
The Unfolding Duet

He shouldn’t have imagined her lying naked on his bed. She shouldn’t have imagined his devilishly handsome face between her legs. But it was too late. Kiara and Ethan had been best friends since they were children. They'd shared everything in their eighteen years together except romance. But that all changed at the beginning of their senior year. Kiara began noticing Ethan's washboard abs when he hopped out of the pool dripping wet after swim practice. Ethan began gazing at Kiara’s golden skin in a bikini as a grown woman instead of the girl next door he grew up with. That kiss should have never happened. It was just one moment in a lifetime of moments, but they both felt its power. They knew the thrumming in their veins and desperation in their bodies might give them all they ever wanted or ruin everything if they followed it. Kiara and Ethan knew they should have never kissed. But it's too late to take that choice back, so they have a new one to make. Fall for each other and risk their friendship or try to forget one little kiss that might change everything. PREVIEW: “If you don’t want to kiss me then . . . let’s swim.” “Yeah, sure.” “Naked.” “What?” “I always wanted to try skinny dipping.” I pursed my lips and said, “And I really want to get out of these clothes.” He said, “What if someone catches you . . . me, both?” “Come on, Ethan. Don’t be a chicken . . .” “Fine.” His voice was rough when he said, “Remove that sweater first.” I raised my eyebrow at the sudden change in his demeanour. Ethan said, “You have an extra piece of clothing than me.” I grinned. “Who said I was wearing any underwear?”

Mahi · Urbain
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67 Chs

Chapter 17: I am JEDI!

Chapter 17: I am JEDI!


The next day, I woke up on a wet pillow. I wasn't feeling well and looked up at the ceiling. With a heavy sigh, I walked toward my washroom and stopped when I saw that the window—which I always kept open—was closed. Then I saw my black journal on the desk with wet stains on the paper, which was smeared with the black ink of the pen.

Shaking my head, I closed it and kept it in my backpack. After the shower, I got dressed and skipped breakfast. I had already texted Ethan that I wouldn't come early with him, so I was going to walk for half an hour to reach school.

I let the music blast in my ears through earphones, observing the people walking beside me on the street. Katherine started texting me about last night, but I ignored her texts, focusing on the music. I needed to be alone with my thoughts for a while.
