
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantaisie
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178 Chs

0023 Gentlemen's League

The landline phone in the office rang abruptly, and Vera's husband, Gap, looked at the phone for a few moments before pulling the ever-twisting and quivering muscle relaxer (guess what it was) out of some shadowy corner.

His female secretary might be a little unwell today, even standing was a struggle, her legs clenched holding the edge of the table, her body's center of gravity pressed on the table.

There was still a streak of sweat on the floor; people in poor health always sweat easily, and it was getting progressively hotter now.

"Hello?" , he casually turned off the little toy he used to relax his muscles, a look of coping appeared on his face at the same time, a moment later he raised his eyebrows slightly, "Yeah, I see ... Of course, I have a social engagement tonight, you know, it's a critical time... ..."

After a brief chat Mr. Gap hung up the phone, and after a few moments of contemplation he withdrew his gaze, glancing at the female secretary before looking back at the couch, who quickly understood Gap's sympathetic pain and stepped over to the couch on his bright red high heels.

The Ristoian Group is a large company that spans a wide range of sectors and can already be considered the backbone of the economy in terms of the city of Sabine, so it stands to reason that the Ristoian Group is also faced with a ridiculous number of various financial statement issues each cycle.

Gap had a very important role as an accomplished auditor-accountant, and was not a native of the area, having relocated from out of state after accepting the job.

This is the most critical time in his life, and there is a plan to restructure the management within the group of companies, including the finance department.

He had been working very well with the management and the executives of the company, and the vice president of the group company had told him that if he was able to take the next step up, then he would be able to become a partner in the group.

Even if it was the lowest ranked partner, this was a substantial leap for Gap's social status, and as long as this step was taken, he would be able to make the leap from middle class to upper class in three to five years.

He did have a social engagement for the evening, only this one wasn't the kind of engagement that Vera, and most people, would expect to talk about work in a semi-public setting, but one that involved a bribe.

There needs to be enough nutrients behind any growth, and Gap is well aware of that, he has a direct relationship with those nutrients, those numbers, and he knows how to fertilize himself properly.

He walked over to the couch and soothed his secretary and continued to relax her body while he whispered what she would be working late at night.

An hour or so later, the female secretary had gone into the lounge to recuperate her strength for the evening's entertainment, and Gap, who had just put on a shirt and sprayed some perfume on his body, hesitated for a few seconds and lifted the phone.

"It's me, find out about my wife and the company she works for for me, I want all the information about this company and also, find out what they did tonight ..."

After hanging up the phone Gap s face showed an ... expression that was hard to describe, and he half sat on the edge of the table looking out the window, and after a while he turned back to the table and continued to bury his head in the counting of numbers and bills.

A little later in the day, Lynch and Vera arrived at a supposedly decent restaurant on the fringe of downtown.

Not bad, meaning that the restaurant would not be too low class, while at the same time there was no queue, and without waiting the two were led by the waiter to an empty table to the side, with a view of the road at a glance.

As for Richard's three men, they were just toolmen who hadn't even signed an employment contract, and couldn't be considered employees of the company, so naturally, they wouldn't join in this induction celebration ceremony.

"Ladies first ...", the waiter had just handed Lynchthe menu when Lynch smiled at Vera, and it had to be said that his handsomeness coupled with such a gentlemanly demeanor fulfilled almost every female's imagination of the opposite sex.

I don't know if it was the lighting or the fact that it was getting warmer, but Vera's cheeks were a little warm and she didn't object after a deep look at Lynch, taking the menu and starting to order.

Here the menu will be relatively simple, there is no mess on the top of a bunch of fancy things, often a color photo of the main course, supplemented by a variety of appetizer side dishes and so on the description, if there is a need to adjust the place can be declared with the waiter.

Vera made a quick decision, she ordered a filet mignon and Lynch ordered a random steak and a bottle of red wine.

There seemed to be some awkwardness between the two as they waited for their meal, Vera tried to avoid interacting with Lynch and Lynch looked at her, which made it even more awkward and she had to open her mouth to say something.

After thinking for a while, she said, "How did you come up with the idea for this business?" , she said and added, "I never thought that a change exchange business could generate a profit!"

Over the course of a full day, she registered over thirty thousand dollars in change and watched as it was turned back into whole dollars in no time at all. She actually had the realization that maybe Lynch's business wasn't exactly in line with the rules, but to say it was illegal that wasn't necessarily the case.

There is no coercion or inducement of any kind, anyone can come to exchange change, and even the certificate of incorporation of the Great Empire Company specifically indicates "change exchange business".

The Department of Social Services recognizes this as a business, then it is legal, and Lynch successfully exploited a loophole in the law.

He casually shrugged his shoulders, "Look, we're a service company, and as long as there's a demand and a market, we provide a service, we don't do anything illegal, we don't avoid taxes, we don't evade taxes, we don't discuss issues that might be divisive, and it's a business that's actually very good."

He had a point, and Vera just wanted to open up and say something to ease the subtle awkwardness, but at the moment she felt that Lynch was a very special person.

Smart ideas, accurate positioning, excellent thinking skills and attitude towards some things, he is not at all like a young man who has just entered the society after graduating from high school.

Most of the way women approach the selection of men before the age of thirty, or before they've been viciously victimized by a few scumbags, is to consider their looks, their body.

But only after the baptism of years washed away the frivolity of the body, only after a deeper understanding of the world, they will be enamored of men's talent and their temperament.

Lynch is undoubtedly a talented, classy and handsome enough young man to fit everything contemporary women aspire to in a best mate.

Just today's day, Lynch made over two thousand dollars, this is just a company with a registered capital of one hundred dollars, the first day of official business has created more than twenty times the company's assets of net profit, this kind of profit speed is simply fear!

What made Vera's heart beat a little faster was Lynch's hot eyes, humorous talk and aggressive attitude that always made her heart beat too fast.

"You're actually in pretty good shape ...", Lynch said, surprising Vera a bit while he looked over to the plate the waiter had just brought up, and the grilled fish chunks inside.

Most people make steak their main meal, partly because that's what people have been eating from the beginning until now, and partly because it's a little easier to get.

Fish and chips won't work, it's not a traditional food and Sabine City is far from the coast.

The popularity of fish fillets in the last few years has been linked to some nutritionists who believe that using fish fillets is healthier, lower in fat, and better suited for people who need to maintain or slim down.

Whether that was right or not was a matter for the professionals, Lynch just thought that Vera had a great body, with no extra flab to be seen at all.

She touched her cheeks, a little shyly, "Really ...," she said and fell silent again.

The ensuing conversation reverted to some work and social insights, and the feeling between the two grew more and more cordial, and it was at this point that Lynch accidentally spotted masthead.

He walked furtively into an alleyway not far away, his face a little grim.

Of course this little interlude would not spoil the mood of the moment, and the two ended the induction celebration on a friendly note, with Lynch even dropping Vera off at her home, acting like a gentleman along the way without the slightest overture.