
A Struggle For Survival

The big bad wolf stared at me menacingly as it slowly approached me, licking its chops as if I was a well cooked meal. 'It's do or die for me!' I readied myself for a seemingly impossible battle ahead of me. To take initiative, I decided to run at the moster first. Having no kind of weapons on me, it felt very suicidal. My heart was racing, my vision was slowly getting tunneled as I sped to the best of my ability at it. 'I REFUSE TO DIE LIKE A FUCKING DOG' I jumped as high as I could at him, the wolf must have thought I was retarted or something because it had stopped and stared at me while as I was running at it.

I guess it wasn't accoustomed to food coming directly at it. However, the big bad wolf would later come to regret its gross underestimation at my sheer will to survive. As soon as I landed on its throat, I grabbed its fur and bit down at it as hard as I could. It gave a yelp of surprise before it growled in anger, blood spurted like a fountain at the small area I had bitten down on and I had no plans of letting go. It started shaking itself hard doing its damnest to throw the little morsel of food that it was trying to snack on, and it worked.

The wolf managed to chuck me to the closest tree, and at the speed which I was flying at I managed to knock the tree down before I hit another. Normally, when this happens to an average person, the impact can break their spinal cord or even kill them. However, I was far from your average joe shmoe, My bones remained intact and uncracked. That didn't mean I was unscathed though, it hurt like hell. Hurt so much that blood dripped out of my mouth because of internal injury.

As I lay there staring at the big bad wolf approaching, I slowly began to see red. 'Why do I gotta die again? I just got here, Goddamn It!' my breathing started to get heavier and heavier. I could feel my body begin to change slowly but surely, the big bad wolf stopped as it began to observe my changes. My mouth grew a lot more canines, and I could feel some major discomfort coming from both my shoulders. It was as if two heads were trying to grow there, my height increased drastically. Almost to the point I was as tall as that fucking wolf trying to eat me.

By the time my transformation was complete. I had gray scales and three heads, all identical. The whites of my eyes had become yellow with black irises and my hands had became bat-like with wings attached near my wrists. Marking the completion to my transformation. I spread my wings and all three heads of mine looked to the sky as I made the most blood freezing roar that I couldn't even imagine I could make in all two lives of mine.

The wolf took a step back, intimidated by the sudden events taking place. Looking at the wolf that was now the same height as I was. I lunged at it, murder on my mind as my middle head grabbed the wolf by the throat. My instincts told me that I could move my left and right heads the same way I could move my limbs, as such I willed them to bite its two front paws. Effectively immobilizing it in theory, however it used its two hind legs to scratch the base of where my throats were connected to my body. Wincing in pain I let go of the damn wolf.

The wolf's throat was bleeding even more profusely than it initially when I bit it first. However, its not like I wasn't injured either, although my body wasn't aching as much as it was before. the bastard's hind legs had some pretty sharp claws, and it left a rather worrying injury on my body. We stared each other down, waiting to see who was going to make the first move. Although, I moved like I was used to it; it WAS still my first time transforming. So my sense of smell, vision, and new bodily functions were overwhealming me as I stared the big bad wolf down. It was as if my senses were overloading my brain with new information, but I didn't have time to process them. I had a wolf to kill damnit!

Letting out another roar, the two heads on both sides of my middle head began to take a deep breath as if they were charging something. Lightning began sparking throughout my body. I could hear a whirring sound as if a machine was being turned on. The wolf, sensing danger, wasted no time attacking me in an attempt to stop the impeding doom it sensed. Big Ugly slammed into me and we both fell to the ground, the two heads released their roars and yellow like beams blasted out of them piercing the sky and making rather gaping holes in the clouds. My middle head bit at its nape as he bit down on the base of my middle throat. The wolf actually managed to pierce through my scales and his claws continued to damage my torso. Thankfully, the two heads on my shoulders managed to grapple his paws and throw him back to give me room for getting up.

I'm going to have to start using the apostrophe to indicate my thoughts so I don't confuse you guys between dialouge and internal thought. Moreover, YES! I did just bring KING GHIDORA to the OP universe! Cool right?

Please leave a review!! love y'all!!!!

Leo_DiAngelocreators' thoughts