

Of course, the royal family couldn't allow this. They had to change Liusung's mind, so they tried convincing him that the world was full of horrid beasts that would eat young emperors but Liusung wasn't fazed by this, he simply told them that if this was the case, he would just train his body, mind, and water control to become a formidable opponent to the beasts, he also told them about the things he learned from the royal library, the royal family spent the whole of that night awake, changing the all the books in the royal library that Liusung could get his hands on, to depict horrors in the outside world, but Liusung's mind was made, he must explore the outer world, and the royal family knew that there was almost nothing they could do about it. Another few years later, on the day Liusung turned thirteen, he was old enough to know that something was wrong and that the royal family was keeping him from a lot of secrets, so he decided to sneak out of the palace to see the outside world for the first time. But this was the royal palace, there were alert guards everywhere, so he decided to use his water control. By now he had thought himself more than the basics of his water control. From sneaking into royal archives, he had learnt ancient and nearly forgotten water control arts. He could now control water in all three states. This complicated things, but he didn't know it. He was now not only a water control but was one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful water controller in the world. And to prove that this wasn't the least of the kingdom's problems, he had frozen all the guards that posed a threat to him, leading the other guards to believe that a band of incredibly powerful water controllers were endangering the royal family. The head guard then declared a lockdown of the palace and city until the water controllers were found, but Liusung did not know this as by the time they had noticed that he was missing he was far away from the palace.