
The Truth Untold.

A girl that has control over anything around her is what Lauren thinks she is. A brat is what others see her. But deep inside she wants some thrill in her life. Something that would make her excited to wake up every day just for it. One day, She knows she wants some thrill in life but she didn't expect it to turn out this way. The more she thought about it, The more she gets curious about what's inside Pandora's box.

Royal_mint · Urbain
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18 Chs

North Star

The sound of the waves is heard so was the rusting trees as the wind come, Making their clothes and hair fly.

They walk beside each other with a few inches apart. His hands on his pocket, While her hands on her arms to endure the cold.

Ethan remove the black polo and gave it to the brunette. "There, You might get a cold."

"Thanks." Lauren replied. Ethan look around. "Do you mind sitting at the sand?" He asked.

"Not at all." she answered. "Come on." Ethan grab her hands and pulled her at the sand near the water.

"The moon is shining so beautiful tonight." Lauren stated as she stare at the night sky.

Ethan look at her. "It sure is" He murmured.

Lauren turn to him, catching him looking at her. She chuckled. "I'm glad it's all over now."

Ethan turn to her. "What's over? " He asked. Lauren chuckled. "Our fight is over. We used to bicker all the time."

This time Ethan chuckled. "It's not like I'm the one who starts it." Lauren smacked his arm. "Here you again, I'm just stating facts here." He added. making her head shake in disbelief.

Lauren sighed. "What's with the sigh?" Ethan asked. She smiled and shake her head. "It's nothing."

Ethan look at her face by raising her chin. "How is that nothing?" He asked. Lauren hit his hand Making him let go. "Tss, don't touch me, Your hands are dirty."

"Excuse me? My hands are cleaner than yours! " Ethan exclaimed making both of them laugh.

"If I say my thoughts, would you help me organize them?" Lauren asked. The latter nodded.

"Okay, How did you meet my brother?" Lauren started. Ethan cleared his throat. "That's a long story, Princess."

Lauren smirked. "I have all night."

"Alright then, Once upon a time..." Ethan started with a tone of a story teller.

"It was 8 in the morning, My father told me to come and visit him at his office after breakfast. Since I have nothing to do. I obliged. I was on my way to his office when I bumped into a tall young handsome man in a brown suit."

"Wait... Did you just said my brother is handsome?" Lauren commented. "Yes, but My visuals are still higher than him." Ethan bragged.

"Tss! continue the story." Lauren hissed.

"I thought he was some kind of an employee because of his attire, Until my father introduced him to me. He was 16 that time while I'm 14. Young, right? " Lauren nodded.

"Soon, We became friends.. That's when I met Harris. He was the same age as me. Oh! We are at the states that time. " Ethan clarified.

"So you guys met due to family friends?" Lauren asked."Yep, If you're gonna think of it. It's been five years."

"How nice." Lauren complimented." No wonder my mom remember you. She probably saw you there." She added making Ethan stiff.

"Maybe those where the times I'm left inside my house."

"You see, I got involved by a car accident. After that accident, I barely remember things before that." Lauren got teary as she tell her story.

"I can't imagine myself forgetting almost everyone. Even my own family. I just remembered it when my father was already dead." This time her tears began to stream down her cheeks.

Ethan caress her back. "Hey, it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself. It's an accident."

Lauren turn her gaze at him. "Yeah, An accident that I barely remember how it happened." She sniffed.

Ethan sighed as he wipe her tears with her fingers. "Yah! I told you not to touch me!" Lauren exclaimed making him laugh.

Ethan look at the night sky. "You know sometimes it's better to not know at all, it lessens the pain. Sometimes, Knowing it all can kill you."

"My mom... She died when I was 10. She was suffering from a heart failure. I witness it all. Each day she became weaker. Each day that I have to endure seeing her suffer." Ethan's voice is slowly squeaking.

"Where is your dad?" She asked. Ethan let out a fake laugh. "He was busy with his business. I didn't bother to disturb him." He said in monotone.

Lauren nodded and remained silent. "You see, As much as I want to believe that everything happens for a reason? It's just making me insane. What's the reason behind my mom's death? Why does she have to die when he could?"

Lauren was able to see the real Ethan. The one who have anger in the world. But trying his best to understand. "Hey, Don't say that. I'm sure he has his reasons."

Ethan snorted. "Reasons? Like what? His money can't wait? What a waste!"

Lauren cupped his face to grab his attention. "I know how mad you are to him, But, I think it's better to just forget him. It's not like swearing at him can make any difference."

Ethan smiled. "Thanks for hearing me out." He stated earning him a gummy smile from the brunette. "I should be one saying that, Tan Tan."

The last two words made his heart stop so was his movement. "H-how..." He stuttered.

"Why? do you think I wouldn't know?"


He just finished washing up, Now he's leaning at the grills of the balcony as he stare at the night sky. "How beautiful." He blurted.

He turn his gaze to the door's direction, Revealing his secretary fixing her things. He decided to come closer. "Hey." He greeted.

"Hi, did you wash up?" Rachel replied the latter just nodded as a respond. "Whatcha doin?" He asked.

"I'm just checking on her, She said she'll be here tomorrow morning." Rachel stated. "I see. Are you gonna do something after this?" He asked.

"None, I guess, why?" Chris grabs her hand and dragged her outside the veranda. "Can you see the brightest star?" He asked.

"Which one?"

"It's right there, That star was the brightest. Did you know that people used to use it as a compass before?" Chris informed. Rachel shake her head.

"You see, The people believe that the north star can guide them wherever they go. Whatever happened as long as it's there. They can find their way home." He added.

Rachel was just silent staring at the star. While Chris is staring at her with a smile on his face.

He grabs her hands again, catching her attention. He moves closer as they made an eye contact.

"Rachel, I have it too. And that is you." Chris sincerely said, Making her in awe.

"You've been there when I don't have anyone beside me. You're there whenever I feel lost. You're my guide, Rachel. You're my north star."

Rachel was speechless. She doesn't know how to react with his confession. But one things for sure. She is happy.

"I know it's sudden, But... I've been wanting to tell you this. It's just the timing is always against me." Chris said that made her laugh.

Rachel smiled at him. "You see, I've been waiting for you to make the first move. I'm glad it finally came."

Confusion is written all over his face. "Hey, Stop it, weirdo." she let out a hearty laugh snapping him back to reality.

"Does this mean..."

"Yes, I like you too." Rachel confessed making him smile ear to ear. "I'm not dreaming right?" He asked.

Rachel shakes her head. "Nope, It's real. Wanna know how to prove it?"


Rachel cupped his face as she moves closer enclosing the gap between them. Her lips landed on his as it started to move against his which he soon followed.

The kiss is short yet sweet and passionate. "Now, Do you think this ain't real?" Rachel asked as she gasped for air, her forehead on his.

"Hmm, let me think... Maybe we need to do it one more time, just to be sure." Chris concluded making her shake her head in disbelief.

I have chills writing the last few paragraphs, Hope you like it and don't forget to vote and comment below. ^_^ ^_^

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