
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantasy
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178 Chs

0131 Pick up the money

  "You want those trucks?"

  Ferrell, who arrived a little later to this side of the courtroom, asked with a cigarette in his mouth, there was quite a tired look on his face, and it was rare to see him smoking before.

  Smoking could stain the body with some of the smell of smoke, which was a very rude behavior in some cases, and most people would try to avoid it as much as possible, especially important aides to the mayor like Ferrell.

  Their outward appearance, in many cases, represented the image of the mayor, and they also tended to be assigned some important work by the mayor, so a hobby that seemed unusual to many people was something they couldn't have.

  But at this moment, he couldn't care less, and a deep drag softened the expression on his face.

  Flicking the ashes of his cigarette, he glanced at Lynch, "Those trucks aren't worth much, but they're a heavy load."

  "Thirty-three trucks plus forty-nine trailers, you'll need to provide at least sixty jobs, and those jobs aren't allowed to be eliminated during the term."

  He flicked his cigarette ash again; it was impossible to really pay nothing at all when you took away several or even dozens of times as much for almost as much as an olive dish.

  HENG HUI Group's industry on this side of Sabine was divided up, and those who swallowed the cake had to take on the responsibility of getting those resources as well, and they had to socially provide a few hundred jobs at the least, or thousands at the most.

  And these jobs will only continue to increase, absolutely impossible to reduce.

  There was never a free lunch in this world, even if there had always been a cooperative relationship between them and the mayor, it was impossible to gain such a large amount of wealth for nothing.

  Ferrell's meaning was very simple, it wasn't hard to eat these things, but it wasn't easy to maintain them, sixty jobs that had a relationship with truck drivers, each month the salary given to an individual was less than three hundred dollars or more, eighteen thousand dollars just for the salary.

  The trucks really didn't seem to be worth much, but the jobs that came about because of those trucks were going to take more than $200,000 a year in wages away from Lynch's side of the family.

  Those wages are capable of supporting at least 60 families and radiating out to cover the living realities of about about 120 to 180 families.

  For a year or two, Lynch can't cut those jobs as long as the mayor stays in place, and they will be a liability that will drag him down once the economy doesn't improve or he has problems with his operations.

  In fact, those other big companies were the same, after they appropriated these assets there would also be individuals who couldn't bear the heavy burden and had no choice but to go bankrupt, yet everyone was still desperately stuffing their stomachs, they were betting on it, betting that the economy would get better before they went bankrupt.

  Lynch also lit a cigarette and took two puffs, "I have my ways, you don't have to worry."

  Ferrell took a serious look at Lynch, and after determining that he indeed wasn't lying, he also made sure that he wasn't just eyeballing and jealous of others and fooling around.

  He pulled Lynch's arm and walked with him through a few small doors to the office at the back of the courtroom, where Ferrell, as a personal officer who often accompanied the mayor to various events, was still very much a local brand.

  He explained the situation, and naturally the court would not give him a hard time, recognizing his argument, and finally reached an agreement with Lynch after halving the discount on the already ridiculously low price.

  The reason is also very simple, after the auction, the court thinks the valuation is too high, re-valued a reasonable valuation, see, this is not an instant sold?

  As for how to perfect the "offline" operation, in fact, it is also very simple, directly in the next foreclosure auction this auction information to the "telephone auction" way to add it on the line, no one can find inappropriate reasons.

  After paying the auction fee of less than 50,000 dollars, Lynch got the keys to the trucks and their certificates of ownership, and seeing these cute little books, Lynch suddenly vaguely recalled something.

  After he and Ferrell casually chatted for a while, Ferrell left in a hurry, and he is now living a very full ... life Hopefully!

  These small books in Lynch's hands soon appeared on Joe Gleeman's desk, and the latter couldn't help but smile while shaking his head as he looked at them.

  He looked very carefully, each book did not let go, for the authenticity of these things, he has a very accurate judgment, and this judgment stems from his experience of working over the years.

  Having come into contact with more certificates, bills, property rights, and liability documents, he gradually gained some ability to appraise these things.

  Especially some real estate and automobile title books, fingers in the moment of touching the pages of the book can judge a rough.

  "Thirty-three ... books," Joe Gleeman looked at Lynch, "and forty-nine trailer cabinets!"

  He pressed his arms against the arms of his chair and stifled a sigh, "I'm not a counter here Lynch, you can't always come to me for your money!"

  Lynch's visit was unsurprisingly another attempt to liquidate the full amount of these things, not a small amount this time, thirty-three vehicles, slightly this on some, at thirty-five thousand dollars a piece, the collateral value of just the trucks was over a million dollars.

  Add in the forty-nine towing containers, and all of this adds up to about a million and six hundred thousand dollars.

  Lynch didn't care about the meaning of Joe Gleeman's words, he just smiled and asked, "We're friends, right?"

  Joe Gleeman thought about the letter of thanks Lynch had given him, and thinking about how this young man who knew what he was doing had made himself very popular within the system this year, and how someone had even proposed that he not go to the branch to simmer down his seniority, and directly take over as the president of the bank on this side of Sabine, he couldn't afford to turn Lynch down.

  "It's too dangerous!" , he muttered, "You've taken a lot of money from my side, once something goes wrong ..."

  GET NOW Finance had entrusted its assets to Dyson Asset Management for full management, who in turn pledged it to the bank in exchange for a large amount of cash, and it had become a wireless cycle, with money constantly coming in and out, involving around four million or so dollars.

  In addition Lynch had close to three hundred thousand dollars in collateral between his own side and the bank, he had pledged all of his things to the bank, and for the sake of all of us being friends, Joe Gleeman had uniformly given the top dollar valuation.

  If he added these things in his hands, his financial dealings with Lynch, directly including indirectly, were about to break through six million dollars.

  Any mistake in any part of the process could make this six million dollars become a waste of water, he had already felt a hint of pressure, and Lynch's ambition was much bigger than he had imagined.

  But Lynch directly interrupted him, "The trucks will be entrusted to Dyson, you don't have to worry."

  Joe Gleeman raised an eyebrow and frowned slightly, his mind immediately spinning and stood up, walking over to the door and closing it behind him and tightening the blinds.

  When that was done, he returned to sit behind his desk, "You're not going to pay it back?"

  He had a reason for asking, originally he had thought that the asset was mortgaged to the bank in Lynch's personal name, which would have been difficult for him to do because a personal mortgage of such a large scale would have been badmouthed, even if he could have forcefully bailed it out with the position he was in nowadays.

  Even some people who are not dealing with him will poke their nose up.

  This is like a market value of one hundred million group of companies from the bank loan ten million, no matter this company loan money to be used in what place, the banking system will not have too much vigilance on this business.

  However, when a person takes out a loan of ten million dollars in the name of an individual, it will inevitably give rise to some negative thoughts as well as emotions, and will more strictly monitor how the money is used, and will even attract the investigation team from the branch or headquarters.

  This is also the reason why he is a little difficult, occasionally in the valuation of the "mistakes" can be seen as a normal small mistakes, but every time "mistakes" that is malpractice.

  Originally he thought Lynch was a personal mortgage, but now it seems that he does not intend to do so.

  If Dyson Asset Management is responsible, then the value of these things can be added to the market value of Dyson, the bank will recognize the loan after the appropriate investigation, after all, in the back of these things there is a market value of millions of Dyson Asset Management Company in support.

  But Joe Gleeman felt that this matter is not so simple, he and Lynch are very clear, Dyson Asset Management is a shell company on the table, so far it does not even have an employee, once the company suddenly declared bankruptcy, about six million dollars of funds will become bad debt.

  However, this kind of rotten debt will not involve Joe Gleeman, no one can predict this kind of risk, and even if it is predicted, it is difficult to resist.

  It had been rumored within the banking system during this time that because HENG HUI had been investigated and finally went bankrupt, it had generated as much as 37,000,000,000 dollars of bad debts within the six major banks, but the six major banks hadn't made much of a fuss about this, and there was no claim that they had to recover their losses.

  These handlers among them were not penalized for this either. This is a very normal phenomenon, and even sometimes when the banks are confronted with certain projects, knowing full well that these projects may be a bit problematic, they will still jump headlong into them without hesitation.

  It wasn't that the people of the six major banks were stupid, but they had their own intentions and algorithms, and there were times when they looked as if they had lost money, but in reality they had made a profit, and there were countless various operations.

  In Joe Gleeman's eyes, Lynch was a very thoughtful, bold, and risk-taking young man, so the first thing that came to his mind was that Lynch wasn't going to pay back the money, and when the time came to let Dyson go into bankruptcy protection, after the liquidation was over the millions of dollars he would be able to legally put in his pocket.

  Lynch shook his head, "Nope, I don't have the habit of owing people things and not paying them back, it's just that doing so makes it a little bit easier for you, and I don't have this amount of money in my eyes, I'm just short of some funds right now."

  With this one million dollars or so coming in, along with the piece of land at the club, he would soon be able to raise almost four million or so in cash in his hands, which would be enough for him to set up his industrial layout in Sabine and even the entire state.

  What he said was indeed all true, this amount of money he hadn't looked at in his eyes, even if he really wanted to get some money, it wasn't at this time, not in this place.

  To make a deal, make a big deal!