everyone to bid, he was completely just here to go through the motions, and a downtown office building worth more than two million dollars, or maybe even more, was auctioned off at a ridiculously low price.

  Lynch, however, looked a little more far-reaching, he is very clear that the low price may not be really low, these people took these assets, they naturally have to provide the corresponding job opportunities, and use them to create their original social value, economic value.

  In fact, even if some of these industries to him now, he can not play, especially some factories and so on, not to talk about the production of raw materials he can afford, just the production of goods can not be quickly back to the money, capital backlog is enough to let him go bankrupt.

  He just watched with cold eyes as one after another hundreds of thousands and millions of assets were sold off at an extremely low price.

  What those people had fantasized about at his Mobile auction of second-hand goods had actually become a reality here by accident, with no one bidding and all the goods being sold at the lowest possible starting price.

  If the people who had these ideas knew about the "miracle" that happened here, they would be very relieved, wouldn't they?

  All the participants seemed to be accustomed to it, and they were not surprised that they had won some of the items at the lowest prices, it was just a show, a drama, all for the sake of blocking the mouths of some people in the process.

  Lynch he had planned to simply go through the motions, but he didn't expect that there would actually be auction items that made him have some interest: some trucks.

  More than thirty trucks and more than fifty various trailer cargo boxes, but the price was only 110,000 RMB, this price was also ridiculously low, but there were not many people interested.

  HENG HUI Group had its own logistics company, and the bidders here also had their own logistics companies, or partnered with them, and they weren't too interested in the trucks under HENG HUI's name.

  One truck would definitely need a truck driver, and more than thirty trucks equaled more than thirty jobs, plus some related staff, these things created at least no less than fifty salaries, while not having a very strong demand.

  They weren't interested, but Lynch was, and he didn't actively disrupt the auction, just watched quietly.

  The truck was eventually assigned because no one raised a card.

  When the foreclosure ended, Lynch immediately gave Ferrell a call to talk about the situation, if no one was willing to take over these trucks of theirs, he didn't mind taking on some responsibility and contributing to the maintenance of the Federation's law, the local order.

  No matter what, Lord Lynch. is also an excellent businessman with a sense of social responsibility!