
The plan

*Keylee's pov*

I just stare at the wall in front of me. The last few hours were a mix of me crying in my pillow and staring at the wall. Then I felt weak and stupid so I went down to eat something. I felt to bad to eat something so I went back upstairs. Theo was nice enough to let me stay at his house and his parents didn't complain. Now I think about it, I haven't seen them but he said it was fine.

Now is the small moment I stare at the wall again, trying hard not to cry and process everything that happened. I know I shouldn't feel this, but right now I wish I was back with Void who could just take my pain, who could calm me down by just being calm himself. Am I crazy for wishing someone back who tried to kill me? I mean- killed me. He DID kill me.

Probably crazy. But do I care? Not one bit. Did I loose my mind? I wouldn't be surprised. Yet I somehow still try to keep everything together. Right now I'm just repeating everything that happened over and over again in my head. Like that will work.

I feel another wave of tears coming up. I'm sick of it, so, freaking, sick of it! I don't want to cry. I don't want to feel weak. It makes me angry. I fall back on the bed with my face in my pillow and just scream. I scream until I feel less angry and only sad. Well that worked out perfectly huh? Not.

I take a deep breath. I need to pull myself together. I didn't get a second chance just to cry and scream. I need to get the best out of life now I can! But just one more minute lying down wont hurt right?

I hear the door open and feel the mattress sinking in besides me. I turn around on my back and see Theo looking at me. I smile weakly to convince him I'm fine. It doesn't work though.

'Are you trying to convince me you're fine while you can't even convince yourself? Come on Key, you're angry and hurt. That's fine. What you need to do is let the anger out.'

I chuckle dryly. 'Yeah? How were you planning that?'

'Hit me.'

'What?' I sit up and look at him like he's crazy. Which I kinda think he is. I mean, he just asked me to hit him.

'Hit me. If you hit me you'll feel better, trust me.'

'If I'll hit you I'll feel guilty.'

Theo sighs and smiles slightly. 'Do you remember that time in fourth grade when you made a drawing and it was suddenly gone?'

I think about it. I do remember that. It was a very good drawing of a wolf with a lizard on it's head and a cowboy besides them. I don't know why I made that drawing but even I thought it was a good one. 'I do remember it, why?'

'I stole it.'

'YOU WHAT! But- but you said you didn't!'

Theo shrugs. 'I know, I lied.'

My eyes widen. Did he really do that? 'B-but.- '

'I'm also the one who hid your backpack that one time, I mean, Scott and Stiles were in it too but I was part of it as well.'

'YOU! YOU!-'

I don't know what to say. Why is he confessing all this while I'm already angry? I might actually- oh....

'I'm still not gonna hit you.'

'No? What if I old you... you are pathetic, you got kidnapped and killed. How weak. You didn't even use your spirit power.'

I feel slightly hurt. That's mean to say. 'I couldn't help that I-'

'Yes you could. You could have practiced but instead you ran away. You ran away and now Allison is dead!'

That's it. That's. so. it! I don't care if he did that on purpose, he crossed a line! I just turn around and punch him in the face. He falls backwards on the bed. I feel so terribly angry I punch him again. I just climb on him and punch him in his chest. And again. And again. Until Theo fights back. He pushes me down as well and growls.

'You feel that? That's anger Keylee! Use it!'

He pushes me of the bed but I just get up and throw my fist at him again.

'You remember Allison? How she died? You remember how Scott ignored you before the Alpha pack came? You remember how he hates you now? Doesn't it make you angry?'

He eventually pushes me against the wall. I unfortunately notice being out of breath.

I look at Theo who has a bleeding nose and a blue eye. I immediately feel guilty and look down.

'Why did you do that? Now you're hurt...'

'Maybe. But I'll heal. Keylee. Look at me, do you still think you're weak? Do you still feel the need to cry or do you think you can go on?'

I open my mouth to tell him how stupid this was and how sorry I am when I notice he's right. I don't feel weak anymore. I don't feel like I wanna cry. I feel like I can do so much more than I actually thought. Theo helped me and knew he would get hurt in the progress. Yet he still did it.

'I-'I sigh. 'No, I don't feel weak anymore but I do feel guilty. Sorry for beating you up.'

Theo lets go of me and we sit down on the bed again. 'If I couldn't have handled it I wouldn't make you so angry. It's my own fault and I'm happy I did it if it helped you.'

'It did. Thank you. But it was still stupid.'

Theo smiles and hugs me. 'I know.' He whispers. 'So lets do something else that's probably stupid.'

I pull out of the hug and stare at him confused. He smiles. 'You already know. I know you two need each other in a certain way. It would make you both stronger you know...'

My eyes widen. Is he talking about getting Void back? Perhaps he's joking? No, he looks very serious.

'Keylee. I really think I can get him back but I want you to feel okay with it. Unlike your pack I care for your feelings.'

'They're not my pack.' It's out before I notice. Is that how I really feel about it? I can't really see Scott and everyone as my pack. 'I- I guess it's just you and me.'

Theo looks at me... hopefully? Ugh, I know what he wants. But am I ready for that? How would I react on seeing Void again? My stomach feels like a lot of butterflies just flew in but that's not what I wanna feel. On the other hand... why fight it? I don't really have something to loose right?

'Fine. You, me-' I doubt a second before impulsively continuing. '-and Void.'

Theo smirks. 'Great. Let's go.'

'Huh, to where? I mean, how are you gonna get him back?'

He smirks again and stands up. He starts to explain while he walks down to the living room.

'They couldn't kill him so they locked him up. Something with another Nemeton and a lot of mountainash. But more importantly, he was still connected to Stiles. A part of him never left, it's just locked up behind a closed door. I think we can open that door again.'

He takes his keys and walks outside to the car. We step inside and he starts to drive.

'You mean- you want him to posses Stiles again?'

'Yeah? Is that a problem? I thought you didn't care for them?'

Did I say that? I said they weren't my pack anymore but... well... Theo has a point. Yet I haven't seen Stiles yet and I don't want to do that to him. Perhaps he doesn't hate me...

I stay silent. A bit uncomfortable. Theo notices and pulls the car over to the side of the road.

'Hey, if you don't want to that's okay. But if you do, we can bring Void back and perhaps split him and Stiles again.'

That- that sound okay. I mean, I do want Void back, somehow I just can't shut that feeling out. Perhaps I'm cursed? No, the feeling is no good to be a curse. I take a deep breath. I can't live in both worlds. I can't live with Scott and the pack and Theo and Void. And if I need to choose between people who abandoned me or Theo and Void... It's not a hard choice.

'Let's get Void back.'

Theo nods and starts driving again. Did I make the right decision? What if it would break Stiles to bring Void back? I shouldn't hesitate. I made a choice, I should stick with it. I'm gonna get the best out of life now and that is not with the pack, so I'm gonna do this! And It's gonna work!

*Theo's pov*

I take a quick glance besides me. I can see Keylee's determined expression and I just know she gave herself a pep talk. She chose for me. Alright, she didn't had all the information but still. I'm gonna have the strongest pack ever. The void kitsune, the Iriomote spirit, the banshee, the beta with anger issues. The coyote who's first instinct is to kill.... They are all gonna be mine. And I already have one. Now the others.

I pull over at the school. I can hear Keylee's heartbeat speed up a little. She's nervous. I don't blame her. 'So, how are we gonna do this? You have a plan?'

I nod. 'I do. You might not like it. Do you still care for Stiles?'

She is silent for a moment before shaking her head. 'No. I need to let them go. All of them.'

Oh... how much I love it when a plan works out. 'Alright. You are gonna walk in there, find Stiles and pretend like something has happened. Say I did something. He doesn't trust me and will believe you. You take him to here where I knock him out. We'll figure out how to get him so far to let Void in again.'

She nods and opens the door but closes it again and turns to me. 'What about Scott?'

'Don't worry, I took care of it.'

She frowns but I smile at her and she shrugs it off. Scott won't know what comes over him. Neither will Stiles. I'll just give him a chance to let Void in willingly and if not... well. He'll still think I did something to Keylee. He won't know she tricked him cause I'm gonna knock him out. I can always pretend to hurt Keylee and he will have no other choice but to let Void take over.

I look up when I hear people coming closer. Keylee is a really good actress, she looks like she's terrified and like she cried. If I was Stiles I would have come too without hesitation. I sneak out of the car and wait behind it.

'I- I don't know what to do Stiles! I just panicked when he said those things and I knocked him out. I didn't know what else to do but but him in the trunk. What was I supposed to do!?'

'No- nothing. It's fine alright. I never trusted him. Scott might be mad but that doesn't matter if we can prove what he did.'

What did she tell him? Stiles walks around the car with Keylee behind him. He looks up in surprise when he sees me. I smirk. 'Hello Stiles.'

With that I hit him hard at his head so he goes knock out. He falls on the ground and I quickly put him in the backseat. Keylee stares at him through the car window.

'Do you feel sorry?'

'A bit. But he was pretty rude when I found him. It was clear he didn't want anything to do with me so I guess it's fine. Let's go.'

Oh, this couldn't have gone better. Stiles was still angry and clearly Scott convinced him to stay distance from Keylee. She of course believed he hated her and now... it just goes perfect.