

Soon enough, the empress died, literally from heart attack. Her dreams of her son becoming the greatest flame emperor, and her only dreams, were crushed, and she was left devastated. Naturally the rest of the royal family hated the young Liusung and blamed him for the empress's death, but took care of him nonetheless. Committing nepoticide or any of the cides topped the list of all possible crimes and would secure you a fate worse than anything human minds could contemplate. Therefore, the future emperor must be kept safe, must be nurtured, and must not be treated any different because of his element control, which the royal family found extremely difficult. The days passed by, then days became months, and months became years, until Liusung was 8. At this age he was old enough to read and write, was given fine education and was treated as someone extra special, and was brought up in a way to make him believe that he was special for his water control. The royal family was planning on never letting him leave the palace. They could concoct various kinds of lies to keep the citizens and the young emperor at bay simultaneously. If the two sides of a same coin ever met, the world as we know it would cease to make sense, in this case, the kingdom would surely fall to ruin, and the royal family wouldn't tolerate this. The kingdom was painstakingly founded from nothing by people who put blood, sweat and tears into their work, and the centuries of this work is what made the world's greatest flame kingdom, and this was not about to be ruined by an 8 year old upstart who didn't even know right from wrong. But the royal family didn't take into consideration, Liusung's own feelings and ambitions. As they didn't know what to do with him, and wanted nothing to do with him, they would often let him roam around the palace in his free time, and most of this time, he spent in the royal library. Here he secretly learnt about the wonders of the outside world and his curiosity was constantly being fuelled, and this led to him giving all of the royal family another heart attack by announcing his ambition to map the entire world inch by inch if it's the last thing he does.