
The Vision

If beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, what then does the vision see? Man reincarnates as Vision in the MCU. ............................ Want to write a Fanfic but can't write a synopsis for the life of me A/N: Will be posted on Scribblehub, FF, RoyalRoad and AO3

QuackVader · Films
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140 Chs


[Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters]

After the other members of the team returned from their little reconnaissance mission, Xavier called them all to his office to inform them of the latest change of plans in the government hierarchy.

"So they got owned by a robot? Ain't that hilarious." Logan chortled, causing him to choke on his beer.

"Be that as it may, at least we now know which side the Avengers most likely stand on." Charles added.

Ororo looked at Charles and asked, "Should we talk to them?" The reason she asked was that she knew more than anyone, even Charles, what would happen once the laws were made public.

Charles fell silent and so did the others because they knew this was more serious than they were comfortable admitting.

"What about this Vision guy? We know the Avengers are not for the Accords but we also know that they can't oppose the government so forwardly. That guy's stunt is bound to bite them in the ass later on. Those old fucks can be pretty tenacious when they want to be." Logan said with no small amount of irritation in his voice.


"And the Fantastic Four?" Hank interjected. When groups were taken into consideration, the Fantastic Four were always the odd one out given that they were the only ones who had a legal contract with the government, whatever that entailed.

Charles shook his head. "I don't know. There was something interfering with the psychic energy in the room, probably Reed Richards, but…"

"Let me guess, Vision?" Hank speculated seeing Charles' hesitation. "It's just something off about him the first time I saw him on TV. Probably some wild instincts, but that was enough to make me quite curious about him. He's supposed to be an self-evolving android right?"

Charles tapped his temple as he remembered what he felt when he was in the presence of Vision. "It was like a bottomless gulf threatening to suck in all life or anything that comes too close."

"…That doesn't sound too user friendly." Scott quipped.

"Ha, no shitting kid. I don't think we need to worry that much since he's with the Avengers, need I remind you what Chuck said when he first tried gauging the Hulk? Or Thor?" Logan reasoned.

Charles let out an embarrassed laugh at Logan pointing out one of his flaws. He wasn't one to judge someone on appearances or how they felt but their actions instead otherwise he wouldn't have cared for people like Kurt and Logan with how the former looked demonic and the other was just a straight up murdering beast in human form. But then again, first impressions were important when getting acquainted with someone.

"So, are we talking with them or not?" Ororo questioned again.

Colossus then asked, "Do we really need to?"

Hank answered before Charles could. "No, we don't. But we continuing to go alone will prove to bite us way sooner than we expected. We're exposed to the whims of the government and should they prove hostile, any act of resistance from us will be seen as terrorism. It's fucking complicated, politics I mean." He groaned in irritation, an expression mirrored perfectly by the others.


[Vision POV]

Getting Natasha's, Wanda's and Barton's new getup was a piece of cake and it also helped that I could control every single piece of machinery here so it took less time that it would have if I had done it simultaneously.

It also was kind of funny and a little embarrassing for me bearing all the teasing comments and innuendos from Wanda about me knowing her proportions and bust size which I was made aware of had increased prior, hence her amusement.

It is very refreshing seeing her breaking out of her shell and expressing herself once again without the guilt of her past weighing down on her.

This way the future menace known as the Scarlet Witch was going farther from nuking all mutant kind across the multiverse.

Right now, I was putting the final touches to Laura's design which was an all black leather suit with retractable protrusions for her claws. The suit also functioned as a medium for echolocation due to its vibranium properties which heightened her senses to a whole new level. Seriously, the uses for vibranium are almost endless.

For Steve, the suit had a darker shade like the one in the Infinity War movie with all the goodies that came with it and more. With his natural strength along with the seamless lining I did with the adamantium mixed with a little vibranium to make it flexible to the point that Steve wouldn't feel it that much, the suit increases his physical properties a notch higher and he was like a mini-Hulk with it.

His shield also had a little upgrade apart from the ones Stark did that let it return back even when stuck. I added a photon casing around it that charged it up and with a strong enough throw, it became less of a frisbee and more of a cleaver. A Photo-Adamantium cleaver. Noice.

And while doing this, I also cracked the Pym Particles, quite easily if I do say so myself. Adding that as an accessory to the suit and making it pro max adaptable to the point that it could be fitted into a piece of jewelry or a keychain was the highlight of my little assignment.

As for the Falcon, his went through a complete overhaul as I had to build it from scratch and what became the outcome of it was a very sleek red and white jacket that house all the components of his suit. The bulk was greatly reduced and when retracted, the wings could cut through reinforced carbyne glass if he used enough force and switched with the adamantium parts for the wings, which was mostly the outer edge and he could make it a little blunt if he wanted to help with his flying. Well he was the pilot so he'll figure the controls out.

[An explosion just happened at Oscorp]

[A few people of interests are currently at the vicinity of the explosion]

'Oh, would you look at that? Goblin trouble.'





You can find +10 chapters ahead in my patreøn
