
Chapter 3: Welcome and goodbye

A few minutes after landing he was wheeled out of the plane but the chains were still there never changing, he was drugged it was obvious but he was still knocked out.

"These days are experiments subjects are all kidnapped kids, and male, but only one this time they only caught one what happened? Did the xtumas (es-tu-mas) squad go too far?" A team of people in lab coats were discussing on the new subject

A voice rung out that resembled women's voice yelled out in the direction of the group of the people "Your job is to experiment, not to question why he's here or who he is...stick to your job and we'll stick to ours" that voice was yelled out by a woman in a all black dress with sunglasses on. The woman was at 5 feet and 7 inches had black hair that matched her dress, yellow lipstick that really looked cancerous to the eyes and she was the daughter of the boss of the one who organized this but at that time John didn't know who anyone was.

The women who were on that plane gathered in a group that slowly walked to the mountain while talking

"I can't wait to get in my room to prepare!" The Yellow one said but got countered by the one in white "did you forget that once we get in our rooms, we can't play with him until a day after he wakes up?"

"Damn it I forgot, oh well let's hope he doesn't die off as easily as the others" Yellow one said that with a excited voice that goes along with her face.

The woman with the black hoodie looked back to John, she knew something was off about him she just couldn't place it. On the plane he was the first one to wake up but closed his eyes and ignored his friends screams and shouts, only at the last few minutes he opens his eyes a said nothing. Did they give him to manny drugs? Or was it something else?

A day passed and John opened his eyes to see that he was in a room but he had chains on his neck, wrists, and ankles but this time true chains weren't attached to anything he was free to move. John tried to look around the room but only a bed at the far right of the corner was in the room it was exactly one foot off the ground, it was stained with blood, it looked like the bed was already broken if not, almost broken. Directly in front of the room there was a door that had no handle, but had a slot for food, it was stained with bloody handprints and it was very clear that there was writing on the wall that mismatched with the blood splatters and bloody handprint, John came closer to the walls to try to read the writing on the wall.

"HELP HELP THERE'S NO WAY OUT DEATH IS THE ONLY OPTION" another one was "BEWARE OF THE TALL MEN IN WHITE BEWARE OF THE HANDS WITH UNCLEAR COLORS" the last one confused John, he vividly remembers the tall man with the white hoodie that slammed his hand into Zack, but the thing that confused John, was who is Zack? Other names came flooding into his mind Gordon, Benny, and Jack who were these people? Did John know them if so what was his relationship with them he didn't know anyone of them, John tried to go to sleep and succeeded.

One day after waking up John woke up to him being strapped down to a chair with a gambling game in front of him. After a few seconds of looking more around the dimly lit room only for a woman a green dress to come out on the other side of the gambling game.

Before John could get out any words the woman in the green dress spoke "Your lucky...because you've been chosen to play You chose or you lose game, that I'be made my self rules are simple; you chose the colors between red, green, blue, yellow, white, and black if you chose one color and then I'll roll a dice that has numbers on it. 1=green, 2=red, 3=blue, 4=yellow, 5=black, 6=white. If the dice lands on a color that you didn't chose well I'll break one of your fingers, if it does you get to go back to your little cell, okay?" John couldn't even respond "Great thank you for agreeing to the rules, now pick a color"

John couldn't retaliate what if he did will she just kill him? "White" John reluctantly called out then she rolled the dice...the dice skipped around the board in the table he could see the blood stains on the dice as Lady Luck chose his fate, but a weird buzzing noise in his left ear started to play John did turn his head to the left to see a black shadowy figure that was at least 6 feet 8 inches tall shaking it's head.

"Aww sorry kid, green" John turned back to see the woman holding his right index fingers and then started bending it in a way that human biology broken or not wasn't sure that it'll bend that way, a deafening scream echoed through out the dark room.

"WHY!?!? WHAT DID I DO?!?" these words echoed through out the room and came out of John's terrified face with tear tracks on both of his cheeks, John looked back at the woman who was smiling like she was aroused by his screams.

"Chose again kid" the woman smiled at John who was still squirming in pain, John looked back at her clenching his teeth to deal with the pain.

John looked back at his left to the shadowy figure holding up five fingers, if John remembered right five is black.

"black" John said while turning to the woman who already rolled the dice.

TIC, TAC, TIC, the last three movements of the dice which luckily landed on five, black.

"Awwwww nooooooooooooo I was planing on play with you some more but you've got some good luck"

John faded out of consciousness, which was understandable he had never broken a bone, the most pain he ever experienced was falling down and scraping his knee on the sidewalk. John then woke up to his room he immediately knew where he was in his own mind he sad goodbye to his old life. The shadowy figure was in the room with John which John welcomed him in his new and broken life, but he wasn't devoid of hope he secretly held on, he hoped someone anyone who was willing to help him, he hoped that someone would help him.

Trying to figure out what’s the best way to find misspells and punctuation errors if anyone has any tips please tell me, thanks you and Thank you for reading!

Cruddiest_Spidercreators' thoughts