A man born in Viltrum manifests unusual powers. Growing up with teachings of viltrumites, he believes his cause is just. He begins to question their philosophy after spending time on Earth.
Two figures soared across the clouds. One of them wore a white and red hero suit. A red cape flapped behind him. The other one was in a gray and white skin tight suit, a waist cape fluttering around his feet. His face was hidden by the large hood.
"I read your file. You have a good track record. Nine planets? Not bad." Nolan exclaimed. He wanted to make small talk before they got to work. Taz gazed at the Earth below him.
"...Have you had a time as enjoyable as this on any other assignment? With any other world?" He asked. The young viltrumite could give a damn about his track record. Omni Man frowned and placed a hand on Taz's shoulder.
"Forget about it, Taz. It's not like we're going to destroy this planet. You DO know why this place is even marked for takeover, right?" Nolan responded. The stoic elite nodded.
Human DNA was highly compatible with viltrumite DNA. Due to the scourge virus on Viltrum, the count of full blooded viltrumites was extremely low. Humanity was going to be their way of replenishing numbers. It was to be a breeding ground.
"...Just answer the question." Absolver muttered.
A bit of melancholy appeared on the older viltrumite's face. His hand left Taz's shoulder as he thought for a moment.
"No… I've never had such a unique experience like my time here on Earth. "
"...I agree."
The two were silent for a moment. As they flew, the scenery changed. Below them was now empty farmland. Both viltrumites paused their flight.
"We have a duty to fulfill. You need to move on, Taz."
"I know."
"Good. I'm going to find Mark. Do you know where he is?" Nolan asked. The young soldier nodded.
"He's with Eve. They're in the forest to the west of here."
"Thanks. We're going to do things a bit different compared to other times. I need you to dismantle all of the authoritative establishments. The nerve centers. Governments, leaders, historic places, all of that." Omni Man explained. Absolver nodded.
"And what about you?"
"After finding Mark and telling him what's going on, I'll take out any domestic defense capabilities, armies, nukes, and stuff. After that it's the critical infrastructure. No more internet or television for them. We're bringing them back to the dark ages."
As the two discussed their plan, their surroundings grew extremely bright. A pillar of light was forming right on top of them. Taz dashed out of the pillar immediately. Nolan only stared at the sky waiting for something to happen. The light pillar instantly became solid. A hyper beam shot down from the sky.
The force sent Omni Man crashing to the ground. A massive plasma explosion detonated throughout the area. Everything was so bright that a normal person would go blind. Any wildlife of at least 50 miles around had disintegrated.
Once everything calmed down. Hundreds of dead crows, ravens, pigeons, and eagles fell from the sky like rain. A massive hole remained where the beam had struck. Absolver turned to the sky. He could see a satellite in space. It was locked onto them.
The air burst away from Taz's feet as he launched straight upward. As if noticing his charge, the satellite charged up once again. Another beam shot down from the sky. The elite viltrumite flew right through it, not even breaking a sweat. It only felt like someone poured warm water on top of him.
His eyes glowed red once he reached the space weapon. Two lasers swept across the structure, leaving molten trails wherever it went. Small explosions occurred throughout the satellite. Before it could all come crashing down, Omni Man flew by like a bullet.
The older viltrumite's body was like a projectile. He smashed through the weapon at least ten times in only a second. A floating high-tech camera resided over the satellite. It was obvious who was watching from the other side. Nolan grabbed some floating debris and threw it at the camera, destroying it instantly.
Taz raised an eyebrow as soon as the older viltrumite turned around. He was bleeding from his nose. The young elite couldn't help but watch in shock.
'That hurt him? I never knew he was so…weak.' He thought.
It was a weird thing to see. The soldier had always believed himself to be strong. Not as strong as Nolan, but it seemed he was wrong. Taz was more than strong. How could a viltrumite who was his senior be weaker than him? Was Conquest really all that strong then? What about Thula? Thragg?!
As if a weight was released from his shoulders, Absolver felt himself relax. At least on a one on one, he now realized that he wouldn't lose. He didn't know the Grand Regent's strength but assumed he was close to that level.
The two viltrumites quickly flew back down to the surface. Cecil was already down there waiting for them. The old man had his hands in his pockets.
"You can't stop me, Cecil." Omni Man exclaimed. The white haired man smiled.
"Won't know till I try. Why did you kill the guardians?" He asked.
"......." Nolan remained silent. Cecil then turned to Taz.
"Just because your face is hidden doesn't mean I don't know who you are, Absolver. The public might not realize it, but I do. Why are you helping him? Is he forcing you?" He continued. Absolver clicked his tongue.
"You sure do talk a lot." He answered calmly.
Two rays of intense heat burst from his eyes. Right before they drilled into the old man, he teleported. Cecil's voice sounded from behind them.
"I only talk because I want to know. Is that such a bad thing?"
The two viltrumites turned around. The weak man was in the middle of straightening his tie. Nolan cracked his neck.
"Don't waste my time." He said. His red cape flapped in the wind.
"The guardians were your friends. I was too. Does your son know that you're a murderer? How do you think Debbie feels?" He questioned. Nolan's face turned solemn. He floated even higher into the sky.
"Don't say her name." He growled.
Taking a step off the air, he rocketed toward Cecil. His red gloved hand only grasped a handful of his tie before the government agent teleported away.
"Did that strike a nerve? I'm only telling the truth." The white haired man spoke from afar.
The two viltrumites turned to their left. Cecil was standing there with his hands in his pockets. His demeanor seemed relaxed, as if he didn't just nearly escape death. It was a false impression. Taz could hear his heartbeat racing from where he was. The old man had balls of steel to confront the two superpowered titans.
"We grow tired of these games." Absolver declared.
The two slowly surrounded him in a pincer attack. Right before they launched toward him, the agent spoke.
"Time's up. Have fun." He said.
Cecil was gone with a flash of blue light. He didn't return. A few seconds later, several metal pods crashed into the ground around them. A small door of glass was built in the front.
The glass shattered as multiple reanimen jumped out of the pods. They immediately leapt onto Omni Man. Each of their attacks caused the ground to tremble. Nolan was getting smothered by them. Taz raised an eyebrow.
'These guys again?' He thought.
Absolver wasn't going to help the older viltrumite. A job was given to him. He would see it through. Taz took flight.
A boom could be heard as the stoic soldier went supersonic.
In only a moment he was at the White House. His speed didn't falter. Sitting in the Oval Office was the president. He sipped on a mug of coffee while signing papers.
One moment he was there and the next he was a bloody mist. Taz flew through the building at insane speeds, crashing through the fragile human like an unstoppable force. The president exploded like a hot bag of popcorn. The powerful man flew through the entire place and targeted anything that had a chance of exploding. The monumental building crumpled to the ground like broken legos.
The young elite didn't stop. His next target was the Senate. Nobody was able to see the man as he slaughtered important figures like chicken. Once he was done with America, he moved on to Canada. Then France, Great Britain, Germany, North and South Korea, China, Japan, Russia, etc. All of the world powers were gone before the public could even eat a meal.
Taz floated above Moscow while looking at the rubble of what was once the Russian government. The world was entering a new age. If everything went as planned, all nuclear warheads would be destroyed. Phase 2 would commence once Nolan spoke with Mark. The entire time, Absolver moved so fast that he couldn't be seen by the naked eye. The public would never know what happened. One moment everything was fine and the next moment, leaders were gone.
Only an hour had passed since the two viltrumite soldiers had separated. It was time to check up on Omni Man. The stoic viltrumite burst into motion. Air swirled around him as he took off through the clouds. His waist cape fluttered behind him. Five minutes passed before he reached Nolan.
Shockwaves dispersed as the bloody symbol of hope fought against a massive sea creature. Invincible was by his side, battling the monster alongside his father. Atom Eve could be seen flying away while on the phone with Cecil.
"What do you mean leave them?!" She yelled over the phone.
The redhead glanced at the arriving figure. She couldn't see his face under the hood, but his figure seemed familiar. Nevertheless, she disappeared over the horizon.
The air popped and crackled as Taz prepared to attack. His hand clenched and left a vacuum of air. After appearing in front of the large creature, a momentum-charged fist slammed up into its chin.
It's four feet left the ground as it soared across the countryside. Omni Man flew after it with Invincible on his heels. They were going to make sure it was down. Only then would they converse.
"OMNI MAN! You bastard! RAAAHHHH!" A voice roared from afar. It was drenched with fury.
Taz and Nolan both turned to see The Immortal flying in at mach 3. Pretty slow if you asked the young elite.The two viltrumite soldiers nodded to each other. Omni Man ignored the Guardian of the Globe to help his son. Absolver launched toward The Immortal like a rocket. His body crashed into the hero.
The two figures hurtled away from the area, evading the news helicopters and cameras. The stoic soldier flew all the way out of the country in only a few seconds. By the time The Immortal regained his bearings, they were floating over the ocean.
"Who the hell are you?!" The guardian questioned. With little effort, Taz threw the man into the water.
A gargantuan spray of water shot to the sky. The old hero's body crashed through the waves and went into the depths of the ocean. Absolver crossed his arms.
"A better version of you." He answered.
The Immortal probably didn't hear him.
Back with another chapter. Hope you guys are enjoying. There's one or two more d-day chapters left. Depends on how big it ends up being. Stay tuned!