
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantasy
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178 Chs

0024 The creation of power is often based on violence with dominant force

After a few days, the hatred did not leave easily from masthead's inner world, but instead became more and more hateful because of time.

Whenever he was drunk he always remembered the humiliation, the hurt, and the control that Michael had inflicted on him that night.

He just wanted a soul mate like most normal people, he hadn't actually done anything, the girl herself hadn't even objected, and then Michael suddenly appeared.

He kicked masthead and stomped on his most prized possession and denied him clothes, all in front of his adopted daughter.

Then his adopted daughter went off somewhere and he finally landed a whole lot of leverage on Michael, and he hated it more and more when he remembered that every time Michael would either beat him or curse him, he would even take the money he had on him.

This time, in particular, the loss of a few thousand dollars had made him feel ruthlessly humiliated once again, and it had involved his dominance over those kids.

Now the whole small building of kids knew that a man named Michael had taken the money that belonged to masthead, and he was being held up to the fire, and some of the older kids were looking at him with changed eyes.

He's starting to lose control of the kids, especially last night, when he was drunk and ready to beat them to discover his pent-up emotions, and the two oldest kids actually grabbed his whip and pushed him out the door.

The circumstances that were beginning to spiral out of control made him even more fearful, everything he had was based on absolute control over these kids, and if he didn't change anything, soon he would be one of those losers in his eyes, dust in the garbage heap of history.

"Can it ring a bell?" , the man hiding in a shadowy corner opposite masthead was counting the bills in his hand and had no response to masthead's question.

It was a while before he counted the rolls before nodding his head a little, "No problem, I've already tried it, you can try it too, it has four rounds in it, if you want more ...", he pulled a handful of them out of his pocket, "No problem, I've already tried it, you can try it too, there are four rounds in it, if you want more ...", he said. "Two dollars a pop."

masthead's face twitched as he tucked the pistol into his pocket in silence; such pistols, altered via a hairpin, had no numbers, and even if something went wrong it would be difficult to trace the source.

A lot of underground arms dealers like this kind of weapon, at least they can make sure they won't be involved in any cases.

"That's fine, no problem with the money, anything else?" , the young man in the shadows asked, masthead shook his head, he said hello to masthead and quickly disappeared down the alley.

It was getting darker and darker, and for the first time, masthead, who was carrying a pistol in his pocket, felt something called "power", which was very different from the power he had felt before.

The previous power was based on the difference between an adult and an individual child; he was stronger and had more force than the children, so he was able to control them.

But now this power he had mastered allowed him to directly deprive others of their lives at will, as he wished, and this sublimated control over other people's lives made him feel like he was the Lord of Heaven.

Anyone who made him uncomfortable would end their ugly lives as he pulled the trigger, and the feeling of wanton predation turned his entire being on.

Carrying slices of ham from the deli and a complimentary small meal kit - the deli competes for business by offering customers a small bag of a total of four fist-sized whole wheat meal kits if they purchase enough and specified meat.

This business model is gradually spreading from big cities to small cities, and people may not realize anything yet, those who specialize in finance and economics have actually discovered these problems.

The slowdown in economic growth has made society more competitive and more brutal, and there has been a problematic but reasonable slowdown in financial and economic development at the national level as a whole.

Eating salty slices of ham, on a dinner bag and cheap spirits, he managed to make himself dizzy once more, while at the same time an urge from nowhere began to invade his head.

He remembered the things that had happened to him in the dormitory last night, being shooed out the door by the kids who had let him make them like dogs, and with a sardonic grin on his face and a whip and bottle in his hand, he took a step into the dormitory.

A few minutes later, a not-so-piercing gunshot came, and the entire dormitory building's previous noise and clamor instantly dissolved into calm, followed by the sound of a whip on flesh.

Only this time, more than ever, no one was crying, and everyone was clenching their teeth, which twisted masthead's impulses even further.

No tears?

Beat you till you cry!

have nothing to say all night

After a day's worth of contact Vera had become proficient in the specifics of the job, and after Lynch had taken care of a piece of business he said hello to her and left ahead of him, he had some other things to do.

Things like commissioning a lawyer to register some patents and finding a fabricator to get his penny splitter made, as well as seeing masthead's odd behavior at dinner with Vera last night made him a little curious, he wondered if masthead was planning to make a move and he had to get his own things done before he did, like putting his ring in Michael's room.

There's quite a lot going on, and one step at a time.

Near noon Lynch went first to a rather ordinary law firm in Sabine, not the most prestigious or the one with the highest success rate in defense, he just registered the patent not needing those references.

The main reason why I chose this firm was that it was cheap.

If a professional accountant can give you heartburn for that one day each month, a lawyer can give you heartburn for a month or more.

The cost of the conversation is only part of the overall cost, the moment they leave the office they start calculating the tolls, and if they leave with a briefcase then there are material costs.

Not to mention all the extra expenses incurred by the fact that they might be thirsty or hungry, and all of those costs were unavoidable, so Lynch just needed a regular lawyer.

"Hello ...," said Lynch, just as he entered, and the lawyer politely invited him to sit down, and then pressed in his face on a small double-sided desk clock, which immediately began to tick.

It was also at this time that the lawyer spoke up, "If the secretary hadn't been slacking off she should have told you that our conversations are twenty-five dollars an hour and less than an hour is counted as an hour, right?"

Lynch nodded and the smile on the lawyer's face only grew a little more, "So what can I help you with?"

"I want to register the patent."

"Registering a patent?" , the attorney froze slightly, he re-examined Lynch, at Lynch's current age he felt that Lynch would be more likely to talk to him about possible criminal behavior, such as assault, battery or robbery, rather than registering a patent, so he double-checked.

Lynch nodded again before the attorney began his work, "Well, to be honest we don't have a patent attorney at our firm, but we can do ..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Lynch stood up, which caused the lawyer to stand up right after him and try desperately to get the business, "We can give you a discount, and believe me, it doesn't take much expertise to register a patent!"

Because local laws vary from state to state and from region to region, certain legal documents that can pass muster in one state will not pass muster with the judiciary in another.

No lawyer dares to claim that they are all-rounders, they tend to specialize in only one area, for example, a criminal lawyer will only specialize in the content of criminal cases and the standards of conviction and sentencing that are available in each state for criminal cases.

Similarly, there are matrimonial lawyers who specialize in marriage and divorce, economic lawyers for wealth disputes, and among them, patent lawyers who specialize in patents.

The main scope of a patent attorney's work is not really on registration issues, but on how to more effectively help employers build patent barriers, solve technology monopoly problems, and various infringement cases.

But sometimes people are just so cognizant of the fact that they can go out in both slippers and leather shoes, and they will definitely choose leather shoes over slippers when they go out, even though both are the same in a certain nature.

It is also every attorney's job to get every client possible and produce a profit for the firm.