
The Two Of Us

Countless people have countless ideas regarding with "True Love". For her, it was somebody she thought she had loved for the longest time, but what if it was somebody else entirely? What if instead, it was just somebody whom she missed loving? Is the world really that small that it made them bump into each other again? See them fight their way through to rekindle the love they've lost along the way.

aquarianoc · Politique et sciences sociales
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A Side He Has Never Seen

"Ethan's POV"

After I bribed that stranger, I stand in a very short queue, but it almost devoured my time because most costumers in line had bought so many groceries, it's like we were facing a zombie apocalypse.

While waiting, I kept looking around as if I have seen a ghost when in fact I was looking for the girl I saw earlier, thinking she would sneak up on me and steal the milk.

That girl was pretty strict and brave, I could tell from the way she acted out, but was also a bit dumb during the interrogation.

At least I've got the milk from her, and it is not called stealing.

Kody should've been with me, I wanna lean on him, my feet are starting to ache.

He's indeed very short, and is very reliable when it comes to leaning.

Fruits and vegetables were on top of my list because I'm starting to be healthy, and I will also include it in my pre-workout meal.

Also included some instant meals, incase I'm in a hurry.

The junk foods I have in hand belongs to Mr. Kody, he loves salty foods so much I can feel his gums hurting and stinging. Eat healthy guys, don't be like Kody.

10 minutes of waiting, I finally got my turn and checked out all of the meals I've bought.

I paid ₱890 in all. That's a bit heavy, but it is keeping me alive, so let's ace it.

The cashier packed all my groceries, and I went out of the store.

I was limping, approaching the car because of the bags' weight. Kody did not even take the initiative to help me. Ah, true friends.

One day, some of my accidents are due to his negligence.

I know there is a crew who carries the bags for you, but I feel bad for them especially if I'm capable of doing it.

I opened the car trunk, and started to load the car up. Kody then went out of the car to help me.

"Let me help you with that," Kody said as he lifts the bag one by one, "was the queue that long?"

"No, it was not." I replied, wiping my sweat.

"Then what took you so long?" He asked, as he continued loading the car.

"The customers bought too much," I replied, using my hand as a fan, "and I had to bribe someone."

"Bribe?!" He bellowed, stopping the loading.

I sneered, "I mean I accommodated."

He glared at me as we walked inside the car, he can always smell the scent of lies.

"What did you do back there?" He inquired.

I shrugged, "I did nothing." I replied, "I just grabbed the milk."

"You did," he snapped, "from a stranger!"

I put my hands up, "Hold your horses officer and let me explain." I replied.

"She just watched it from a far, so I grabbed it." I added, "it's not my fault at all."

"She probably needed it more than you do," he said sympathetically, "There are lots of convenience store in Quezon."

"What do you want me to do?" I asked, "Do I return it to her?"

"She probably left already," he replied, "Just don't do it again."

"Wanna keep it?" I joked, "I paid for it."

"Of course not," he replied, "You technically stole it from someone."

"Be sensitive toward people's feelings," he replied, "A lot are hurting."

"Don't wait for them to blow up, and end up leaving you behind." he added.