

Join Wei Qi in his cultivation road to achieve his goals, conquer his fears, deals with regrets and sorrows while keeping a secret from loved ones .

Shadow_Dragon_9805 · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

Competition - part 4

Before i start i want to introduce the new characters .....

Peng Yuan- peng clan young master, cautious in nature, black hair , yellow eyes , a little chubby type handsome.

Yun mei- from yun clan (i will tell about clans after competition arc), good at leading(leader type), fiery red hair, red eyes,very beautiful.

Chen hu- all brawn no brain, buffed guy, black hair , black eyes.

Unknown spear guy- white hair , yellow eyes, calm personality.

Xi nan and Shi mei- blue and pink hair, sky blue and light pink eyes, elegant vibes like a noble personality.

mysterious sword guy- short blond hair, green eyes, wears a mask, mysterious vibes.

Hungry girls- both had black hair and black eyes, tattered clothes with stitches here and there, dirt laced face..

Also i m using a phone.. so tell me if i had a spelling mistake or grammar mistake or its unreadable , i will try to update it. And as i am a guy with a job, sorry for the irregular chapter update but i try as quick as i can be. *enjoy*


As the competition goes on Peng yuan found some of his clan members but as they started of a little late they had a little core count. As clan members only goal is to made sure that that peng yuan enters the sect for that even if they have to give up their chance they will do it. Basically they are cannon fodders or meat shields or expendables for the clan's main family.Its an unwritten rule.

(secret realm)

"young master we only have two core so far and we killed 15 beasts. if only you let us all hunt together we have a better chance to kill more beast and find more cores we will be the first to enter the sect and sect master will choose you." someone said to Peng yuan.

"No , no ,no.. we dont have to be hasty about it only 12 hours passed till the competition , we dont have to rush , we have to make sure we r all in good condition so 2 of you go this way and 2 of you go that way to hunt beasts and rest 5 of you protect me while i kill beasts .." Peng yuan said righteously without blinking.

His lackeys @_@(f*ck this , f*ck my life, f*ck the clan, and specially f*ck this young master, you are the strongest among us why do you need protection.. huh.. even for unfortunate cases two people should be sufficient why do you need 5 of them when you send two towards east and two towards west.. to die ? )

even if their young master is unreasonable they have to comply .... so they did as he told.


Some where in the secret realm we see a guy fighting a bear beast with his bare hands . (hey camera guy zoom in for a close shot ...zooms in... yes perfect)

we see the guy effortlessly dodging the beast and punching it while saying-

,"Come on punch me harder and faster "

," Is that all you got"

," hey i m here big guy"

," have you not eaten lunch or what you don't have any strength behind your paws"

the bear becomes tired and stops then growls at him .

the guy also stops and says ," No no its not my turn yet.. come one keep attacking "

bear #_# (what the fu*k????)

the bear growls again .

the guy," what do you mean its lunch time , we have enough time for another round,"


the guy," dont you go silent on me, i know you are lying .. "


the guy ," no ..dont give me the puppy eye look "


the guy ," ok fine you win .. but you have to give me your core "

bear ....(bruh i will die)

the bear ran away....

the guy chased the bear and caught up to it punches it hard in the head making it explode and said ," i knew you are lying other wise why would u ran away." he then looks at bear and says ,"now give me the core "

" hey bear , give it"



he then went near it then shakes it , the bear tilts its shattered head making it officially dead.

the guy we see screams ," brother bear Nooooooooooooo,"

(you know who is this)

(camera man where are you going , hey stop throwing the camera, i know you are sad that the bear died , hey stop, hey..hey .... technical difficulties.... we will be back in no time)


(Xi nan and Shi mei )

they r fighting a fire lion . they are dodging its fire balls spitting from mounth with elegance and attacking with sword wounding it. they are like dancing together with swords.

combo X 1

combo X 2



.Combo X 23

Critical hit

critical hit applies stun effect.

target stamina/hp depletes.

fire lion dies ....

fire lion didn't even managed to break their combo . After it comes the hard part as they both don't want to search the body for a core. they use their sword to poke around the body for a core.. most of the time they shatterd the core with the sword so they had only 7 cores even if they killed a lot of beasts.

while poking the fire lion some how xi nan poked the heart and blood splattered like a fountain .

Xi nan," ewwww... no i m not doing this again."

shi mei," what i did the last one you have to do this one.. do you think i want to do any of this???."

xi nan," i wish we just have to kill the beasts not to get their cores ."

(sect master- really???)


Some people even formed group to attack other group to steal other contender's cores as it is easier to do the ambush then to fight a beast to death.

A group of three are searcing for clue of others to ambush they came across a small fire pit , and near it a teared carcass of a beast , its spine skeleton , bones scattered, bones are clean like someone cleaned with soap.. its skull bone crushed. the area was calm and silent and creepy.

They become terrified.One of them said," i dont want to be that guy but i think we should leave."

2nd guy," yeah , i dont even want to think what happened to this beast and what thing did this horror to it... what do you say ?" he and the 1st guy looked towards their leader.

And found an empty spot. they had a chill run down their spine , thier skin hair stood up in fear..their leader bailed as soon as he saw the skeleton . At this time they heard a stick snapping sound. they froze where they stood and something like saliva tripped on the guys shoulder and that it.... they run like hell . No need to look backwards just run like FKing flash. because who ever is the last guy will be picked by the beast.

But if they stayed for a bit and investigated they would have found two girls sleeping on a tree with fox tail as cushion and patting their filled up belly with their hand and the younger one saying," one more leg piece!!! ,please elder sister i cant eat more i m already full ." while biting the tree branch while the elder one drooling like river.


next chapter is about other serious contestants . i wrote this and i m cringing while reviewing this... what made me write this ?????. comment if you dislike or like the chapter . let me know if i made any mistakes. see you in nxt chapter...

Shadow_Dragon_9805creators' thoughts