

Join Wei Qi in his cultivation road to achieve his goals, conquer his fears, deals with regrets and sorrows while keeping a secret from loved ones .

Shadow_Dragon_9805 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Competition - part 3

A/N-- secret realms what are those?? i mean literally what the fook are those??...are they areas in closed space then how are people get transferred and dont break space continuum .. and who even closes the area in space? how day and night works in there ?? how are treasures born in them ???

so i am assuming someone with high enough realm closed an secret area somewhere in a closed array where no one can come in or go out for a time like testing kids and due to constant unhindered supply of qi makes some things mutate to be considered as treasures ... what do you think???


(Sun and Moon secret realm- a secret realm created by previous sect master of tianmen sect for future generation trials.wild beasts such as rabbits , wolves , foxes , bears , elephants , tigers , lions , rhinos .... just imagine regular animals with a little more size , ferocious nature , some with a horn , some foxes with 2 to 3 tails, with different elements like shadow cats or lightning tiger or fire lion something like that )

After the sect master activated the array to teleport everyone to the secret realm and turned on the live footage as they can see and hear of it, all the elders and the previous disciples kept watching to pick their favourite ones to bet . i mean if even sect master bets on it , who does not want to bet on it ?

(Secret Realm)

After the teleportation everyone who came for the competition teleported up in a random place. everyone who thought of teaming up and becoming the first ones their dream bursted like a soap bubble , especially for peng clan young master who came from peng clan with 10 support member from branch family but who knew sect master would tilt his plan upside down. Now he has two things to do either fight the beasts alone or find his team .with a gnash of his teeth he set out for his team members even though he may be the strongest he doesn't have the will to fight 20 beasts alone without someone watching his back because some people who teleported near can come to agreement and make a team but he is not going to believe in this temporary team where someone can back stab you for one beast core just to be the 100th person.

Even if some people make team there will be always be some who are confident in their skills to kill the beasts and some are stupid to just brute force their way to reach their goals .

unknown to them while everyone is dealing with beasts with their life ,on the other side sect elders and sect master are betting on them...

Sect master who put a bet on peng clan young master is now cursing him," this coward peng yuan . he is from peng clan. he is in middle level of mortal realm . maybe his clan also taught him some basic skills. he could alone do the task but nooooooo? he has to search for his lackeys .. for what watching his back or boasting to them to get some praises . even the guy who has least cultivation is going solo .. its not important that he turned down by the only girl he found to team cause he is ugly..look he even got his first core.. what are chances 5 beasts to one core ..and he got one but the young master is still runnnnnning to find his lackeys..."

elders and everyone around him ( when you talked about bet u called dibs on him because u sensed he has the highest cultivation now why r u shouting on his choices.. you are a sect master, watch your image?

everyone is choosing their bet chicken who will make them win spirit qi stones as for elders they are betting treasures, personal skills, weapons etc

Yong guiying choose a girl with sword who is leading some girls to kill beasts and she is proficient in it . apparently her name is Yun mei and she is from yun clan . she has shown great leadership skills. their team has 5 members and no quarrels as they get cores in number wise( 1st one gets 1st core, 2nd one gets the 2nd core, like wise) . now everyone of their team has minimum two cores . they r resting now after a close fight with 3 beasts as some of them are injured.

Long wei choose a solo guy whose name was Chen hu who is a head strong guy to choose brute force way. he is initial middle level of mortal realm but somehow without skill he is plummeting every beast on his way with his two fists. one punch isn't enough ? punch 2nd time more harder . he is the live example of all brawn but no brain. he is now with 1 core still punching a rhino beast known for its hard hide .

Yong jun choose a guy with spear who also going solo but with brains . he is using his spear skill and movement skills to dodge and kill multiple beasts simultaneously. he just killed 2 beasts back to back and ended up with 2 cores

Xiu ying choose two girls teaming up . apparently they are xi nan and shi mei. she choose them because they are using their weapon with grace and elegance that even after killing beasts no blood stain was found on their robes . its like they are dancing together.

Mu chen also found a solo boy who is using precise sword skills to kill beasts . he uses no extra movement or attack to wear the beast down . his attacks are precise to attack their weakness like their eyes or legs or the stomach area . he is like an assassin on his job.

while everyone is choosing their champion wei qi is looking through every screen . his eyes are moving one screen to another after some pause as if to searching for something . all the screens are showing genius among geniuses but he still not satisfied with them. he still feels some thing is missing .

Then suddenly his eyes stopped on a screen where two skinny girls , one is skinny enough to be called malnourished are fighting together to kill a two tailed fox. they skinny one calling the malnourished one elder sister while the skinny one being called mei . even though they dont have strength they have the determination to kill the beast .... mei is throwing a bola made out of vines towards the legs of the beasts while the elder one attacking with a sword. after some time they finally killed the beast then they..

searched for a place to rest and roasted the fox up to eat like they hadn't eaten in days .2 meter height and 3 meter long fox just finished in a heartbeat . they had a face of relif in stead of a worrying face after they didn't even find the core

wei qi watched them in amusing eyes.