
The universe we live in

We go to the stars, we come to the earth. We belong to the earth, but not here. This is the earth. The seven children on the spacecraft came to the earth, and there were no other human beings in their sight. Except for themselves. Is this the new world? Or the end? Where are the previous humans? We don't know. But they have a goal. Rebuild human civilization!

DaoistGrSS68 · Sci-fi
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32 Chs

Chapter 28 "Sister Signs Falling from the Sky"

September, Jiangcheng.

It's already September, but Jiangcheng is still the same as summer, although not very hot, but also not a very comfortable temperature.

I'm with Cheng Yi.

But said together, but in fact there is no actual feeling.

It's just that I have a better relationship with Cheng Yi.

Often do some things together.

For example, doing housework together.

Play with little Zixin together.

Together to help Sister Rangray to carry those parts of her.

All in all we are still working for the continuation of human civilization.

What can a group of children do?

And now the continuation of human civilization really needs to rely on the seven of us or to do it.

Today is a day of adventure.

The so-called adventure, in fact, is to go outside to patrol some.

The lone wolf before was a warning sign for us.

In addition to a few of us humans, there are other wild animals with superpowers.

They are absolutely terrifying existences that must be eliminated.

According to Lu Ying's deduction, if two powerful superpowered animal individuals are sexually united, then their next generation will inherit the mother's abilities.

One generation is stronger than the next.

And the corresponding evolution of the species will be faster.

In less than three generations, a new individual will evolve.

As for us all super-powered humans, the offspring born have no problem indeed is not easy to say.

But with the technical support of Sister Rangray, I think it is not difficult to solve this kind of problem.


The people who went out on patrol today were rightfully Cheng Yi and me.

"Mengru, do you think we can meet the guy who took your heart."

"Impossible, that guy only appears at night, and no one can see it except me."

Cheng Yi and I wandered over to the sailboat plaza, where our Final Dream was still parked.

"Are you sure I can't see it?"

I froze for a long time, I did tell Cheng Yi about the trace, but I didn't think she could be so attached to this guy.

"It should be invisible, why do you care so much about that guy, it's the guy who forcibly stole my heart eh."

"No no, you are saying that I can't see that guy."


"Red hair."



"That's right."

"White skin and slim body?"

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"How do you know so much detail? I didn't tell you much."

"I saw it."

Cheng Yi's finger pointed to the back of me - the Final Dream ship.

I looked over.

"Ha, what the heck."

"Look closely, there's something red somewhere!"


I squinted my eyes at the Final Dream airship, whose door was open and from which blood was flowing.

"The airship is bleeding?"

"No! Mengru, just go over and see for yourself, I just used my ability, but you'd better go and confirm it, that red pile should be the guy you said stole your heart."

I ran over with three feet and two steps, and took a good look, there was really a young girl lying on her back in the Final Dream ship.

The girl was clothed with hair, and her body was covered with egg-white like mucus.

The red is the color of the girl's hair.


That's right, the one who was lying on the Final Dream ship was the so-called Carroll girl who stole my heart - Signs!

I hurriedly touched Trace's neck, and there was a temperature and a pulse.

I put my finger under Signs' nose again, and there was indeed breathing.

The trace that existed in front of me now was a living person, not just the guy I could observe.

"Cheng Yi, come and give me a hand!"

"Coming coming!"

Cheng Yi was visibly startled when he walked up to it.

"Mengru, what did you do to her?"

"What? She fainted when I came, help me put her on my back."

I squatted down and gestured for Cheng Yi to give me a hand.

"So what's that sticky stuff on her body."

"How should I know, hurry up, save your life."

Cheng Yi obviously still want to say something more, but see in the case of trace still unconscious also did not say anything more.


Yo ho ho, this look of the trace lying on me, uncle I am so excited about it ... It is not, the trace is covered in sticky, I carry her also inconvenient, although the trace is not very heavy, but the sun of September in Jiangcheng is not a joke.

"Hurry up and carry Signs back, you go say hello to Huang Ying first."

"Ohhh, okay."

"Go on!"

"Really don't you need my help?"

"So heavy what can you help, on your little arms and legs ..."

Cheng Yi some disappointed head down, then turned around and ran in the direction of home without looking back.

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Cheng Yi's view

The actual fact is, Mengru how so, even if that guy is the bad guy who took your heart away, then she is also a girl eh, so casually touch it!

Really angry ah!

But look at Mengru's look seems to be really anxious about it.

Forget it, after the things to say after.

"Really do not need my help?"

"So heavy you can help what, on your little arms and legs ..."

Meng Ru the fool.

Obviously my ability will be better with eh, although tired a little, but can barely share some, let me quickly run back to do what?

It is difficult not to do something bad to that girl?

No way, Mengru is not this kind of person.

I believe him.

Let's run back quickly.

Cheng Yi ran hard, running towards home.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw that Sister Huang Ying was still brushing the basin.

"Eh ah, little Cheng Yi, how urgent is not what happened."

"Sister Huang Ying, Mengru ..."

Looks like I have to exercise a little bit, just ran too much.


The steel basin in Sister Huang Ying's hand fell on the ground.

"What happened to Mengru? What danger is out, where is he!"

Sister Huang Ying threw down the work in her hand and came towards me with quick steps.

Her hands squeezed my shoulders tightly, I had never felt Sister Huang Ying use so much force on people.

"Sister Huang Ying, Mengru is fine, Mengru and I found the girl in the Final Airship, he is carrying the girl on his back, and then asked me to come and tell you to get ready."

"Oh, that's right, it's good that Mengru is okay."

"The girl had no clothes and then was all sticky and in a coma, better call sister Lu Ying over as well."

"Oh oh, okay, I got it."

With that, my mission was complete, and I turned around and walked towards where Mengru was.

I still have to go help that fool, I guess Sister Huang Ying will be ready when I return with Meng Ru and the girl.

At this moment, everyone's fate will be changed by this girl.

This is a new world.

Signs stood on the Final Dream ship watching all this as if she were a god.

She watched Mengru carry herself, she watched Cheng Yi run in the direction of Mengru, and she watched a lot.

"How much can I change this time after all?"

The signs disappeared again on the airship.

(End of this chapter)