
The Unmated King

The Unmated King - Curse of the Goddess - Reina, an Alpha Female of the smallest, yet strongest pack among the others, second strongest to the royals, the Blue Moon Pack, does not have a knowledge about her true power, possessed since the birth of her mother, a hybrid power, on which came from the Moon Goddess, but she isn't the only one that possessed such power, another man-wolf, named Zander, has been given as well, but unlike her, his, is considered as a curse more than a blessing. On the other hand, Derek, being a royal blood, is powerful and strong, but to his surprise, he then met his mate, who is Reina, as strong as he is. Living for about twenty eight human years, peace surrounds the kingdom, due to the peace treaty that had been done fifty years ago. Now, in his era, he needed to govern the place, facing a lot of challenges. One day, Reina witnessed the massacre on her pack, an unknown werewolf, called, Zander, killed her family and the rest of the pack, leaving her tp live alone as she ran towards the forest nearing the Capital Kingdom. As soon as she woke up, she planned on avenging her pack. Her journey isn't easy, she needed to train herself more to be stronger than the enemy, until a day that she and the rest will know about her true power. Zander, then faces Reina, fight to all their might, wanting to know what is much stronger, a blessing or a curse? Later on, they found out that they are related by blood. Both of them are not knowledgeable about the truth. The truth lies on the book of the hybrids, where it stated all the possible outcome using both blessing and curse.

Skailifter · Fantaisie
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54 Chs

Chapter 2 - Visitation

Derek POV

"Wake up !, Wake up !, We need to visit her today !, " Blade excitedly jumping in my head, waking me from my sleep. I slowly open my eyes, and wiping off the sleep. I turn my gaze to the window, and see that the sun already rise, giving lights to the area, as the sky has a clear blue color. I look upon the clock on the left part of the bedroom, and it indicates six in the morning.

“ Ah, three hours had passed since the time we found our mate and now you are whining, spinning, and rolling in my head, being the annoying wolf I had.”

"You do realized that out mate was hurt and we should check on her now right ? !” Blade exclaimed.

"yeah, but can’t I have a proper rest too? Maybe just a couple of hours more?" I answered.

Slowly getting up from the bed, I stretched my arms and legs, but I suddenly feel tired so I lay my back again to the bed.

"Oh come on !, what are you doing you lazy old mutt!" Blade whined,

"The bed is calling me you know" I said, while yawning. I'm still a little bit sleepy after all the work I had yesterday.

While my back is still lying on the soft mattress, I stare up at the ceiling thinking back to what happened last night,

"I still can’t believe that it is her…" I mumble to the air.

"Alright, let see her today !" I said while jumping off from the bed, I tossed the blankets to the side, hurriedly walks towards the bathroom, looking in the mirror above the granite oval shaped lavatory, seeing my face with some dark bags under my eyes, messy hair, and some dried saliva besides my mouth. Opening the left knob of the faucet took some water, then splashing it to my face, then rub some facial soap making my face clean. Well, maybe you don’t see often a guy taken care good of their face, but I do. After that, I rinse my face and grab a face towel from the corner of the lavatory. Then I step in to the shower area andclean myself. After a few minutes, I got off the bathroom, put on a thick cottony bathrobe, and another towel on my head to wipe off the wetness. I walk towards the closet, and picks up a plain white tshirt, some underwear, and a navy blue knee-length short. I did not brush my hair because it is still messy wet.

"Is she awake?" I mind linked Doctor Raymond while walking towards the door and exit my bedroom.

"Not yet, your Highness." He linked me back.

"Okay, I'll go visit her today" then I shut our mind links. I walk towards the Kitchen, grab some toast, and a water bottle. I eat it while walking in the hallway and step outside. I gasps some air, looking at the surrounding and it seems peaceful. I open the bottle of water and started to drink it, then headed to the pack hospital. Arriving at the foot of the hospital, my wolf inside me keeps on spinning again excitedly.

“ Can’t you relaxed a little?, you big old dog !" I complain to my wolf. My heart is pounding so fast, smelling the sandalwood scent of our mate, indicating that she’s inside. I am quiet nervous when I start to walk towards the door of the pack hospital. I open it and saw some medical members standing, and giving me a nod as I walk in.

"Good day, Your Highness !." they greeted me in unison.

"I am here to visit the woman from the south border ".

" She is in the room down the hall, your highness".

"Thanks" I told him, they nodded their head as I walk towards the direction they pointed at.

I know that I really don’t need to ask them on where she is, because I can just follow her scent. But because of my nervousness, I can’t properly put up myself. The scent is getting stronger when I am nearing the door of the room. I composed myself, to make myself calm. A lot of emotions I have been feeling this time, nervousness, excitement, curiosity, and anger towards the one who did this to her. I stretched my hand towards the doorknob and engulfed some air, pushing the door to open in, my eyes turn its gaze to the beautiful woman lying in the bed, close eyes and with bandages attached to her body.

"What a beautiful creation" I uttered to myself, "yet seems dangerous".

I don’t know how many hours or minutes had passed when I enter the room, and sat next to her bed, I keep on staring at her face, and wondering what she did to deserved this. I can see that some of the bruises and wounds are now completely healed, except for the ribs part. It still covered with patches.

"Are you coming to check her today Doctor Ray? When will I see her result?" I mind linked our pack doctor to see if he's done with his laboratory report about the injury of my mate.

"Yes, your highness, kindly wait for me, I just need to polish some report of the other cases here, be there in a few minutes." he mind linked me back. I know how busy it is to be a doctor of the capital, but I admire him for being so calm in every situation he's in.

It has been quiet peaceful in this room, when I noticed that I have been staring at her for a long time. Is it the mate pull or it is simply her beauty that mesmerized me?. I can’t keep my eyes off of her. I don.t know what came over me but I lifted up a bit from the chair, and I stretches my hand toward her arms to touch it, but before it touches hers, some knocks on the door snapping me out from my plan.

"How have you been, your Highness? Is she awake yet?” Josh, my beta, came in.

"Where is the doctor?" he asks with concern, after noticing that some of the injuries are slowly healing.

"He said he'll be here in a few minutes, there are some paper works that he needed to polish first, before giving me the report." I explained to him.

"Is there anything that I can help you with today? maybe want some company here or you prefer to be alone with your unconscious mate?" asking me with a grin on his face, I know that he is my beta and my best friend, but sometimes I wanted to punch his face, for I know what that looks on face mean.

" Your Highness, may I come in?" finally, Doctor Raymond came. I said a quick yes to him and he open the door with confuse, and concern look on his face.

"I'm here to give you the report about her injuries, your Highness, might as well explain it" he told us.

"The claw marks we found on her ribs area might have been mixed with a poison that makes it heals slowly. But rest assured, she'll survive this... the claws came from not just an ordinary werewolf...but a hybrid one..." he explained to us, "a hybrid of a man-wolf and a witch" he added.

This is the first time that we hear about a hybrid. Not even in all our history book you can find something like it. We were quiet at a moment until we hear a sound, "...Zander..."