
(Cheeky Wolf)

The wolf takes a step toward me forcing me to take a step backward. It takes another step and it's like we're playing a game of Tip Tap. It could've been funny if I wasn't a little scared and by little, I mean a lot. it goes on until my back hits a tree and I end up falling on the ground. The wolf comes and stands closer to me staring right into my eyes as if saying who's the kid now? Bloody Cheeky wolf.

Up close I can see its eyes, they're golden brown with green flecks on the corners. And I have a feeling of Déjà vu... of seeing those eyes before. But I don't seem to remember where? May be if I ask it... it would tell me. Ok I'm definitely going crazy first coming out here and now thinking of talking to a wolf... what the hell in the holy munchkin am I thinking?

My head starts hurting and I feel dizzy and the last thing I remember before falling into unconsciousness is the look of concern in the wolf's eyes and I know it's time to stop reading all those cliché fantasy romance. I wake up with an alarm, my head feels like it'll explode any minute now. Wait... how did I end up in my room? Much less in my bed? I don't remember walking... all I remember is that wolf was playing with me and I ended up half dead. Did the police come and found me lying on the ground? Or my warden was kind enough to call up a search party for me?? Like that's gonna happen. Nah... probably one of my dormmates found me and brought me here. Yup... that's a logical story.

I dress up and go to my first lecture. I'm just putting my things in my locker when suddenly I feel someone behind me. I turn around and smack into the finest chest mankind has ever come across... or at least I have. I look up to see the face of this masterpiece when...Oh no...No No no it can't be.

so, who do you think this finest masterpiece is?

Please vote, and comment and don't forget to use your spirit stones.

The next update will be tomorrow. Till then, Adios.

Much love

iamkalpanacreators' thoughts