
The Way Of The Evil Dungeon Seeker

Erin the young dungeon seeker traverses dungeons levelling up in all sorts of ways from killing monster to killing humans there is nothing he wont do to improve himself.

Velodorasan · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Backstreet seller

After eating breakfast Erin is now taking a stroll down towards the poorer area's of the city because even in grand city of Ares the population was mostly made of civilians which were mostly in the service sector catering to hunters, even this was the so called poorer area of the city it was still thriving much different than other regions. As Erin strolled down the path his keen eyes kept a lookout towards the darker area's and alleyways between buildings, peering across the road Erin's gaze fell upon a somewhat shady looking individual draped in a black gown his instincts told him that there is a high possibility of him managing one of the 'backstreet stores' Erin crossed the road approaching the figure draped in black in doing so the man seemed to take notice of him as Erin approached. ''Hello sir, I wonder if I can help you?'' queried the man "hello, I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction, you see I'm in possession of a fair few goblin teeth and need a quite place to sell them" stated Erin "oh In that case I may be of help sir I myself run a small shop just at the end of this alleyway, if you are willing may I take a look at your goods?" Erin signalled ok with a quick nod towards the man.

Following the mysterious figure down the narrow damp alleyway it reminded Erin of one of his first humans he had killed, it was down an alleyway much like this one where he had been waiting late at night in the cold he was about to leave said alleyway when a young man had entered obviously intoxicated he had unzipped his jeans and was about to relieve himself but before that he was cut short as he felt something else draining out of him, surprisingly it was his blood as he turned around he was only able to gaze into a young Erin's eyes, although Erin had also used his body to practice the sensation of stabbing a human for the unfortunate man it was the last thing he had seen before passing away. After remising about this old memory it seemed they had arrived at the end of this damp alleyway, a small stream of light lit up the tiny building in front of him he could only describe it as a small wooden door and old looking window stuck between the alley, having a second thought about his decision to follow this man and inferred that it might just be some small time seller, almost as if reading his mind the mysterious man uttered in a soft tone "this is the common reaction people have to my store, please don't be discouraged by the outside looks and follow me inside one should not judge a book by its cover." Taking this strange fellows words into account Erin placed a small amount of trust into him proceeding to follow through the doorway, entering through he was somewhat shocked as inside this building it was lit by a warm hue of light the room itself was still rather small but compared to how it looked outside it was comparatively large and luxurious, weapons and armour of different variety and quality lined the walls, the shopkeeper was peering at Erin gauging his reaction however Erin still kept a somewhat unconcerned face.

Moving forwards Erin placed the goblin teeth on the scales that were set up on top of the counter the shopkeeper was slightly startled as he had painted Erin as a new and naïve hunter in his mind, after his many years of experience in this profession he was confident in his eye's to spot easy prey not fully convinced yet he decided on testing Erin if he was able to obtain this many teeth surely he would be able to spot a simple trick. Doing so the shopkeepers hand darted in and out of his black sleeve grabbing a goblin tooth as he did so. Of course seeing this Erin had no problem seeing through this simple trick using his telekinesis the tooth slipped through the fingers of the shopkeeper and gently placed itself back on the pile. A pair of blue eyes locked onto the shopkeepers face almost looking into his soul, a cold shiver ran down his spine.

"Sorry about this sir, this is just a small test to differentiate the rookies from the professionals I hope you can forgive this impudence" the words left his mouth in an instant as an awkward silence permeated throughout the store finally Erin's eyes glowed with a red hue "I will forgive you this once but believe me if this happens again I will skin you alive and drain every ounce of blood from your decrepit body" Erin uttered in a sharp tone looking into his eyes the shopkeeper felt immense fear as his knees shook lightly he could sense no word of a lie in Erin's speech. "Of course sir, I could not apologise enough as a sign of our first business together as well as an apology for my rudeness I will give you double the price of the goblin tooth's value, that will be 5000 Gil." Appeased with this response Erin's anger had somewhat subsided as his face turned back to his normal stoic expression following this the red hue of light that was present Inside Erin's eyes had also dimmed out, with it faded away his clear blue eyes had returned back to their normal state. Now looking towards the collection of items on the wall Erin noticed a well made mask sitting in the corner placed on a crooked wooden shelf, as he picked it up he thoroughly inspected it, a dark stoic expression imprinted on the front of the mask gave it a frightening aura that interested him there were two eyes cut outs and a small mouth cut out to go along with it. The reason this mask had caught his attention would be his desire to go in stronger dungeons, as some of the dungeons you had to pay to enter into if you were not associated with the guilds this would be perfect for hiding his rookie identity from them although it would raise some suspicion towards him the trade off was certainly in his favour. "I see your looking at the mask if you're interested I can cut you a deal for 4200 Gil in good faith, I assure you the mask is of great quality I believe that it has a mixture of iron and mithril and even has a magic imbued into it, this magic attaches the mask to your face using the heat produced from the body you can also detach it easily at will." Said the shopkeeper "ok ill take it" handing over the money Erin then left the store as nothing else had caught his eye but before leaving the shopkeeper exclaimed "my name is Monty if you are ever in need of anything I can offer you my assistance, you can just let yourself in as you are now a valued customer."