
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Fantaisie
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98 Chs

Red Eyes

Davie's last words echoed throughout the fog. A ereie silence enveloped them all.

Just in time the seriousness of the situation was interrupted by the sounds of stomachs grumbling and Will groaning in pain.

"Davie if this really is Ben below us why hasn't he reacted to our presence yet?"

Davie turned to look at Belle who had called out to him and shook his head. Belle began to ponder and continue thinking about it some more.

Davie then looked for Will who had suddenly disappeared from the table along with Apathy. He massaged his forehead contemplating the futility of his actions . He did not move from his spot as they needed to at least stick together in some way. He had heard one too many ghost tales to not realize splitting up led to disasters.

On the starboard side of the ship….

Will and Apathy stared down into the darkness. Will occasionally flashed the light to see if there was really anything under there. But it was too dark and foggy to allow for anything meaningful to be distinguished. Apathy questioned Will's intentions of coming here. She had followed him after he spontaneously left the group to head into the fog.

" I was hoping to see Big Ben! It sounds like he's pretty cool"

Apathy nodded at Will's childlike wonder and smiled. It seemed like he didn't realize that the blackness lurking below the water may be the whale. She then asked him a more serious question.

"Do you think the woman who transformed Big Ben is a Witch?" while apathy was asking the question Will was slowly pulling up the anchor.

He paused at her question. His hands were struggling to hold the chains of the heavy anchor but he still managed to let out a "Yes".

Apathy was about to question his response when a loud sound was heard coming from under the ship. Will who was holding onto the anchor felt it began to pull away from him. Will tried his best to hold onto it but failed. His shoes screeched against the floorboard and his body slammed against the wooden railings. His eyes bulged and small his body was forced half way off of the boat.

His face was filled with pain as he used his body as leverage agasint the railing to prevent the anchor from going completely. His hands burned as the chain was dragged out of his grasp. Apathy watched this scene and immediately ran to get Davie.

Will who was left by himself could feel his hair stand on his back for a spilt second. He looked down towards the sea and wondered when the water turned red. He was confused but it didn't last long. The red shifted away from him. Revealing a dark circle that stared at him. It looked empty…it looked hollow…It looked alive…

The pupil the size of the ship focused on Will's golden eyes. It remained motionless for a second before blinking and sending waves crashing against the ship.

The anchor had long popped out of its foundation and flew into the sea. Will had remained situated in the same spot holding onto a broken chain. Due to the sheer amount of fear emanating from his bones his body lost all its luster and the blood vessels could be seen through his pale flesh. It felt as if his own heart had sunk below his body. His brain couldn't process the emotions he felt at this moment in time. All he could mutter from his mouth was.


Davie had just arrived next to Will. He had stepped in a puddle of unknown fluids but it wasn't long before he joined Will in his revel. This lasted a whole before Belle and Apathy came with lanterns in hand.

They watched Will and Davie stare down into the sea and wondered what they could have seen. Apathy could see a clear stream of liquid run down Will's clothing into his shoes. She knew something was wrong. But Before she could act. The waves came again. This time they were stronger and faster.

Then everything paused. The waves stopped. Apathy was about to run towards Will then suddenly he turned around and shouted. His eyes were glowing a deep golden color and were bleeding.


Minutes before…..

Will and Davie's eyes were glued to the creature. The creature never took its eyes of them. It was like staring into the abyss and watching its eyes stare back at you. A deep abyss of sadness and despair mixed in with an anger and rage that knew no bounds. A rage that has permeated and paralyzed the minds of the two of them. It was as if it was projecting its emotions onto them.

After a while the creature's eyes seemingly curved into a sadistic crescent as if it was smiling under the inky veil. Immediately after it slowly shifted below them. The watched as the immeasurable black shadow slowly shifted below them causing the waves to become stronger and faster as it picked up speed. Then....it suddenly came to a halt.

Will's face had regained some color and so did Davie's. Will looked down at the sea again in sheer terror. His pupils had dilated and his some of the blood vessels around his eyes bursted causing him to bleed. All he could see was the inky blackness that was there before. Will's brain racked itself and unknowingly his eyes began to glow a deep gold.

He could feel something was amiss and his body continuously told him to hold onto something. He told Davie his thoughts but it seemed he was still too shocked to respond or move.

Davie stood rooted on his spot his face filled with terror. His hands gripping onto the rails. He even started to show signs of corruption as the skin around his face began to turn translucent and watery.

Will smelled the air. It smelled terrible. He couldn't find the origin of the stench but he knew it wasn't anything good. Will began to scan the water seriously and then something rose from the darkness.

First it was one then it was two then it was three and then it was too many.

"Bubbles?" Will's already active brain fitted the pieces out extremely quick but it was too late. He turned and shouted towared Belle and Apathy who were watching from a distance.

He saw them react but it wasn't quick enough. Everyone's bodies immediately collided with the floor with immense force. Their bodies pressed against the wood like a pancake before begging to float in the air for a split second of bliss.

Everyone looked at each other and a slight smile began to creep up on their faces. Until They began their descent. They flew through clouds and with each second gained meters of distance between eachother.

In the sky somewhere…

Will lay unconscious. He had passed out from the lack of oxygen. His lungs were smaller than the rest so being at such altitudes affected him more than the others. His body limpy flew through the air. Below him was an island covered in a thick forest canopy and in the center was a large Hill.

After a few more seconds of Free fall Will's body collides with the canopy.


A flock of unknown birds flew out of the emergent layer letting out a terrible screech.