
The universe we live in

We go to the stars, we come to the earth. We belong to the earth, but not here. This is the earth. The seven children on the spacecraft came to the earth, and there were no other human beings in their sight. Except for themselves. Is this the new world? Or the end? Where are the previous humans? We don't know. But they have a goal. Rebuild human civilization!

DaoistGrSS68 · Romance
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32 Chs

Chapter 27 "Mistake"

"I'm going to have a baby for you."

"To have children for you."

"To have children for you."

"You give birth to children."

"To have children."



I was surprised and didn't respond for a moment.

To give birth to a child for me?

Cheng Yi is not stupid, right?

Give birth to a child? Now this kind of time when doctors are not available, how dangerous ah!

What the hell, the brain wattage?

"You ... Are you serious?"

Cheng Yi nodded his head.

"You should know what you need to do to have a baby."

Cheng Yi blushed, the kind of red up to her ears.

But she still nodded her head down.

Well, after all, know the toys, this kind of thing should also know.

"You know what, not kissing the mouth will be pregnant with a small baby!"

Cheng Yi continued to nod his head.

"You really want?"

Cheng Yi shook his head this time.

"I want to have a baby for you, but not now, we are still too young, I want you to be my boyfriend, but now is a special time, I allow you to have many girlfriends, but I was the first to confess my love to you, but also to be the first to have a baby with you!"

Cheng Yi paused for a moment.

"Even if Sister Huang Ying and Sister Langray are older than me, you are not allowed to have children with them first."

The more Cheng Yi said, the more wrong her words became.

Maybe she realized it herself and slowly lowered her head.

I rushed up and hugged Cheng Yi.

"Eh ... Eh?"

Cheng Yi did not react for a moment.

"I am not going to do with you now ah, you get up ah dead pervert loli control!"

I hugged Cheng Yi tighter.

"Stop it, feel my heartbeat."


Cheng Yi quieted down.


Two times.

Three times.

Four times.





Cheng Yi felt it.

My heartbeat.

My heart is back!

"Mengru, really?"

"You can listen to it."

I said so with a crying voice, and Cheng Yi, who was face to face with me, was also about to shed tears.

I let go of Cheng Yi, whose head was resting on my chest.

"Once, twice, three times, dong, dong, dong ..."

My heart was beating powerfully in my chest.

"Cheng Yi, I feel the love, thank you for your love, I love you too."

Cheng Yi had already cried tears.

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Maybe I am the same in Cheng Yi's eyes.

I looked at the image of me in Cheng Yi's beautiful pupils.


"Cheng Yi, do you know what I want to do now?"

"Haha ah, what ah?"

Cheng Yi laughed while wiping tears from her eyes.

"I want to kiss you."

"Come on."

This time, I put my lips on the lips of the girl I like.

Something as good as an electric current rushed to my brain.

This lip, how soft, this softness as if it can soothe all the hurt on the soul, as if the reality of the difficulties all do not matter.

I opened my eyes and found that Cheng Yi closed his eyes tightly.

What a lovely thing.

Suddenly, Cheng Yi launched a surprise attack.

But only for a moment, just a moment.

An even stronger current rushed through my whole body.

Cheng Yi immediately withdrew his tongue again.

Our lips left.

Cheng Yi opened his eyes and smiled faintly at me.

I froze for a moment, looking at such a cute and playful girl in front of me, I kissed again.

This time it was my choice to take the initiative and surprise.

Cheng Yi and I both felt each other's temperature, this is the battle, yet not ...

Just like that, I carried Cheng Yi to bed.

That night, we were both very happy.

There was someone to confide in for love.

With someone to connect with.

My heart came back.

Cheng Yi's heart also came back.

Two young hearts, at this moment, intersected with each other.

The next day.

My sister Huang Ying knew about my affair with Cheng Yi.


Because when Sister Huang Ying woke me up for dinner, she saw a naked Cheng Yi and me kissing.

My clothes and Cheng Yi's clothes were thrown all over the floor.

As a result, Sister Huang Ying just heaved a sigh.

"Sister Huang Ying!"

"You don't have to explain, I saw it all, it's okay."

"Sister, it's not!"

When I was in a hurry, I rushed straight out from the blanket and rushed to Sister Huang Ying.

There was nothing on my body.

I directly hugged Sister Huang Ying's head.

"Mengru, don't, you can't do this, Cheng Yi is still there, are you stupid!"

Cheng Yi also just laughed at the farce from the comforter.

"Sister Huang Ying, don't talk, listen carefully!"

I put Sister Huang Ying's head on my chest.

"Eh, eh?"

"En, en!"

"Mengru you have a heartbeat!"

"Eh, eh!"

"It's like this then, it's like this!"

It seems that Sister Huang Ying also understood that the condition for the heart to come back is love, and it is reasonable for me to be like this with Cheng Yi.

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"So have you done a good job of protecting yourselves?"

Sister Huang Ying asked me quietly.

"Did it, the last time I went to sister Langray took a few small raincoats."

"You kid, is not long want to do bad things."

Sister Huang Ying clenched her two hands into fists and rotated them to press on my left and right temples.

"Sister Huang Ying, it hurts, it hurts too much."

But Sister Huang Ying seemed to be venting her anger and continued to play with my head like this.

After playing for a while, Sister Huang Ying stopped and turned around to go downstairs.

"Don't forget to come to dinner, and Mengru you put your clothes on."

I then realized that I was still completely naked.

Cheng Yi was on the side wrapping himself in the quilt and laughing heatedly.

I got dressed and gave Cheng Yi a kiss on the head and finally went out from the house and let Cheng Yi get dressed by herself.

But after she put on her underwear and white t-shirt, she went back to her room and came out again after changing into the same type of uniform clothing as I did at Yuan Meng Private High School.

So it is to wear couple clothes with me ah.

I just dragged Cheng Yi downstairs to eat.

The result was that we were at breakfast and Sister Huang Ying announced the return of my heart and the fact that Cheng Yi and I were officially dating.

Everyone is a different face.

Brother Hong Wei Da should be showing a bright smile and a jerking thumbs up.

Zixin, on the other hand, is showing an expression of dissatisfaction.

Sister Langray is still lazy heaped on the feeling, but her eyes are full of disdain.

Lu Ying was the same as before, only her head was lowered even more.

Sister Huang Ying was full of smiles and seemed happier than us, even threatening to open a champagne.

Cheng Yi is different from the past, she used to be like a violent woman, now she is like a little bird, holding my hand, her shoulder leaning on my shoulder.

This is the feeling of a little birdie, it's really good.

After finishing the meal, Sister Huang Ying was washing the dishes, Cheng Yi went over and the two of them said something.

"What's wrong, little Cheng Yi, want to learn how to do good housework with me?"

"No, Sister Huang Ying, I'll be straightforward, Sister Huang Ying are you also like Mengru."

"Eh ah, this is all you can see it."

"Your happiness is too much, too fake, but Meng Ru, that guy, doesn't quite understand a girl's heart."

"Yes, you are all still children, I want to protect you."

"Sister Huang Ying, there's no need, I made a deal with Mengru, at this time now, I'll allow him to have multiple girlfriends."

"Cheng Yi ..."

"So, Sister Huang Ying, like it, go after it."

"Grow up then, in every sense of the word."

"Eh, are there any, ooo ...."

"Yes ... Yes it is."

"Huang Ying sister, you, you do not cry ah."

"It's okay, it's okay."

"What's okay ah, later to find you a little tissue."

PS: This chapter has a substantial deletion, please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)