
The Warrior Princesses Alpha

In a world of warring wolf and dragon clans, a seventeen-year-old princess is determined to reclaim her kingdom from the traitorous wolves who betrayed her family. As she gathers an army, she meets two very different men, a dragon prince and an eastern wolf king, both of whom declare their love for her. TORN between her duty to her kingdom and her growing feelings for them, the princess must decide who to trust before the fate of her entire kingdom rests on her shoulders. Ashina's heart hurt when she was sixteen and found the man who stated he was in love with her, balls deep into some dragoness. Even if Cadma had never cheated on her, their love was not meant to be. The young prince did not see it the same way Ashina did and was not letting go of her without a fight. Angry at her true-mate, Andor, who did not save himself for her, she decides saving the kingdom is more important than having a mate. Is it possible for her fated mate and her to be together? Ashina had made the decision that love would not be part of her life at that point. As Ashina's heart was broken at sixteen, she realized that it was time to build an army to reclaim her kingdom.

Kathy_Hoffman_7203 · Fantaisie
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79 Chs

Chapter Thirty-Five - I Need Vengeance!

Ashina –

He shifted back into human form midair with his right fist out, ready to throw a punch at Cadma. For a moment, I was in a slight state of shock after seeing that move for the first time. Andor and Cadma were frozen instantly when I yelled "Freeze!"

During my childhood and teenage years, I did not have this much fun. I was always being trained to become the warrior queen, but today I had a lot of fun. To get Andor's' frozen body close to Cadma's body, I guided it up. With their close proximity, they were able to kiss each other. As Andor's' fist was already passed Cadma's head, it was not going to contact any of Cadma's body parts.

After screaming, "Unfreeze!" Sure enough, Andor fell from his midair shift, grabbing Cadma's shoulders, with his arms encircling Cadma's neck. I almost fell onto the ground laughing. "Oh, my goodness, you two are such a cute couple!" I shouted out, barely able to speak.

What was even funnier is Andor was hanging in the air naked, and now hugging Cadman bare butt naked. Cadma grimaced and pushed Andor off of him, yelling, "GET OFF OF ME YOU PERVERTED WET DOG FREAK!" I continued laughing their reactions are too funny. I need to do this more often; it relieves daily stress so well.

Then Kiera purred in my head, "I know what else can relieve stress." She showed me pictures of Andor naked, and we were having sex outside on the dirt. The large muscles of his body encircled me, as his member pushed in and out of me. I started sweating and decided to run away from him.

"Kiera! I hope you will never do that again! Those two are horny men, and we are just sitting ducks out here."

"We are the same halves of each other's soul; I am only saying what you are already thinking. So don't play innocent Ashina!"

I groan as I know Kiera is correct, however, I don't like how blatantly she declares it, "Shut up Kiera. You talk too much!"

When the men stared at me as I laughed at their dilemma, I decided to put on a serious face and set some rules. "One! No kisses unless you ask me first. Two! No more competitiveness over me. Three! Hang it up, I don't have time for you both." As I was about to walk off, Andor grabbed my arm and stopped me.

While I tried to take my arm back, Andor just held it even tighter, and I could see a look of rage on Cadma's face. "What do you want, Andor?" I sneered.

Looking smug, Andor asks, "Tomorrow is your birthday, and when you find out I am your mate. What then?"

"Honestly, I hope the moon goddess will tell me you don't have a mate. However, we will need to talk about this tomorrow, if you are indeed mine."

I heard Cadma grumble, "What is so special about having a mate anyway?"

Andor growled back, "Stay away from my mate!"

When I force Andor's hands off of my arm, I run away. I can hear them running behind me, so I turn around and cast a spell that makes them run slowly. Now I am free to go back to my trainer and discuss the possibility of using magical torture on this rogue in the cell. It is at that point that I change into black painter pants, this is the pants I use to keep my knives, brass knuckles, and other torture tools in. In addition, I ensure I wear all black clothing and top off my outfit with black combat boots. In order for me to appear as threatening as possible, I tie up my long, dark hair into a bun and don't wear any makeup.

It would be interesting to discuss how we could use exploding arrows as a way to kill demons. I know it has to do with the Ebola virus, but I was thinking maybe we could create arrows that would erupt into the bloodstream when imbedded in someone's skin.

I headed outside to see both Rectors mate and Margaret sparring with each other. I was impressed they both had admirable skills. I would love to take each one on and compare our skills.

I had to keep training so as not to let my heart think of having a mate. Who is going to bring back my parents, no one! Malcolm must pay for this! My mate will want me to stay and be a Luna. I am not going to be anyone's Luna ever! I need vengeance and also, I need to save my people! Not stay with lovesick men.