
The Vision

If beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, what then does the vision see? Man reincarnates as Vision in the MCU. ............................ Want to write a Fanfic but can't write a synopsis for the life of me A/N: Will be posted on Scribblehub, FF, RoyalRoad and AO3

QuackVader · Films
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140 Chs


You can find +15 chapters ahead on my patreøn



Despite my efforts in looking for Sublime and Sinister, I was unable to come up with any lead on any of them.

Both were immortal mutants, with the other actually being a bacteria, with a penchant for behind-the-scenes manipulation and a raging boner for making mutant lives miserable.

'I don't even want to entertain the idea of them working together' Sadly, that thought of mine was a 83% valid possibility.

Buckman was still trying to wriggle his way out of all the accusations heaped on him by trying to blame them on some of his proxies but it only took me a few seconds of my time to add them to his downfall while also making sure that the media had no choice but to have it on mainstream since his crimes were no longer against the state but also a few countries where he ran his illegal activities.

As far as I was concerned, he was gone. Even if he deceives the system by pulling a disappearing act after being sent to jail, I still had eyes on him.

Raven was doing a good job acting as Buckman's wife and even was giving Shaw some encrypted messages from 'Buckman'.

Emma Frost already had all of Buckman's lawyers under her thumbs but none of that concerned me. I don't care what the both of them do with their increasing power and influence as long as it doesn't damage the society even further.

Just Buckman's arrest alone halted a lot of drug and illegal firearms activities and trades along the East Coast and Mystique was even receiving threats to reopen those docks once the case died down.

As for Shaw, while he didn't head a lot of companies, he sure had a lot of shares in a multitude of business conglomerates which includes but not limited to Stark Industries, Hammer Technologies, Oscorp and even a few of Emma's companies, except for Frost Pharmaceuticals. It looks like Emma made sure he didn't have any sort of power in any of her company.

Looking at the topics currently spammed across headlines reassured me that I was currently on the right path.

Instead of mutant hate propaganda and censored mutant persecution videos, the topic that was being discussed was the crimes and inhuman activities of the country's elites.

Islands, hidden research facilities and even public companies that ran illegal mutant and human experiments.

There was no way they could sweep something like this under the rug when a lot of people have already taken their placards and banners to the streets in protest. They don't even have the time to push the Registration bill, talk less of sanctioning heroes.

"Check and check."

[Movement detected]


I pulled up the abrupt notification and imagine my surprise when I saw the same bio-technological/digital presence of the same technopath that 'blocked' me from accessing Magneto's contact from Mystique's phone.

"Is Magneto moving? An expected outcome but not a welcomed one. Hopefully he's the reasonable sort."

I know the guy's a villain through and through but his cause for the path he took was because of his mutant brethren. I am hoping he still has a smidgen of that pure passion hidden somewhere in his cold iron heart. The last thing I want is for an ego-fueled Magneto to throw a wrench into the plan I have for the mutant community of this world.

"Give him a light tracking. I want to know where his streams of data are going." Since I don't want them to know I'm already into them, I want to keep track of every single cyber action they take and try to figure out what they want to accomplish with their sudden movement.

Clearing the notification of the undergoing task, I start thinking of what to do now.

Since my plan with the Club is steadily progressing and I also have an eye on whatever it is that Magneto is planning on doing, maybe I can finally divert enough attention to accomplish one or two of the ideas I have on pending.

"Let's review all I know concerning the Quantum Realm."

With that, I spent the next few hours going over everything I know and also making a few calculations of mine in respect of the topic at hand.

Laura and Davis came to check on me but I waved them off since I was currently busy as the importance of this subject was one that will help me a lot, not just individually but also help with the portal station I have in mind.

Unlike the Watchtower from DC, I have no plans of putting our base in the cold expanse of space.

I very much like the scenery down here. Thank you.

From my understanding, since I have it on good factual ground that the Quantum Realm is both the physical and metaphysical nexus of all material universe in this multiversal reality and it acts as its own individual reality space where its influence and laws eclipses every other universal space, it means that I can use it to access every spatial point in this universe, at least with a higher chance of precision on earth.

Thor and Raccoon used it to go to Asgard in the Infinity War movie which means that it's my sure ticket to deep space travel and also jumping through universes. Maybe even multiverses, the possibilities are practically endless when it comes to the Quantum Realm.

'Hank Pym must've been on some serious shit when he came up with the Pym Particles because the possibilities of it and the avenues it opens up is not something one can think of in a normal mental state. That man must have been oozing something heavenly in the 60s.'

In my own personal opinion based on my experiences so far, the Pym Particles should be one of scientific marvels of any universe it exists in.

"… oh fuck."

Reviewing everything related to the Quantum Realm reminded me of Hank's wife still lost in the Quantum Realm and highlighted the threat of Kang.

If there's one person apart from Doom that I don't want to face until I fix my energy deficiency issue then you can bet your last cent that it's Kang, and not just any Kang, but Kang the Conqueror.

Just the amount of technology accessible to any one of them makes them a frightening opponent.

These guys have rolled over multiple iterations of the Avengers, Fantastic Four and even the X-Men, so yes I'm not that arrogant and ignorant of the kind of threat Kangs possesses.

Since I don't have a coordinate to navigate the Quantum Realm like Scott and the Pyms did in the movies, which is a result of my intervention that didn't allow Scott the choice to Quantum-dive to stop Darren Cross, I will have to manually search for her and hopefully not run into Kang because if there's anyone that knows more about the Avengers, which includes me and other versions of Vision, and the Infinity Stones then I can bet my rare ore ass 100% that it's Kang.

Honestly, this endeavor was already piling up more cons than its worth and even if I'm overreacting, I still have it on good ground that it's not entirely out of the realm of possibilities. Definitely not when an overlord with a multitude of conquered 'universes' under his belt and is actively seeking to conquer the multiverse is involved or whatever it is that their deal is.

"I'm not overreacting, right? Am I too cautious of Kang more than he's worth?"

[Based on notions and information, both factual and assumptions, extreme caution is needed when Quantum-diving. Any instances of making contact with the individual known and identified as Kang the Conqueror is extremely advised against]

Annnnnd there it is!

This is as humbling an experience as any. It really drives home the point just how dangerous this world is. I haven't even seen the guy and the results from referencing the guy to a threat level has been rethinking my actions.

The main problem is not just the fact that I might face Kang, but also the fact that I'm Vision.

While there's no doubt that I'm different from what this earth's Vision was supposed to be, that doesn't mean that I'm that much different from other iterations of Vision, specifically strength-wise.

"Well, hopefully I don't run into the guy."

I pushed my dreary thoughts away from Kang and focused on the part that is under my influence, and on that same topic…

[Ava Starr

Alias: Ghost

Affiliation: SHIELD's special operative agent

Operating field: Assassination and espionage

Special attributes: Temporal imbalance(molecular deconstruction)]

Just another one of SHIELD's numerous sins.

Based on the information I got from her profile on SHIELD's database and that of her foster father, Bill Foster, it can be plainly deduced that she's running on fumes and her molecules are breaking down at a hyper rapid rate as long as she keeps using her abilities.

'Temporal imbalance huh?' At the rate she's breaking down at, sooner or later she will break down to the point where she permanently merges with the Quantum Realm, which will undoubtedly erase her consciousness since there's now way her human brain can comprehend the vastness and peculiarities of the Quantum Realm.

"Maybe if I study her and her abilities my understanding of the Quantum Realm and my Quantum-shifting ability will increase." I said and stood up before grabbing the Mind Stone from where I had it running some tests. The stone sank into my hands and started circulating my body in a bloodstream-like pathway which I recently designed.

I grabbed my overcoat and threw it over my shoulder and walked out of my workspace with a task in mind.

"Time to talk to a ghost."