
The Vision

If beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, what then does the vision see? Man reincarnates as Vision in the MCU. ............................ Want to write a Fanfic but can't write a synopsis for the life of me A/N: Will be posted on Scribblehub, FF, RoyalRoad and AO3

QuackVader · Films
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140 Chs


[Vision POV]

Well that was as much a surprise for me like it was for everyone else. I'd already put a tag on him and Hank Pym during my search for likely recruits, allies and potential enemies, but he wasn't that much of an importance if I were to be blatantly logical. Well not as much as the Pym Particles were.

Not like I hated the dude or anything, none of that, but he wasn't actually a priority I needed to keep an eye on. 

And I also didn't remember much about his movies or even his comics for that matter. The only I kept a ping on was if words started going around about a supposedly 'ant-man' so I'd know of his emergence. 

After Scott left, Banner woke up and gave me the stink eye and promised me he would never agree to a spar with me as long as he was in control. 

Davis being the crazy one was a lot happy about the prospect of his potential after seeing my fight against Banner and it was only after I explained the need for a supervision during his transformation did he dial down his excitement. 

I was of the mind to build something like an emotional inhibitor for Banner but I later decided against it as it wouldn't do him any good since I wanted him to strive for symbiosis with the Hulk and further suppressing his latter half would do no one any good. 

It was also quite funny when I no longer was the only one subjected to Laura's intent stares, as she found her second target in Banner, but unlike how she did with me, she didn't approach him for some reason. 

Right now I was in Dr. Hank Pym's house with Pietro and Laura, who agreed to come with me after I had jokingly asked. 

Her mother was rightfully anxious but I assured how we were doing nothing dangerous and just paying a visit before she finally calmed down, before entering the geek zone with the now sober Banner who she instantly recognized. 

"Cozy home you have here, Dr. Pym." I was using my human appearance this time since I felt they'd be more receptive to it. Appearance does matter, you know. 

Seated across me was the wizened Hank Pym, his daughter, Hope, and the new Ant-Man behind him. 

"Well it used to be a lot cozier." He snorted. I don't know if that was a jab directed at me or someone else but I wasn't commenting on it.

"I believe introductions are in order. I'm Vision, and these are Pietro and Laura." I introduced myself and the two younguns by my side. 

Both his and Rose's eyes drifted to Laura before a frown marred their faces. "You take in children now?"

I chuckled as they both flinched as Laura growled at them with her claws bared. 

"She's had a troubled past, and as you just figured out, she doesn't like being called a child." I said and tapped Laura's shoulders to make her stop which she did and retracted her claws. 

"A mutant."

I didn't answer the question since I had no reason to. I looked at Pietro who was just looking around until he caught my eyes and shrugged. "I'll take a look around." I rolled my eyes as he left the house to run around the neighborhood just to find something to do for the next minute or two until the discussion got serious. 

"Why are you here? I don't remember ever hearing the Avengers ever conducting an interrogation on civilians." Hank Pym said as he relaxed into his chair while Rose and Scott appeared tense. 

"Nothing so crass, I assure you. I'm only here to ascertain the veracity of your protégé's words." Hope scoffed under her breath, making me realize that she still hated Scott quite a bit at this time. 

"I don't believe the Avengers have it in them to perform corporate espionage." He chuckled dryly. "And I don't believe for a second that you're here to lend a helping hand from the good of your heart."

"Oh far from it." They all seemed surprised at my quick admittance but I just continued on. "The reason I'm here is because prior to your little B&E, Darren Cross, your 'former' protégé revealed that he had found the key to revolutionizing the arm's market, more so than Stark ever did, so obviously I got a little curious."

"Though this news only got to a certain circle, I have my ways around these things. I don't consider myself a genius in many things but the timing of his heist on our base and the news does put a lot of things in question."

"What do you want from us?" This time it was Hope who asked. 

"Well nothing much, as well as your father's assistance."

"So you don't plan to help?"

"Do you want me to help?" 

She fell silent and looked at her father who had a distressed look on his face while Scott just looked lost. 

Hank hated Stark and SHIELD and anyone affiliated with them due to their past betrayal but I wasn't here to discuss that. 

I've scanned all the digital files in this house and not one of them contained his formula which meant it was all on his head. I wasn't that keen on getting the Pym Particle at all cost since I easily could if I wanted, even without any of them knowing but my goal here was to have a connection with them, even if it'd mean nothing down the line, which I doubt it would. The father and daughter duo were the forerunners in Quantum research and anything related. 

"What do you want from me?" Hank Pym asked. 

"Like I said nothing much. Your assistance will be greatly needed if I require your expertise but until then. I'm only here to hear from you what's going on." It wasn't exactly a lie per se but it wasn't a full truth either. 

"So this is a business?" Why are old men this cranky and self-important? I just said I don't need anything substantial from him and he's still probing. "I'm not giving you my research if that's what you're after." 

I scoffed at his words. I don't need the Pym Particles to crack nanotechnology, Vibranium was already coming a long way there. It isn't called the most versatile metal on earth for nothing. The uses were just too many that not even I had figured out all of them. 

"Trust me, if I were greedy towards your life's work, I would have gotten my hands on it by now."

"But you still haven't given a concrete reason why you're here."

"Haven't I?" I believe my reason for coming here couldn't be clearer. 

They looked confused so I clarified further for their understanding. 

"Do you want my help?"





You can find +10 chapters ahead in my patreøn
