A girl that has control over anything around her is what Lauren thinks she is. A brat is what others see her. But deep inside she wants some thrill in her life. Something that would make her excited to wake up every day just for it. One day, She knows she wants some thrill in life but she didn't expect it to turn out this way. The more she thought about it, The more she gets curious about what's inside Pandora's box.
Chris stiffened, he didn't know how to reply, he even forgot to breathe that moment his secretary move closer to him.
Rachel is staring at him intently, and he can say that those eyes are the scariest thing for him.
"Ahhhh, it's um..." Chris murmured. "It's what?" Rachel impatiently asked.
"It's.." Chris was interrupted by a phone call, which he thanked silently as he took his phone from his coat's pocket.
Save by the bell...
"Hello, Kuya Leo." He asked the other line.
"Hi, Sir. Ethan's bike is ready, What should I do next? " Leo asked, revealing a sly grin from the young CEO.
" Tell them that it can't make it." Chris stated. "But, Sir. Wouldn't Miss Lauren notice? " Leo asked.
" Don't worry about my sister. Besides, it's not like it's her bike. " Chris assured him.
Leo agreed with what his boss said and ended the call.
"So.. you're playing with your sister again?" Rachel asked when Chris put down his phone.
This just made him happy that the topic has just flown.
"It's nothing serious, Rachel. I'm just getting back at her. " Chris assured her. " Is this what you're hiding? " She asked.
" Oh, yeah. I know you would scold me if you knew. " Chris nervously laughed.
"Yes, that's pretty childish of you." Rachel agreed.
"How can you say that with a straight face?" Chris asked making his secretary smirk.
"Oh come on, Chris. Playing with them behind their backs is obviously a child's plan. " Rachel mocked making him groan.
" Is it obvious that I did that?" He asked. Rachel turns to him. "Well... if they know you well, Yes."
Chris facepalmed out of embarrassment. "Next time you plan of paying back. Think a bit ... Mature. " Rachel teased as she gets her tablet.
"I know, you don't have to shove it my face." Chris said in defeat. Rachel just shrugged as a response.
"What happened that made you want to payback? Rachel asked, her gaze still at her tablet.
"She made me worried as hell yesterday, I almost call the SWAT just to find her." Chris replied making her snigger.
"Why are you laughing?" He irritatedly asked. "How long has she been gone?" Rachel asked this time looking at him.
"Ahhhh, maybe half or almost an hour." Chris guessed. " She's not even an hour late, yet you acted like that." Rachel chuckled.
"You know why I acted this way, Rachel. I can't afford to let that happen again. " Chris's expression became serious. Rachel cleared her throat and put down her tablet.
She stands up from her seat and walks closer to her boss.
"Yes, I'm sorry. I'm just messing with you." Rachel assured him with a smile. Chris looked at her and nod.
"But don't you think your payback is unfair?" Rachel asked as she sat at the side of the table." Why do you think so? " Chris asked back.
Rachel shrugged. "Well... first of all, it's not her bike. Second, I'm pretty sure that, the bike you meddle with is not just an ordinary bike. and third,... What's the catch?"
Chris chuckled at her last statement. " Right, I haven't told you. Ethan is back."
Rachel's eyes widen when she heard the name. "You mean.."
"Yes, He came back." Chris confirmed.
The squad is now outside the cafe. Ethan is still whining about why he needs to ride a bus again.
"Hahhaha, stop whining already, dummy. You won't die." Harris mocked earning him a death glare coming from Ethan.
" it would be easier if it's still day. It's freaking dark now. What if I get lost? or the driver drop me off somewhere?" Ethan whined making the others laugh even more.
"Stop laughing, it's not funny!" he exclaimed.
Allyson cleared her throat. "Alright, how about this. you ride with Gray. And I'll just come with Lauren." She suggested.
" Whaaat? why? " This time Harris complained.
"Come on, Gray. Walker looks like he's gonna cry." Lauren teased.
"What about you ladies?" Harris asked.
"Kuya Leo is gonna pick me up, I'll just bring Ally with me." Lauren explained.
Harris nodded as a response, he nudged Ethan and toss him the keys. "Start the ignition, you're driving." He stated.
"What?" Ethan can't believe he's being bullied the whole day.
"No buts, go" Harris replied as he shoos Ethan to his car. Having no choice to oblige, Ethan does what he's told.
"Awww, What a good boy." Allyson stated.
"Pfftt! Now he's a dog. " Lauren blurted, making them all laugh except Ethan of course.
" Tss! You guys just wait." Ethan thought of making a plans now of how to payback.
" Hey, dummy! Get inside before I leave you here." Ethan shouted to call Gray.
" Goodbye, Ladies!" Harris waved his goodbye to them as they did the same.
"Goodbye, drive safely." Allyson replied. Both of them nodded at the blonde's reminder.
"Don't forget to text us when you two get home, alright?" Harris also gave a reminder.
"Okay okay, you guys go already. Geez! This goodbye will never end." Lauren complained. Making them shake their head in disbelief.
"Alright, you ladies take care!" Gray said his last goodbye. Ethan closed his window so he won't say more.
The girls laughed because it caught Harris off guard making his head touch the roof of the car just to avoid the window.
The boys finally set their way leaving the girls with a smirk on their faces.
"I wonder what's Chris is doing right now." Lauren asked with a sly grin.
"Probably, celebrating his success of pissing you guys off." Allyson stated making the. both laugh.
"So... Is Kuya Leo really gonna pick us up?" Allyson asked, Lauren, shake her head to disagree. " Nope, it's already past 6 pm. so no."
"But you told them he will." Allyson stated. "Do you think Gray would let you off if he knew we will take the bus? " Lauren said making the blonde understand.
The blonde nodded as a response that she gets what she means. They agreed to go to the bus stop to wait for the next bus.
When they arrived at the bus stop, Lauren cussed when she remembered something.
"Fudge! I forgot that the bus is just till 6:30 pm." Lauren face-palmed. Allyson remains calm.
" Why are you still calm?" Lauren asked her. "Hmm, I don't know. I don't think there's something to be not calm about." She replied.
" What should we do? obviously, Chris won't pick us, up. " Lauren thought.
While Lauren was busy thinking about what to do, Allyson was just staring at the sky. doesn't even bother to care.
They have their different worlds when a Black Sedan stops in front of them. revealing a man in his hoodie. "Oh, What are you girls still doing here?" A familiar voice asked them, Making Allyson's eyes widen.
"Damien... "