
Waking up

With a gasp she flew up. What had happened? Was this another life? No, she wouldn't remember anything in that case, right? What had happened to the dark room? And to the strange men, and the young man. What was the silver liquid she was injected with?

'W-where am I?'

'You're safe.'

Keylee quickly looked to the direction of the voice. The young man from before was leaning against the wall but it was to dark to see his face.

'Oh, I didn't realize I said that aloud. I certainly didn't expected to get an answer. Who the hell are you?'

'But Keylee-' The man stepped into a better lit place and looked towards her. '-You wouldn't really forget your best childhood-friend right?

Keylee stared at him. Only now she could really see his face. He looked handsome, but also familiar. She narrowed her eyes. He looked like... it couldn't be. He had left years ago, the last time the saw him was in the 4th grade.


'Hey Key.'

'Oh my gosh, THEO!'

Keylee jumped up and swung her arms around his neck.

Theo looked a bit taken aback by it but hugged her tight. Keylee burrowed her nose in the crook of his neck. 'Where have you been, why are you back?'

'I'm a werewolf, I was bitten. I need a pack and I found you. What happened to you Keylee. You were dead when I found you.'

Keylee huffed and chuckled slightly. 'Yeah, funny story. Not so funny actually, I uhmm. I was killed.'

Theo took a step back and studied her face. 'You're nose is bleeding.' He noticed.

'Hmm, probably. It was so weird, there was this really dark place, and I was there, I was stabbed by myself.'

Theo rose his eyebrows. 'Okay. Lets just sit down. Why don't you start at the beginning? Start with why I found you dead alright?' He guided Keylee to a bed and sat down besides her.

Keylee nodded. 'Right. So, Stiles was possessed by a Nogitsune when I was on a break. When I came back they were both in separated bodies but Void looked exactly like Stiles. He kidnapped me. He- he told me what I am.'

'What you are?'

'Yes, when Scott got bitten he ignored me for about a year. Then the alpha pack came. Deucalion, their leader, bit me. I didn't turn into a werewolf like you and Scott but in something else. I only knew I could take other's pain and my eyes would glow green when I did so. But as I said, Void knew who I was. Turns out I'm a spirit. A very old spirit. Do you know the Iriomote spirit?'

To her surprise, Theo nodded. 'I know the story. The reincarnations. You're telling me that you- you are-'


Theo smiled. 'Cool. So... I'm friends with a spirit.'

'Yup. Anyways. Void and I... I don't know what it is between us. It's just, he tricked us so many times and told so many lies I don't know what to believe. But if I have to believe what he told me when he killed me, I was his weakness and he didn't want that. He cared for me so he killed me.'

'That doesn't really make sense.'

Keylee shrugged. 'I know, but he loves chaos right? Maybe he just killed me to hurt Scott. Oh- I need to call him, and mom, they need to know I'm alive, they must be so sad! I need to-'

'You need to rest. Let me tell you what happened first okay?'

Keylee didn't want to but on the other hand... It was nice to see Theo again and she didn't want her mother to worry about her. Still, it didn't feel fair. But Theo nodded reassuringly so she agreed to listen first.

'I came here a while ago. I have already seen Scott and asked him if I could join his pack but I don't really think they trust me. Especially Stiles. Where we are now... it's a place where the dread doctors work. They helped me get you back alive. They might seem a bit creepy but I made a deal with them so don't worry.'

It must be the weird men with masks he's talking about. Keylee realized.

'Key... I- I don't know how to tell you but... they moved on you know? They, they didn't seem that sad anymore.'

'W-what do you mean?'

'I mean- I mean I didn't know you were dead until I found you yesterday. And I've been here for a while now. I did find out about the nogitsune and a dead list, but the latter is from after you... you know.'

'Oh- did- did they kill Void?'

Somehow Keylee hoped they hadn't killed him. That they really couldn't kill him. Which was stupid, he killed her, why did she still cared if he was alive or not? She should wish him dead, right?

'No. They couldn't. Instead of that they locked him up in another Nemeton. A lot of mountainash and everything. Because this Nemeton was full grown it's stronger and it will keep him locked up. Why?'

'Oh, no reason. Just curious I guess.'

Theo smiled. 'Key- I know you care for him.'

Keylee's eyes widened and her head snapped up to Theo. 'No! No I don't. I mean- He killed me, so, I don't care...'

Theo placed his hand on her shoulder. 'Key, it's alright. Look, I know you two care for each other. You will always care. That's why I'm gonna try to bring him back. It's part of the myth, didn't he tell you? You two are soul bound to each other. I'll bring him back.'

Keylee removed Theo's hand of her shoulder and jumped up. 'WHAT!'

'No, no, no, no! That's a bad idea Theo! You shouldn't do that! He killed people. He- he killed me! Besides, Scott won't forgive you. You can't join his pack if you do that!'

Theo shrugged. 'Keylee. I wanted to be in Scott's pack because of you. He doesn't even care you died. I don't want to be in his pack anymore. I'll make my own pack alright? And you can be in it, just as Void can.'

'No. Just, just bring me home please. I don't believe Scott forgot me. It can't be! You must be confusing things, or he just didn't want to worry you.'

Theo looked at her with pity in his eyes and sighted. 'Alright, but I warned you. Just know that no matter what, you'll have me okay?'

Keylee nodded. Things were going to fast once more. Sometimes she just wished it could slow down. That the world could go on a slower pace. Yet fate seemed to not allow it. Was it wrong to trust Theo so suddenly? Probably, but Keylee didn't want to distrust everyone just because of Void's tricks. She liked Theo, he was her best friend for years. He could say stupid things right? That didn't mean he was a dangerous or bad person.

They both stood up and Theo guided them out. He smiled at himself. He knew how Scott would react, he had made sure of that. And he knew how Keylee would see it after he told her this. She would be joining his pack, she would help him get Void back and control him.

*A day ago, Scott's pov*

I woke up like I always did. Broken. Void had broken us all by killing my sister. The guilt was still eating me alive. I should have protected her. I should have done something. He was angry at me, he killed her because of me. Once again she had been in danger because of me, and now it had killed her.

I walked to the kitchen and found mom once again asleep on the table with a picture in her hand. I can smell how sad she is. She probably fell asleep crying again.

I decide not to wake her up and instead walk out to get to school. Stiles is picking me up today, not that he has to but he wants to. My world may have felt apart but the real world didn't stop. It never did. A while ago, someone tried to kill me. Theo came back, Theo from fourth grade.

I can't let this hold me back with anything, I just need to keep going. I'm an alpha, I need to-

'Hey dude, you're okay? Stupid question, sorry, uhhm... are you-'

'Stiles, I'm fine.' I shut him up. Perhaps a bit too harsh and I immediately apologize. 'Sorry. I- I didn't mean to say it that way.'

'No, no. It's okay. I get it. I miss her too and- whoa, is that Theo? Is he waiting for us? Scott, I swear, something's off with him. We shouldn't trust him.'

Not this again.... 'Stiles I-'

Before I can finish my sentence I get pulled out of the jeep by Theo. 'We need to talk, now!'

I'm confused, so is Stiles. 'Why do we need to talk?'

'Because I think I found a way to bring Keylee back. She was my friend too guys. I know you don't trust me but trust me okay, I think this might work, only...'

I don't really believe him. It sounds to good to be true. But if there's really a chance to bring her back, shouldn't I at least try?


'Wow, wow, Scott. You don't really believe him do you? What if it's just a trick. What do you want in return?'

Theo raises his hands in surrender. 'Nothing, I just want my friend back. Only, I also wanna keep her alive.... and... you know... you guys... uhm.. you well... attract a lot of supernatural killing stuff.'

'What are you saying.'

Theo sighs. 'I think you might need to keep your distance from her, to keep her safe. If the treatment works of course.'

I want to protest but then I think about it. Theo is right. I can't just bring Keylee back only so she can get killed again because of me. I ignored her when I just became a werewolf, I can do that again right? Only this time I will explain it.

'Only if she agrees.'

'Alright. If it works, I'll talk to her. I'll tell her what's going on but you need to make sure it seems like you don't care about her. It's the only way to keep her safe.'

I nod but Stiles throws his hands up.

'Oh come on! Are you serious? I'm so not gonna do that, it's not even sure you'll tell her!'

I look at Stiles. 'Stiles, don't you see, this is the only way! I need to keep her safe if this works. You have to agree! Please, I just want to give her a chance to live a good life without all the supernatural stuff. Please.'

Stiles looks at me like I'm crazy before he shakes his head in defeat and walks away. I sigh. I'll talk to him later. Now I focus on Theo.

'Let me know if it works okay.'

He nods and turns around. 'And Theo?- '

He looks over his shoulder to me.

- 'Thank you.'


Keylee took a deep breath. Would they really forget about her? Just... ignore her? No, Theo must have misunderstood something.

She knocked at the door. Should she knock? It was her own house after all. Scott opened the door and just stared at her. Keylee smiles weakly. 'Hi,-'

Before she could say anything Scott walked straight past her. She stood there for a second, gazing at the place he just stood. Then she quickly turned around and ran over to him before he could get away.

'Hey! Scott?'

When he didn't answer and continued to take his helmet to drive away she placed her hand on his shoulder to stop him, only to end up more surprised than ever.

Scott violently shook her hand of. 'Don't talk to me Keylee. Just don't.'

'W-what, why? I- '

But he already drove away. Keylee stared at him. What had just happened? She expected him to be happy, or maybe surprised. Dumbfounded. Relieved. Not.... this. Why would he just ignore her? Was Theo right? That couldn't be, could it?

Keylee frowned and walked inside her house to her room. It was locked. Great, note the sarcasm.

Keylee searched for the keys and eventually found them besides a picture of her, Melissa and Scott. They all smiled in the camera. It was before all the supernatural stuff and Keylee remembered the day as their first day of high school. She missed that time.

'Are you alright?'

She quickly turned around and smiled at Theo. 'Y-yeah, it's just- I- never mind.'

'Keylee, you're crying. Are you sure you're fine?'

'Y-yeah. I was just reliving some memories from.. you know... before all the supernatural stuff.'

Theo nodded and walked closer, embracing Keylee in a side hug. 'I know. He ignored you didn't he?'

She nodded slightly. 'I don't understand it. I thought he would be happy, why would he ignore me and yell at me? It... it just hurts you know. I really wish it didn't hurt and I would just be like some super hero character who didn't care or forced it out of him but I can't. I'm just stupid weak me.'

'Hey, hey! Don't ever say that about yourself. You're amazing. And if he doesn't see that, or doesn't trust you or something. He's just stupid!'

Keylee frowned. 'Why wouldn't he trust me?'

Theo looked away like he said something he shouldn't have said. 'Theo.... Why would he not trust me?'

Theo swallowed harshly. 'I don't know. I just heard him talk about it.'

'That's not all. I know you're hiding something. I can feel your guilt remember?'

Theo looked up at Keylee and pressed his lips together in a thin line. He slightly shook his head. 'He- He said cats and wolves don't run together.'

'He- he what? He really doesn't want me because I'm not a werewolf or human? He has Kira too right?'

Before Theo could answer he heard something. He and Keylee both looked up at hearing the sound of a motorcycle coming closer, parking and not much later the sound of an opening and closing door. Scott walked in with Kira behind him. When he saw Keylee and Theo he stopped.

'What is she doing here?'

Keylee stared at him with open mouth. 'I beg you pardon? I live here! I'm your sister Scott. You're supposed to care for me, not try to get rid of me!'

'It doesn't work Keylee. We don't work. You know that, Theo told you right?'

Keylee felt anger inside but mostly sad. So Theo was right all the time. Scott just confirmed it. He really didn't want her close because of who she was.

She looked at him as cold as possible, yet a flash of hurt was still visible in her eyes. She stood up and nudged Theo to do the same as she walked to the door. As they passed Scott to get out she stopped for a brief second before whispering softly without giving him another glance:

'I suppose he did.'