
(Beware of the trouble)

I turn around and smack into the finest chest mankind has ever come across... or at least I have. I look up to see the face of this masterpiece when Oh no...No No no it can't be...

It's Alden bloody Richards looking as perfect as the daylight. What am I gonna do now?

Wait wait wait... why am I panicking again? I don't even like this guy, right? Yup, totally right. Ok, take a deep breath... he's nothing but my classmate.

Giving myself the pep talk I prepare myself to look up which now I realize is a way more bad idea. His lips... by god they're so pink and look so hot when they're moving. Hold on... they're moving and is...is that a smirk?

"Hey, hey hey!" He snaps me out of my daydreaming. Oh shit! He's been talking to me.

"Are you done ogling my lips sweetheart?" He smirks.

"I...I...I was...I wasn't ogling you or your lips for that matter".


"I was looking at the poster behind you", oh yeah, real smooth shia.

I regret it as soon as the words are out of my mouth because A) Now Alden looks more interested and B) the poster on the wall is of a theatre society and let me tell you something... I suck at acting. And I'm not even kidding. In my school, I was asked to play the character of a tree and tell you what? I couldn't even pull that off... That is the level of sucking I'm talking about and C) I just don't know how to deal with this.

"Oh! You were looking at the poster?" He asks with amusement like he knows my secret.

"Uh-huh" I try to avoid eye contact in case he learns that I'm lying.

"So, acting is something that interests you?" He seems curious...which in my dictionary is a first sign of caution...Beware, Trouble Ahead!

"mhmm, in fact I was thinking of joining this club. Now, if you'll excuse me. I have to go prepare for the audition" I look at him with confidence.

Thank god for my superpower of reading otherwise it would've ended in a disaster. His eyes twinkle with mischievousness. His eyes are green with gold flexes in the corner and I feel like I'm drowning into them. I don't know why but I feel like I've seen these eyes. I think I'm going crazy... first that wolf, now him. Suddenly, I feel hazy... my eyes aren't able to concentrate and I feel a fragment of flashback... like the one that happens in the movies.

'I'll always protect you, Tesoro' someone with the green eyes says to a little girl.

'you promise?' The little girl seems terrified and asks him in a small voice.

'I promise', His eyes hold determination.

"Hey Hey"... and just like that I'm out of it.

"where did you go?" Alden looks worried.

"Are you alright?" He seems genuinely concerned. Oh yeah! I'm definitely going crazy, I think.

"Yeah, yeah I... I'm fine. I think the day is just catching up to me... you know the moving and everything. I'll just go and take some rest. Bye" I run from there without looking back. I'm sure he'd be wondering what a crazy girl I am.


okay. Well, looks like Shia does feel something...or not. let's not go there as it's personal to her...right?

so, what are your thoughts so far?

Don't forget to give your reviews, comment and vote that power stone.

The next update will be soon.

Till then, hold on and enjoy.

Much love

iamkalpanacreators' thoughts
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