
The Vision

If beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, what then does the vision see? Man reincarnates as Vision in the MCU. ............................ Want to write a Fanfic but can't write a synopsis for the life of me A/N: Will be posted on Scribblehub, FF, RoyalRoad and AO3

QuackVader · Films
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140 Chs


A/N: (Just saw that I posted the wrong chapter)

An apology because I know I've not been posting regular, I think for a few weeks now, mostly because I've been saddled with project work for school(two in fact - A group one and a personal one).

I've submitted both so hopefully I can get back to typing without project and assignments deadlines pressing down my poor neck.

Thanks for sticking with the story all this while.

You can find +15 chapters ahead on my patreøn



[Wanda Maximoff POV]

Wanda was back at Kamar-Taj and looking through the advanced sections of the library for a teleporting or space travel spell that she felt would be best for what Vision was trying to do.

"This could work, hmm, but the core circles here are too indented. I doubt it can dive that far into space even when supercharged. At most it'll be the edge of the solar system."

She kept the book and picked up another one with vine bindings around it. A simple spell from her made the woven vines retract themselves and unlocked the book.

She flipped through a few of the pages and added it to the pile in her other hand.

A few minutes more of searching and she had enough books for an extensive research so she picked a secluded table and started going through them.

Just like science, all the magical questions, though asked, were not all documented or else the books on magic would cover up an entire continent and it still wouldn't be enough.

So if you had questions regarding magic within the scopes of a particular subject study, all you needed to do is a little bit of research and then solve it yourself. Just like a math question that is not inside the textbook.

"Damn, this is harder than I thought and I'm not even sure if this is right. Or maybe I'm thinking about it wrong. What if I used another method other than teleporting or just simply opening a portal to wherever Thor is?"

Wanda massaged the creases on her face as she tried tackling the probability of the theoretical spell she just drew up working while also trying to think of another way to go about it.

She spent the next two hours going through books and scribbled magic circles but none of them appeared feasible. It was a plethora of problem after problem.

Either the range was too short or the foundational matrix can't handle the energy required for the spell and changing the foundational matrix of a spell is changing the spell's nature in its entirety.

After repeated failures, she packed up a few books and decided it was about time she asked for help so she went to meet the Sorcerer Supreme, who was also her master when it came to the Mystic Arts.

"Oh? Wanda, what brings you here?" The genial old man looked up to look at his disciple who came to meet him with books under her arms.

A glance at the books gave him an idea of what she was trying to do so he asked. "Fashioning a space spell? And from your troubled mind I can tell that it's probably not working, right?" He asked and dropped the rope he was weaving and turned fully to give her his attention.

After giving him her greetings with joined hands, Wanda then fully explained to him what she was trying to do and her reason for it.

He was the Ancient One. If he wanted he could just outright tell her the spell she needed and she'd gratefully be on her way, but he won't do that. It went against his principles. He'd rather they figure it out themselves while being backed with sufficient guidance.

He stroked his beard as he listened to Wanda's complaint. "I see."

"You can't find a spell that directly takes you inside Asgard unless with explicit approval from its ruler, Odin. So you can scrap the idea of teleporting to Asgard, unless you know a place inside it that is shielded from Odin's eye." He said, much to Wanda's indignation.

"So how can I go about it if teleporting there won't work. Or is there a way to communicate with Thor?" She asked the old man who just stood there and stroked his beard with a thinking expression.

"Well, let's go with one." He suddenly said and snapped his fingers and the books in Wanda's hands changed into a fewer number of three different books. "Try summoning, or him accepting to let you be summoned to his side."

"And how do I do that?" She asked.

"A summoning requires either a catalyst or a sacrifice and I doubt the sky god would appreciate animals being sacrificed in his name, so it's better to use something of his as a catalyst for the reverse summoning." He concluded.

Looking at the books in her hand, she understood that her master had given her all the clues she needed so she bowed once again in thanks and when she raised her head, she was no longer with him instead she found herself back in the library.

She didn't say anything as this was not the first time he had done something like that, and not only to her, and went into the books she was given.


After spending a day in Kamar-Taj and making sure that she had the outline of a working spell, she left and found Vision and they went to the spot inside the Compound that had a large scorch mark of the Bifrost from where Thor had left for Asgard after being beamed up.

"How sure are you of the usability of this spell?" Vision asked as Wanda started drawing magic circles in the air.

"Quite." She simply said and focused back on her magic.

"And you're sure we aren't going to end up in the dark cold vacuum of space with this?" Vision asked with a bit of concern and amusement in his voice.

Wanda couldn't pay him her full attention as she had to watch the circle she was drawing. "This is not a teleporting or warping spell, Vis. If it works then Thor would be the one to accept us and only then will the reverse summoning work. It's virtually safe as far as this magic circle is concerned."

Even though he was being carefree, he was heavily scrutinizing each of Wanda's actions as each red line weaved itself into a matrix of circles.

They were using the mark on the ground as a catalyst as it was the only thing they had that had a relationship with Thor.

Catalysts basically are things that have a relationship, or a way of defining whatever or whoever the person is trying to connect with. Naturally, it would have been a 100 times better if they had a piece of Thor's personal item but they didn't and this worked all the same, just slightly efficient.

"Drawing this is a lot harder than I thought. Sometimes orthodox magic spells can be a real pain in the ass."

"I would sympathize with you if I knew what you are going through but unfortunately I don't." Vision said offhandedly as rings of energy gathered around him in the way Wanda had directed him to do.

"I don't know if you are being a smart-ass or just being you but it's annoying." She said with a huff and with a final stroke of her finger the last line was connected and the red complex magic circle thrummed to life.

The circle Vision drew with his energy was smaller and less complex and since he just needed to draw it without the whole magic intunement thing, he completed it in less than a minute.

"Show-off." She snorted and forcefully took control of the circle he drew and placed in the mark on the ground and used red wisps of her magic to connect the two of them.

"So now what?" He asked curiously. Even though he decided against fully pursuing magic, he couldn't help but say that the art is anything but simply magical.

Wanda closed her eyes and started reciting some words in Sanskrit and the connected circles reacted to it by glowing brighter and spinning faster.

"Come." Be beckoned to him and the two of them stood in the middle of the circle and joined hands together. "Channel your energy through me."

She asked and he followed and soon a small storm of red and greenish yellow energy swirled around them. It picked up for a brief second, getting progressively faster and then just disappeared in the next moment as everything disappeared into the burnt rune mark on the ground.

"Did it work?" He asked after ten seconds of nothing happening while Wanda frowned and ran her hands through the rune.

"The feedback says the spell works so I guess it must be on its way to Thor." She said and sat on the ground with crossed legs and beckoned for Vision to do the same. "If the circle lights up again, then we can be sure it works and it'll all depend on if Thor wants us there."

Vision nodded in understanding and asked. "And if it doesn't glow up."

"Then it didn't work, as simple as that. Either the energy required was not enough for it to get to him or something is blocking it from reaching. If not any of those two then, well let's just say I have to rework the spell and see where I went wrong."

They then sat there for the next thirty minutes and even Wanda had to accept that she botched up the spell somewhere along when she was drawing it or the concept of the summoning she used as foundation for it was lacking.

"Yeah, the spell flopped. Let's get out of here so I can go back to figuring out where the fuck I actually went wrong."

"Wanda, Vis, you guys are here. I've been looking all over for you." Pietro appeared beside them as they stood up. "Are you guys doing a ritual?" He asked as he saw the rune he was standing on.

"No, it-"

The three of them disappeared with a pop and a few seconds later the rune glowed and caught fire, scorching the ground once again before it was snuffed out.